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西中研究人员合作发现唐氏综合症患者自发性大脑活动的差异 精选

已有 4032 次阅读 2022-12-14 20:44 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯



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From left to right: Maribel Peró, Cristina Cañete and Joan Guàrdia.

据西班牙巴塞罗那大学(University of Barcelona简称UB) 20221213日报道,西中研究人员合作发现唐氏综合症患者自发性大脑活动的差异Researchers identify differences in the spontaneous brain activity in people with Down syndrome)。

巴塞罗那大学心理学学院(Faculty of Psychology)、神经科学研究所 (Institute of Neurosciences简称UBNeuro) 和复杂系统研究所 (Institute of Complex Systems简称UBICS) 的研究人员与中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences简称CAS)的研究人员合作,使用功能性磁共振技术,确定了患有唐氏综合症 (Down syndrome简称DS) 的人与一般人群相比大脑在静息状态下自发活动的差异。此外,这些变化可能与认知技能有关。相关研究结果于2022914日已经在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)杂志网站发表——Cristina Cañete-Massé, Maria Carbó-Carreté, Maribel Peró-Cebollero, Shi-Xian Cui, Chao-Gan Yan, Joan Guàrdia-Olmos. Altered spontaneous brain activity in Down syndrome and its relation with cognitive outcome. Scientific Reports, Published: 14 September 2022, Volume 12, Article number: 15410. DOI: 10.1038/s41598’022 -19627-1. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-19627-1

参与此项研究的除了来自西班牙巴塞罗那大学Universitat de Barcelona)的研究人员之外,还有来自中国科学院心理学研究所(Institute of Psychology, CAS, Beijing, China)、中国科学院国际抑郁症研究大数据中心(International Big-Data Center for Depression Research, CAS, Beijing, China)以及中国科学院大学中丹教育研究中心中丹学院(Sino-Danish College, Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)的研究人员。


阿尔茨海默病对唐氏综合症的影响(Impact of Alzheimer’s disease on Down syndrome

唐氏综合症是神经发育迟缓最常见的遗传原因,每700个新生儿中就有一个受到影响。这些人的预期寿命在过去几年中显著增加,但随着这种增加,研究人员发现由于阿尔茨海默氏病等疾病导致的合并症增加。由于唐氏综合症中阿尔茨海默病的高发病率,这一人群提供了一个难得的机会来了解这种痴呆症的暂时进展、影响发病年龄的不同方面,并将此知识应用于普通人群 UB社会心理学和定量心理学系(Department of Social Psychology and Quantitative Psychology of the UB)教授琼·瓜迪亚(Joan Guàrdia)指出。

该研究使用功能性磁共振技术比较了18DS患者和来自对照组的18人的静息状态大脑信号,这是一种可以评估基础大脑功能并用于发现组间差异的研究。在这个范例中,他们结合了两种基于不同信息的分析技术。一方面是测量局部自发活动的fALFF,另一方面是估计大脑区域异常的ReHo分析。当我们没有研究或假设可以指导我们的研究时,这些工具特别有用,就像在这种情况下,很少有研究使用这些技术关注整个大脑,克里斯蒂娜·卡涅特(Cristina Cañete)指出。


与认知技能的惊人联系(A shocking connection to cognitive skills

结果确定了DS患者和对照组之间表现出不同自发活动的大脑区域,例如额叶(frontal lobe)和颞叶(temporal lobe)。这两项与执行和言语功能以及记忆相关,是DS患者发生很大变化的功能。这些数据是通过对参与者进行认知测试(包括语言流畅性测试)获得的。研究人员指出:最令人震惊的结果是我们发现差异区域的激活与认知测试之间存在密切联系。

鉴于这些结果,研究团队面临的挑战之一是了解这些变异发生的原因,以及它们以何种方式影响该综合症的神经病理学特征。这些区域在该综合症中似乎是必不可少的,可能与大脑结构差异、这些区域的功能有关,这些区域在患有唐氏综合症的人群中受到影响,或者在这个人群中,甚至可能与典型的阿尔茨海默病的淀粉样斑块(amyloid plaques)的早期积累有关,克里斯蒂娜·卡涅特指出。


本研究由西班牙科学、创新和大学部资助(Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities: PGC2018-095829-B-I00)



Although Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of neurodevelopmental delay, few neuroimaging studies have explored this population. This investigation aimed to study whole-brain resting-state spontaneous brain activity using fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (fALFF) and regional homogeneity (ReHo) strategies to find differences in spontaneous brain activity among young people with DS and controls and to correlate these results with cognitive outcomes. The sample comprised 18 persons with DS (age mean = 28.67, standard deviation = 4.18) and 18 controls (age mean = 28.56, standard deviation = 4.26). fALFF and ReHo analyses were performed, and the results were correlated with other cognitive variables also collected (KBIT-2 and verbal fluency test). Increased activity was found in DS using fALFF in areas involving the frontal and temporal lobes and left cerebellum anterior lobe. Decreased activity in DS was found in the left parietal and occipital lobe, the left limbic lobe and the left cerebellum posterior lobe. ReHo analysis showed increased activity in certain DS areas of the left frontal lobe and left rectus, as well as the inferior temporal lobe. The areas with decreased activity in the DS participants were regions of the frontal lobe and the right limbic lobe. Altered fALFF and ReHo were found in the DS population, and this alteration could predict the cognitive abilities of the participants. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore regional spontaneous brain activity in a population with DS. Moreover, this study suggests the possibility of using fALFF and ReHo as biomarkers of cognitive function, which is highly important given the difficulties in cognitively evaluating this population to assess dementia. More research is needed, however, to demonstrate its utility.


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