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5月30日,第三届全国创新争先奖表彰名单公布。IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica和《自动化学报》的7名作者和审稿人获奖(名单如下,按姓氏笔画排序)。衷心祝贺获奖的各位专家!




















1. Y. Xu, Y. Yuan, Z. Wang, and X. L. Li, “Noncooperative model predictive game with Markov jump graph,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 931–944, Apr. 2023. 

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2023.123129 

> In this paper, the distributed stochastic model predictive control (MPC) is proposed for the noncooperative game problem of the discrete-time multi-player systems (MPSs) with the undirected Markov jump graph. To reflect the reality, the state and input constraints have been considered along with the external disturbances. An iterative algorithm is designed such that model predictive noncooperative game could converge to the so-called ε-Nash equilibrium in a distributed manner. Sufficient conditions are established to guarantee the convergence of the proposed algorithm. In addition, a set of easy-to-check conditions are provided to ensure the mean-square uniform bounded stability of the underlying MPSs. Finally, a numerical example on a group of spacecrafts is studied to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2. C. L. Du, F. B. Li, Y. Shi, C. H. Yang, and W. H. Gui, “Integral event-triggered attack-resilient control of aircraft-on-ground synergistic turning system with uncertain tire cornering stiffness,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1276–1287, May 2023. 

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2023.123480 

> This article proposes an integral-based event-triggered attack-resilient control method for the aircraft-on-ground (AoG) synergistic turning system with uncertain tire cornering stiffness under stochastic deception attacks. First, a novel AoG synergistic turning model is established with synergistic reverse steering of the front and main wheels to decrease the steering angle of the AoG fuselage, thus reducing the steady-state error when it follows a path with some large curvature. Considering that the tire cornering stiffness of the front and main wheels vary during steering, a dynamical observer is designed to adaptively identify them and estimate the system state at the same time. Then, an integral-based event-triggered mechanism (I-ETM) is synthesized to reduce the transmission frequency at the observer-to-controller end, where stochastic deception attacks may occur at any time with a stochastic probability. Moreover, an attack-resilient controller is designed to guarantee that the closed-loop system is robust L2L2-stable under stochastic attacks and external disturbances. A co-design method is provided to get feasible solutions for the observer, controller, and I-ETM simultaneously. An optimization program is further presented to make a tradeoff between the robustness of the control scheme and the saving of communication resources. Finally, the low- and high-probability stochastic deception attacks are considered in the simulations. The results have illustrated that the AoG synergistic turning system with the proposed control method follows a path with some large curvature well under stochastic deception attacks. Furthermore, compared with the static event-triggered mechanisms, the proposed I-ETM has demonstrated its superiority in saving communication resources.

3. C. H. Zhang and S. Liu, “Meta-energy: When integrated energy internet meets metaverse,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 580–583, Mar. 2023. 

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2023.123492


4. C. H. Zhang, L. Chang, L. T. Xing, and X. F. Zhang, “Fixed-time stabilization of a class of strict-feedback nonlinear systems via dynamic gain feedback control,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 403–410, Feb. 2023. 

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2023.123408 

> This paper presents a novel fixed-time stabilization control (FSC) method for a class of strict-feedback nonlinear systems involving unmodelled system dynamics. The key feature of the proposed method is the design of two dynamic parameters. Specifically, a set of auxiliary variables is first introduced through state transformation. These variables combine the original system states and the two introduced dynamic parameters, facilitating the closed-loop system stability analyses. Then, the two dynamic parameters are delicately designed by utilizing the Lyapunov method, ensuring that all the closed-loop system states are globally fixed-time stable. Compared with existing results, the “explosion of complexity” problem of backstepping control is avoided. Moreover, the two designed dynamic parameters are dependent on system states rather than a time-varying function, thus the proposed controller is still valid beyond the given fixed-time convergence instant. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through two practical systems.

5. K. L. Liu, Z. B. Wei, C. H. Zhang, Y. L. Shang, R. Teodorescu, and Q.-L. Han, “Towards long lifetime battery: AI-based manufacturing and management,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1139–1165, Jul. 2022. 

doi: 10.1109/JAS.2022.105599 

> Technologies that accelerate the delivery of reliable battery-based energy storage will not only contribute to decarbonization such as transportation electrification, smart grid, but also strengthen the battery supply chain. As battery inevitably ages with time, losing its capacity to store charge and deliver it efficiently. This directly affects battery safety and efficiency, making related health management necessary. Recent advancements in automation science and engineering raised interest in AI-based solutions to prolong battery lifetime from both manufacturing and management perspectives. This paper aims at presenting a critical review of the state-of-the-art AI-based manufacturing and management strategies towards long lifetime battery. First, AI-based battery manufacturing and smart battery to benefit battery health are showcased. Then the most adopted AI solutions for battery life diagnostic including state-of-health estimation and ageing prediction are reviewed with a discussion of their advantages and drawbacks. Efforts through designing suitable AI solutions to enhance battery longevity are also presented. Finally, the main challenges involved and potential strategies in this field are suggested. This work will inform insights into the feasible, advanced AI for the health-conscious manufacturing, control and optimization of battery on different technology readiness levels.

6. 于海斌,  曾鹏,  梁炜,  王忠锋,  刘阳,  许驰.  无线化工业控制系统: 架构、关键技术及应用.  自动化学报,  2023, 49(3): 540−549 doi:  10.16383/j.aas.c220571

> 大型生产设施的安全与能效监控, 迫切需要低功耗、高精度的泛在感知, 高实时、高可靠的无线传输以及动态灵活的生产管控. 为此, 本文首先提出一种扁平架构的无线化工业控制系统. 然后, 围绕感知、传输和控制等核心功能需求, 系统阐述了高实时高可靠的工业无线网络设计及其时−空−频三元联合调控方法, 感知终端的变周期精益采样和高能效精准时间同步方法, 以及管控平台的语义化互操作和赋时工作流模型等核心关键技术. 最后, 研发了面向石油高效采收和电网全域安全监测的无线化工业控制系统, 介绍了应用效果和成效.

7. 阳春华,  孙备,  李勇刚,  黄科科,  桂卫华.  复杂生产流程协同优化与智能控制.  自动化学报,  2023, 49(3): 528−539 doi:  10.16383/j.aas.c220737

我国流程行业原料来源复杂, 如何优化调控工艺指标使复杂生产流程适应原料波动, 是保障产品质量、降低物耗能耗的关键. 本文结合全流程、工序、反应器等不同生产层级的工艺特点, 系统研究复杂生产流程协同优化和智能控制方法. 针对全流程多工序关联的特点, 提出了操作模式优化方法和操作模式动态匹配的全流程多工序协同优化方法; 针对单元工序多反应器级联的特点, 分析了工序内不同反应器的物质转化效率差异, 提出了反应器指标梯度协同优化方法; 针对反应器多反应共存、工况多变的特点, 研究了基于完备状态空间的动态特性描述框架, 建立了竞争−促进反应体系机理模型, 提出了工况全覆盖的模型参数自主辨识方法和基于分工况智能综合调节的反应器操作参数精细化调控方法. 通过锌冶炼智能工厂建设案例阐述了所提方法在提高工艺原料适应能力、生产效率、质量稳定性等方面的成效. 最后, 结合我国流程行业智能化发展现状和需求, 分析了需进一步研究的问题.

8. 李繁飙,  杨皓月,  王鸿鑫,  阳春华,  廖力清.  基于干扰估计的非对称运动下飞机刹车系统模型预测控制.  自动化学报,  2022, 48(7): 1690−1703 doi:  10.16383/j.aas.c21085

针对飞机在非对称运动下的双侧机轮协调控制问题, 提出一种基于滑模干扰估计的模型预测控制方法. 首先, 通过对飞机制动过程横纵方向力矩机理分析并分别考虑左右机轮对刹车性能的影响, 建立全面刻画系统动态的地面滑跑动力学模型. 在此基础上, 设计滑模观测器对侧风干扰进行实时估计, 利用补偿机制实现对侧风扰动的有效抑制. 此外, 提出基于前轮荷载状态门限特征和结合系数阈值范围特征的分析方法, 解决切换跑道环境辨识问题. 设计非线性模型预测算法, 实现飞机纵向防滑刹车和横向跑道纠偏的协调控制. 最后, 在侧风干扰、跑道切换以及不对称着陆等情况下进行仿真实验, 验证了所提出的控制策略能够有效提升刹车系统的防滑效率及纠偏性能.

9. 林鹏,  田宇,  袁志明,  张琦,  董海荣,  宋海锋,  阳春华.  高速铁路信号系统运维分层架构模型研究.  自动化学报,  2022,  48(1): 152−161 doi:  10.16383/j.aas.c210109

高速铁路信号系统是高速铁路安全可靠运营的核心装备, 实现高速铁路信号系统智能运维是降低高速铁路运行风险的必要基础保障. 目前, 我国高速铁路信号系统运维研究工作主要集中于器件级系统或基本单元系统, 系统层面的相关研究几乎为空白, 亟需从整体上建立全局架构理论模型. 为此, 定义了关联信号系统, 提出了分散式动态评估函数, 将动态调度纳入运维体系, 构建了分层架构模型. 在此基础上, 针对分层架构模型的决策层和关联信号层, 提出了动态定量评估、动态风险预警和故障诊断的研究方法, 并展望了所面临的挑战.

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