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已有 2789 次阅读 2022-12-3 11:14 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:科普集锦

What If Every Electron Is the Same Electron?

A vaguely plausible thought experiment posits that every electron is one electron moving back and forth through time.

如果每个电子都是同一个电子呢? 一个貌似合理的思想实验假设每个电子都是一个在时间中来回移动的电子。

 Here's a question you've probably never considered: Why are all electrons the same? Every electron in the universe has exactly the same mass, exactly the same charge, and if you think about it, there's no reason why they'd have to be.

 In 1940, physicist John Wheeler came up with a novel new theory that might explain why all electrons are identical. According to him, the reason that every electron is the same is because every electron is the same electron.

这里有一个你可能从未考虑过的问题:为什么所有的电子都是一样的?宇宙中的每个电子都有完全相同的质量,完全相同的电荷,如果你仔细想想,它们没有理由一定是这样。 1940年,物理学家约翰·惠勒提出了一个新颖的新理论,可以解释为什么所有的电子都是相同的。根据他的说法,每个电子都相同的原因是因为每个电子都是相同的电子。

 There's a lot of complicated physics involved, but simply put: Ot might be possible that every electron in the universe is the same electron, bouncing backward and forward in time. Just as an electron can be bounced around in space when hit with light, there might be a way to bounce an electron backward in time.


 If that's the case, then there's another consequence of this theory: Electrons moving backwards in time are positrons, the antimatter component of electrons. Not only are all electrons the same electron, but all positrons are also the same electron moving backward.


This is an interesting idea, but it's far from proven. There are plenty of problems, such as why there are so many more electrons than positrons or why there are the number of electrons there are. After all, if a single electron can bounce backward and forward through time forever, why aren't there an infinite number of electrons?


But if it is true, what else might it mean? Perhaps every other particle, from protons to neutrons to exotic particles like neutrinos, is all just one particle bouncing back and forth through time. That would mean that not only are we all made of the same kinds of stuff, but in fact each of us is made using just one proton, neutron, and electron.

Of course, it might not be true at all, but what if it is?

但如果这是真的,那还意味着什么呢?也许每一个其他的粒子,从质子到中子,再到像中微子这样的奇异粒子,都只是一个在时间中来回跳动的粒子。这将意味着,不仅我们都是由同种物质构成的,而且事实上我们每个人都是由一个质子、中子和电子构成的。 当然,这可能根本不是真的,但如果是真的呢?


Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Chemistry Student Book


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