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SCI投稿之投稿后作者要更改或增加署名 精选

已有 7300 次阅读 2022-7-26 10:40 |系统分类:论文交流

文章投稿后因某些原因需要更改或增加署名, 这种情况应该如何谨慎处理呢?申请了之后,杂志社是会同意还是会不同意因此拒稿呢?下面就和大家分享这种情况三类通常的处理方式。


杂志官网针对更改或增加署名的请求有明确说明需要作者如何处理,按稿约要求处理即可。如 BMC 系列杂志,官网里面明确写明“Authors wishing to make changes to authorship will be asked to complete our change of authorship form. Please note that changes to authorship cannot be made after acceptance of a manuscript.” (https://www.biomedcentral.com/getpublished/editorial-policies#authorship) 只要有合适的理由,且所有作者签署完成 Change of authorship form(作者署名变更表),BMC 系列杂志在接受前是可以修改作者信息的。本文来源美捷登,如需转载请联系美捷登授权,并注明来源美捷登

方医生(化名)的文稿投稿 BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders(ISSN: 1471-2474)被修回后, 因为某些原因要调整作者信息,删减两位作者,增加一位作者。因 BMC 系列杂志修改作者按稿约中要求处理即可,所以修回杂志社之前作者直接填写了一份 Change of authorship form,里面详细写明了作者变更原因,所有涉及到的作者也都有签字同意。修回杂志社的时候将该签字文件一并提交给了杂志社,目前该篇文章已被该杂志接受。 本文来源美捷登,如需转载请联系美捷登授权,并注明来源美捷登

BMC 系列以外也有类似操作的杂志,如 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry。


李医生(化名)的文稿投稿 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry(ISSN: 0730-2312)被修回后,作者因为某些原因需要新增一位共同一作,查看了杂志官网, 关于 Correction to authorship( 修改作者信息 ) 有详细说明:In accordance with Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines on Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics (https://authorservices.wiley.com/ ethics-guidelines/index.html#5) and the Committee on Publication Ethics’ guidance (https://publicationethics.org/authorship), Journal of Cellular Biochemistry will allow authors to correct authorship on a submitted, accepted, or published article if a valid reason exists to do so. All authors – including those to be added or removed – must agree to any proposed change. To request a change to the author list, please complete the Request for Changes to a Journal Article Author List Form (https://authorservices.wiley. com/asset/Authorship-change-form_AS.pdf) and contact either the journal’s editorial or production office, depending on the status of the article. Authorship changes will not be considered without a fully completed Author Change form. 因而作者按要求签署完成了 Request for Changes to a Journal Article Author List Form,说明了新增作者在修回阶段所做的贡献,系统提交后杂志社没有提出疑问,目前该篇文章已被该杂志接受。


杂志官网针对更改或增加署名没有明确说明该如何处理,则修回杂志社的时候在 Cover letter 里说明清楚作者的变更及理由(如有新增作者说明该作者在修回阶段对文稿所做贡献),之后杂志社会来信告知具体需要如何处理,按照杂志社要求提供相关资料发回即可。 

王医生(化名)的文稿投稿 Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis (ISSN: 0887-8013) 被修回后,作者因为某些原因文章第二作者需要删掉。(本文来源美捷登,如需转载请联系美捷登授权,并注明来源美捷登)由于没有在该杂志网站看到具体修改作者信息的操作,所以在修回杂志社的时候,作者在 Cover letter 中做了详细说明,提交后收到杂志社的信件“Your manuscript has been unsubmitted for the following reasons: It seems that an author has been removed between revisions. Please contact us to clarify the reason(s) for the change in authorship. Please also ask all the authors to contact us individually and give their consent to the removal of an author.”,因此通讯作者回信解释了删除作者的原因,并请各位作者单独给杂志社去信表示同意删除该作者。之后杂志社又给作者发了一份 Authorship-change form 要求所有作者签署后通过系统提交,提交后该文章被该杂志接受了。 

张医生(化名)的文稿投稿 Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes(ISSN: 0145-479X)修 回 后,作者因为某些原因需要新增一位第三作者,由于没有在该杂志网站看到具体修改作者信息的操作, 所以在修回杂志社的时候,作者在 Cover letter 中做了详细说明,提交后收到杂志社的信件“During the initial check we have noticed a discrepancy in the authors list between the previous version and this version. Could you please clarify this change, and also let us know if all co-authors are aware of this? Please fill in the attached form and upload it together with your revision. Please note that all contributing authors should sign the form.”之后请所有作者按要求签署完成 Change of authorship request form,系统提交后杂志社没有提出进一步疑问,但很遗憾该文章因最终审稿意见不太乐观被拒稿了。

杂志官网针对更改或增加署名没有明确说明该如何处理,则修回杂志社的时候在 Cover letter 里说明清楚作者的变更及理由,如有新增作者需说明该作者在修回阶段对文稿所做贡献。但是有的杂志社不接受更改作者,文章可能会被直接拒稿。针对这类杂志,如果想更改作者,作者就需要谨慎小心了。


刘医生(化名)的文稿投稿 Annals of Medicine(ISSN: 0785-3890)被修回后,作者因为某些原因需要新增一位第三作者,由于没有在该杂志网站看到具 体修改作者信息的操作,所以在修回杂志社的时候, 作者在 Cover letter 中做了详细说明,但很遗憾文章因此被拒稿了,杂志社意见“We received the second round reviewer comments and read your rebuttal letter together with the revised manuscript. We noticed that you added a new co-author to your manuscript after the first round of peer review process. This lead us to in-house evaluation as well as consultation with the ICMJE recommendations (www.icmje.org) to reconsider your submission. Therefore, as the outcome, I regret to inform you that we cannot consider your manuscript for publication in Annals of Medicine. Thank you for allowing us to review this work. I very much regret that the decision was a negative one.”该杂志并没有给作者继续解释及填写更改作者信息表的机会。 本文出自美捷登,如需转载请联系我们授权,并注明来源美捷登

以上是和大家分享的几类更改或增加署名常见处理方式及结局。大家可以看到,投稿后如果要更改或增加署名,杂志社一般不会直接同意,不同杂志对此的处理方式及态度不一,且一般文章接受后大多数杂志是不允许作者更改或增加署名的。因此 也提醒大家最好能在投稿前确定好作者署名及顺序,在投稿后尽量不要再做修改。

国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE; http://www.icmje.org/)明确定义了Authorship Criteria(作者标准),即作为文章作者需要满足的条件,SCI 期刊也遵循此准则。Authorship should be given upon meeting all 4 of the following criteria proposed (verbatim) by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE; http://www.icmje.org/): 

(1) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; 

(2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 

(3) Final approval of the version to be published; 

(4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. 

文章在署名的时候,作者需要确认是否每位作者都同时满足如上 4 点达到了作为作者的要求,若没有则需要考虑将该作者放到 Acknowledgments(致谢)部分。




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