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God! You see, the bud is out of the ground

已有 2289 次阅读 2020-6-7 10:37 |个人分类:潘学峰诗选|系统分类:诗词雅集

God! You see, the bud is out of the ground 

By Xuefeng  Pan

God! You see, the bud is out of the ground           
It looks so fresh, joyful, warm, and friendly,            
For the first time meeting with the bright sun
The azure sky, white clouds, and birds flying,
It's happy, it's smiling and singing...
Extracting the vapor slowly gathering,
Moistening and cooling the leaves           

God! it's no need to forecast the days
When heavy rain, hail, fog...come over
There surely should have many moments           
That the bud has to meet
But, we trust in your name that it bears
And survives any harms by smart avoiding,
Or by bravely facing...            

The tenacity of life has been lamenting
Since ancient times, so don't worry! 
It's weak though, it will go through all
Moments with sunlights, smoke, haze,
Wind, and rainstorm...
To harvest fruits, and become tall


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