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已有 1123 次阅读 2021-6-18 22:16 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为美国东北大学(作者:Anupama Jagannathan)的博士论文,共142页。








In the context of recognition of free-formobjects, which are characterized by range sensorgenerated 3D point clouds, thisdissertation addresses two fundamental issues (1) segmentation of surfacemeshes constructed over the input point clouds, (2) determination ofcorrespondence between the Scene and Model point clouds. Many existingrecognition systems require uniform sampling of the Model and the Scene or theyassume that these point clouds overlap. This dissertation describes thesolutions to the segmentation and correspondence problems without resorting toany of these restrictive assumptions. Mesh segmentation is an important steptoward deriving an efficient representation of the underlying object and ischallenging due to noisy input data. In the proposed approach, curvedness,which is a rotation and translation invariant shape descriptor, is computed atevery vertex in the input mesh. Iterative graph dilation and morphologicalfiltering of the outlier curvedness values result in multiple, disjoint sub-meshescorresponding to the physical parts of the underlying object. Results indicatethat the algorithm compares well with the existing state-of-the-art approachesand it provides robust segmentations in the presence of noise. The secondcontribution of this thesis is toward the determination of a one-to-onecorrespondence between the Scene and the Model point clouds during recognition,when the cardinalities of the two point sets are orders of magnitude different.Formulations for graph enthalpy and the Gibbs free energy capture thestructural nuances between a pair of graphs and the spatial differences betweenthe underlying point sets. The desired correspondence is obtained by tackling asequence of inexact graph matching problems that optimizes the Gibbs freeenergy. Results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms many existingstate-of-the-art graph matching algorithms in dealing with clutter and noise.The third contribution of this thesis aims at reducing the computational andstorage burden to enable real-time recognition. A graph-based mesh decimationalgorithm is proposed to obtain shape-preserving coarser approximations of ahighly detailed 3D surface mesh. A degradation metric is then derived to linkhierarchical decimation with the multi-scale correspondence.


1.  引言

2. 相关工作与技术背景

3. 从非流形到流形表面的转换

4. 面向对象表示的网格分割

5. 图论和热力学框架下的点云匹配

6. 多尺度对应的分层网格抽取

7. 结论与展望



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