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高中生开发了一种廉价的过滤器来去除自来水中的铅 精选

已有 7367 次阅读 2022-3-24 09:30 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:海外观察




High schoolers developed a filter (the inside of which is shown here) that attaches to a faucet and removes lead from tap water. Credit: Rebecca Bushway

据美国化学会(American Chemical Society简称ACS2022323日报道,高中生开发出了一种廉价的过滤器来去除自来水中的铅(High schoolers develop an inexpensive filter to remove lead from tap water)。

下一代的科学家和发明家已经在寻找解决社会问题的方法。今天(2022323日),一群高中生和他们的老师报告了一种解决饮用水中铅污染问题的方法一种廉价的水龙头,可以去除这种有毒金属。与目前市场上的传统滤水器不同,他们的滤水器包括一个由可生物降解塑料制成的滤筒,当它“用完”时,就会把自来水变成黄色。研究人员在2022323日的美国化学学会(ACS)环境化学分会(Division of Environmental Chemistry)春季会议上介绍他们的研究结果——Ms. Rebecca Bushway, M.ScPresenter. 3644068 - Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. 07:00pm - 09:00pm USA / Canada – PacificDivision of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society - March 23, 2022 | Location: Virtual Room.

这个项目的首席研究者丽贝卡·布什维(Rebecca Bushway)说:“几年前,我看到一个视频,一个密歇根(Michigan)的女人打开她的自来水(tap water),出来的水是棕色的。这让我想,因为饮用水中真的没有安全的铅含量,如果有一个滤水器( water filter),在水因为铅变成棕色之前,就能告诉你水被污染了,不是很好吗? 是丽贝卡·布什维在会上介绍了他们的这项工作。



丽贝卡·布什维是巴里中学和高中(Barrie Middle and Upper School)的一名科学老师,她在高中高年级的化学课上发自肺腑地大声疾呼,是否有一种类似于露营时用来净化水的那种小过滤器,他们可以用便宜的成分制成,从而很容易地去除饮用水中铅。学生们对老师的这个想法很兴奋,他们在2020年开始考虑这个项目,当时由于新冠疫情的限制,虽然他们无法进入教室。但在家里,该团队进行了虚拟会面,讨论了将过滤器拧到水槽水龙头上的附件设计。然后在2021年春季学期,当他们回到教室时,他们3D打印了附件和一个3英寸高的过滤器外壳,使用了一种生物可降解塑料。他们的最后一步是将磷酸钙(calcium phosphate)和碘化钾(potassium iodide)粉末的混合物填满管筒。


虽然水的化学成分本身很简单,但要想让水过滤系统达到研究人员的预期,则要复杂得多。例如,磷酸钙(calcium phosphate)倾向于聚集,导致两者之间的反应速率降低,导致表面积减小。因此,该团队的首席学生工程师在过滤器内部安装了六边形斜面。丽贝卡·布什维说:“这是一项创新,来自一名高中生(high school students),它将使水在经过时呈螺旋状,并防止粉末结块。”





EPA confirms filters reduce lead in Michigan city's water

More information: ACS Spring 2022,acs.digitellinc.com/acs/live/22/page/677

Water Sustainability is Our Common Bond:

07:00pm - 09:00pm USA / Canada - Pacific - March 23, 2022 | Location: Virtual Room

Satinder Ahuja, Organizer

Division: [ENVR] Division of Environmental Chemistry

Session Type: Poster - Virtual

Division/Committee: [ENVR] Division of Environmental Chemistry 

Unknown contaminants are of great concern because they can get into our drinking water from a variety of sources, including wastewater that is not adequately treated. In the U.S., more than 1.5 million people can receive drinking water that is tainted with crude oil, diesel fuel, algal toxins, pharmaceuticals such as endocrine disruptors (EDC), and personal-care product residues. The universe of potential EDCs is ever expanding as new pesticides and pharmaceuticals constantly enter the marketplace. The monumental tasks of prioritizing the backlog of compounds to be assessed and the reduction of their release into the environment are essential. Drinking water quality is greatly affected by catastrophes such as spillage of chemicals like 4-methylcyclohexane methanol (MCHM), lead contamination via lead-containing pipelines, and elevated levels of benzene in drinking water following a major oil spill into the Yellowstone River. In addition, a multitude of micro-pollutants, for example, microplastics that are improperly controlled, waste from various industries, microcystines, disinfection by-products, pharmaceutical and personal care product chemicals adversely affect the water quality. Many of these contaminants have the potential to cause serious health problems. Their occurrence, contamination levels, and control measures must be well-understood. Presentations will focus on these issues and steps that must be taken to sustain water quality. 

3644068 - Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink

07:00pm - 09:00pm USA / Canada - Pacific - March 23, 2022 | Location: Virtual Room

Ms. Rebecca Bushway, M.ScPresenter

Division: [ENVR] Division of Environmental Chemistry

Session Type: Poster - Virtual


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