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提高性能和延长寿命——科学家解开电池之谜 精选

已有 4968 次阅读 2023-5-5 09:47 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:论文交流




KIT researchers used simulations to characterize the formation of the solid electrolyte interphase. Credit: Christine Heinrich

据德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology简称KIT202354日提供的消息,科学家解开了提高电池的性能和延长电池的寿命之谜(Improving Performance and Lifetime – Scientists Solve Battery Mystery)。KIT的研究人员描述了发生在锂离子电池电极上的化学过程。

锂离子电池已经成为我们日常生活的重要组成部分,它们的功能得益于在初始充电周期中形成的钝化层。通过模拟,卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)的研究人员发现,固体电解质界面并不直接在电极上形成,而是在溶液中积累。相关研究结果于2023217日已经在《先进能源材料》(Advanced Energy Materials)杂志网站发表——Meysam EsmaeilpourSaibal JanaHongjiao LiMohammad SoleymanibrojeniWolfgang Wenzel. A Solution-Mediated Pathway for the Growth of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials, First published: 17 February 2023. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202203966. https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202203966.此研究结果为优化未来电池的性能和寿命铺平了道路。

从智能手机到电动汽车,只要需要移动能源,几乎都是锂离子电池来完成这项工作。这种和其他液体电解质电池可靠功能的一个重要组成部分是固体电解质界面(solid electrolyte interphase简称SEI)。这种钝化层在第一次施加电压时形成。电解液在靠近表面的地方被分解。

到目前为止,由于分解反应只能在距离电极表面几纳米的范围内进行,因此尚不清楚电解质中的颗粒是如何在电极表面形成高达100 nm厚的层的。



作为“欧盟倡议电池2030+(EU Initiative BATTERY 2030+)的一部分,KIT纳米技术研究所(Institute of Nanotechnology简称INT)的研究人员现在成功地用多尺度方法表征了SEI的形成。INT多尺度材料建模和虚拟设计(“Multiscale Materials Modelling and Virtual Design“ at INT)研究小组主任沃尔夫冈·温泽尔(Wolfgang Wenzel)教授说:“这解决了所有液体电解质电池,尤其是我们每天都在使用的锂离子电池的重要组成部分的一个巨大谜团。”该小组参与了大规模的欧洲研究计划“电池2030+”(BATTERY 2030+),旨在为未来开发安全、负担得起、持久、可持续的高性能电池。

超过5万次不同反应条件的模拟(More than 50000 Simulations for Different Reaction Conditions



INT博士后、该研究的作者之一赛拜尔·亚纳(Saibal Jana)博士解释说:“我们能够确定决定SEI厚度的关键反应参数。这将有助于未来开发电解质和合适的添加剂,以控制SEI的性能,并优化电池的性能和寿命。”

该项目得到了欧盟地平线2020研究与创新计划(European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No. 957189)的资助。该项目也是大型欧洲研究计划BATTERY 2030+的一部分,此计划旨在发明未来的可持续电池。



Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are a widely used battery technology. During the initial LIB cycle, a passivation layer, called the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), forms on the anode surface, which plays a crucial role in the performance and long-term cyclability of LIBs. The overall mesoscale mechanisms of SEI formation and its composition remain elusive both in experimental and computational approaches. Here a multiscale approach to comprehensively characterize the growth and composition of the SEI based on a chemistry-specific reaction network is presented. Generating an ensemble of over 50000 simulations representing different reaction conditions, it is found that the organic SEI forms and grows in a solution-mediated pathway by aggregation of SEI precursors far away from the surface via a nucleation process. The subsequent rapid growth of these nuclei leads to the formation of a porous layer that eventually covers the surface. This finding offers a solution to the paradoxical situation that SEI constituents can form only near the surface, where electrons are available, but does not stop growing when this narrow region is covered. The study is able to identify the key reaction parameters that determine SEI thickness, which pave the way to optimize battery performance and lifetime.


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