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已有 2691 次阅读 2022-12-9 13:38 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯



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Fig. 1 Only a few viruses make it to the innermost layer of a fabric mask. The picture shows a textile fiber with salt crystals (light blue) and viruses about 100 nanometers in size (green). (Scanning electron microscopy, colored) Image: Empa


Fig. 2 The new method is a fluorescent approach to detect viral disintegration caused by antiviral materials. Illustration: Scientific Reports / Empa


Fig. 3 Empa scientist Peter Wick: ’The new process can accelerate the development of virus-killing surfaces’ . Image: Empa

据瑞士联邦材料科学与技术研究所(EMPA :德语全称为Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt/英文全称为Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)网站2022128日报道,EMPA的研究人员与瑞士伯尔尼大学(University of Bern, Switzerland)、荷兰(Mymetics BV, 2333 CH Leiden, The Netherlands)等研究人员合作,使用一种新的分析方法追踪了病毒穿过口罩的过程,并比较了它们在不同类型口罩的过滤层上的失效情况(Watching viruses fail)。该团队的相关研究结果于202278日已经在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)杂志网站发表—— Lea A. Furer, Pietro Clement, Gordon Herwig, René M. Rossi, Farien Bhoelan, MarioAmacker, Toon Stegmann, Tina Buerki‑Thurnherr, Peter Wick. A novel inactivated virus system (InViS) for a fast and inexpensive assessment of viral disintegration. Scientifc Reports, 2022 July 8; 12(1): 11583. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-15471-5. https://plus.empa.ch/images/scientificreports-wick-2022.pdf

此文中写道,这种新方法现在应该会加速可以杀死病毒的表面的开发。上述图1Fig. 1)是扫描电子显微镜的彩色照片,只有少数病毒能够到达织物口罩的最内层。图为带有盐晶体(淡蓝色)和大约100 nm大小的病毒(绿色)。


现在研究人员更进一步:使用透射电子显微镜拍摄的图像显示,一些病毒颗粒设法进入口罩靠近面部的最内层。但是,图像并不总能揭示这些病毒是否仍然具有传染性,位于圣加仑的 EMPA的粒子生物学相互作用实验室(Empa’s Particles-Biology Interactions lab in St. Gallen)的彼得·维克(Peter Wick)说。研究人员的目标:他们想找出在液滴感染期间病毒颗粒在多层面罩内的确切位置,以及哪些面罩组件应该更有效。我们需要新的分析方法来准确了解新开发技术(例如杀病毒涂层)的保护功能,圣加仑仿生膜和纺织品实验室(Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles lab in St. Gallen)的 EMPA研究者勒内·罗西(René Rossi)说。

新方法是一种荧光方法,用于检测由抗病毒材料引起的病毒解体(见图2所示)。毕竟,这恰恰是 ReMask 项目(ReMask project)的目标之一,研究、行业和医疗保健专家正在与 EMPA合作抗击大流行病,以开发更好、更舒适和更可持续的口罩的新概念。

新工艺依赖于一种罗丹明 R18rhodamine R18)的染料,它会发出彩色光。使用无害、灭活的测试病毒,与R18偶联,从而成为垂死的美人:一旦被破坏就会发光。当病毒被杀死时,荧光会可靠、快速且廉价地指示出来,彼得·维克说。

根据口罩层发光的强度,研究小组发现,对于织物口罩和卫生口罩,大多数病毒会在口罩内外层之间的中间层失效。在FFP2口罩(FFP2 masks)中,六层中的第三层最亮——同样,中间层捕获了特别大量的病毒。研究人员在《科学报告》(Scientifc Reports,)杂志上发表了他们的发现,这些发现现在可用于优化口罩。





The COVID–19 pandemic has caused considerable interest worldwide in antiviral surfaces, and there has been a dramatic increase in the research and development of innovative material systems to reduce virus transmission in the past few years. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) norms 18,184 and 21,702 are two standard methods to characterize the antiviral properties of porous and non-porous surfaces. However, during the last years of the pandemic, a need for faster and inexpensive characterization of antiviral material was identifed. Therefore, a complementary method based on an Inactivated Virus System (InViS) was developed to facilitate the early-stage development of antiviral technologies and quality surveillance of the production of antiviral materials safely and efciently. The InViS is loaded with a self-quenched fuorescent dye that produces a measurable increase in fuorescence when the viral envelope disintegrates. In the present work, the sensitivity of InViS to viral disintegration by known antiviral agents is demonstrated and its potential to characterize novel materials and surfaces is explored. Finally, the InViS is used to determine the fate of viral particles within facemasks layers, rendering it an interesting tool to support the development of antiviral surface systems for technical and medical applications.


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