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已有 2883 次阅读 2018-11-11 11:24 |系统分类:科研笔记| 安全文化学


 Safety culturology: A new and important branch of safety science




(中南大学 资源与安全工程学院/安全理论创新与促进研究中心,湖南长沙 410083)


   今年10月份,我们在安全文化的源头领域,即核领域的国际著名期刊《Progress in Nuclear Energy》发表题为《Safety culture development, research, and implementation in China: An overview(中国的安全文化发展、研究和实施)》的综述文章(具体文章信息:Bing Wang, Chao Wu. Safety culture development, research, and implementation in China: An overview [J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 110, January 2019, Pages 289-300.)。算是我们这几年的安全文化学研究也回到了最初的原点——核领域,哈哈!

   这篇文章看似是一篇综述文章,但对国外读者完全是一篇全新文章,因为据我所知,这是第一篇介绍中国安全文化研究与实践的英文文章。其实,就推动科学传播和发展而言,二次文献非常重要,不能忽略,它不仅信息量大,而且理清楚某一领域研究发展的来龙去脉,且带有一定评述。但就我们而言,这篇最重要的意义是将我们近年来的数十篇系列安全文化学研究的中文论文,特别是2018年我们出版的50万余字的首部以“安全文化学”命名的中文学术专著《安全文化学》(单独列入一节专门介绍“安全文化学”研究)。可以说,通过探索,我们创建了安全文化学学科理论体系。我想,英文学术概念“Safety culturology”及其定义也是这篇文章首提。下面仅摘录这部分内容,感兴趣的读者请下载阅读全文。


As mentioned in Section 2.2, in the China’s Classification and Code of Disciplines (GB/T 13745–2009) (General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC, and Standardization Administration of the PRC, 2009), safety culturology was proposed and listed as an important branch of the primary discipline of safety science and technology, which was reported for the first time as per our knowledge. Since then, safety culturology or safety culture was gradually made a part of safety science education. Some scholars, especially we have carried out a series of studies on safety culturology (e.g., Wang and Wu, 2017a, 2017b, 2018a, 2018b; Wu and Wang, 2016; Wang et al., 2016a, 2016b; etc.) since 2014. Particularly, a book of Safety Culturology was written and published by Wang and Wu (2018a), which is the first monograph on safety culturology in the world and will be an alternative textbook of safety culturology course for safety science education in China. Therefore, it is clear that safety culturology is a key achievement of safety culture in recent years.

Safety culture, as the research object of safety culturology, is different from safety culturology. Wang and Wu (2018b) defined safety culturology as “a new multidisciplinary and an important branch of safety science, which is used to guide the safety culture practice based on the researches and discussions on safety culture (e.g., the origin, characteristics, functions, evolution, development, transmission, essence, definition, assessment and improvement of safety culture).” Specifically, safety culturology (1) is human-oriented, (2) its focuses are encouraging people to have a rational safety recognition and improve their safety willingness and literacy, (3) its ultimate aim is to improve the safety of people at work and in life, (4) its research object is safety culture, (5) its practical basis is the cultural character presented by safety, and (6) its main disciplinary foundation is a combination of safety science and culturology.

The book by Wang and Wu (2018a) is a compilation of all researches on safety culturology in China, a monograph on safety culturology. Table 7 shows its catalog to show the researches on safety culturology in China.


Table 7.

Catalog of the book of Safety Culturology by Wang and Wu (2018a).



1  Introduction

1.1    Culture and culturology

1.2    Safety and safety science

1.3    Definition of safety culture

1.4    Importance of safety culture

1.5    Connotation and disciplinary system of safety   culturology

2  Formation and development of safety   culturology

2.1    The concept of safety climate

2.2    The concept of safety culture

2.3    Two typical stages of safety culture   research

2.4    Review and comment on safety culture   research in the last thirty years

2.5    Process of the development of safety   culture

2.6    The concept of safety culturology

3  Origin and evolution of safety culture

3.1    Origin and evolution mechanism of safety   culture

3.2    Safety culture development and social   types

3.3    Accumulation and innovation of safety   culture

3.4    Interpretations to the Chinese traditional   safety culture

3.5    Exploration of the origin and development   of safety culture

4  Basic issues of safety culturology

4.1    Characteristics of safety culture

4.2    Functions of safety culture

4.3    Types of safety culture

4.4    Hierarchical structure of safety culture

4.5    System of safety culture symbols

5  Methodology of safety culturology

5.1    Methodology summary

5.2    Definition and connotation of methodology   of safety culturology

5.3    Research approaches and principles of safety   culturology

5.4    Main research paradigms of safety culturology

5.5    Structure of methodology of safety   culturology

6  Principles of safety culturology

6.1    Core principles of safety culturology

6.2    Principles of functions and characteristics   of safety culture

6.3    “6-5-2-4” theory of the generation of   safety culture

6.4    Principle for developing safety culture

6.5    Principle of safety culture field

6.6    Principle of safety culture publicity and   education

6.7    Principle of safety culture identity

6.8    Function principles of emotional safety   culture

7  Branches of safety culturology

7.1    Safety culture semiotics

7.2    Safety folklore culturology

7.3    Comparative safety culturology

7.4    Safety culture psychology

7.5    Safety culture historiography

8  Extension of safety culturology

8.1    Safety culturology and safety science

8.2    Safety culturology and safety sociology

8.3    Safety culturology and safety economics

8.4    Safety culturology and safety pedagogy

8.5    Safety culturology and safety management science

8.6    Safety culturology and safety humanology

8.7    Safety culturology and safety ethics

8.8    Safety culturology and safety jurisprudence

8.9    Safety culturology and safety psychology

8.10  Safety culturology and safety history

8.11  Safety culturology and other branches of safety   science

9  Practical application theory of safety   culturology

9.1    Typical relation theory of safety culture

9.2    Basic issues of developing organizational   safety culture

9.3    Basic program and methods of developing organizational   safety culture

9.4    Basic issues of the embedding of organizational   safety culture

9.5    Mechanism and methodology of the embedding   of organizational safety culture

9.6    Developing organizational safety culture   based on safety slogan

9.7    Basic issues of organizational safety   culture assessment

9.8    Methodology of organizational safety   culture assessment

10    Typical examples of practical application   of safety culturology

10.1  Family safety culture

10.2  Enterprise security culture

10.3  Public safety culture

10.4  Safety culture industry

10.5  Developing safety culture under the background   of harmonious society

10.6  Developing safety culture under the background   of “Internet +”




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