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已有 5856 次阅读 2017-4-28 09:58 |个人分类:风景如画|系统分类:图片百科| 蘑菇, Axford)



澳大利亚蘑菇摄影师史蒂夫·埃克斯福特Steve Axford镜头下的魔法世界真可谓让人大开眼界。蘑菇摄影师史蒂夫·埃克斯福特生活在澳大利亚但是他为能够拍摄到更惊人的多彩多样而美丽的蘑菇照片游遍澳大利亚的山山水水,而且去了世界各地去寻找他自己心目中的蘑菇王子,但发现这些蘑菇就在自己的后院这正是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。


下面就是澳大利亚蘑菇摄影师史蒂夫·埃克斯福特Steve Axford的蘑菇照片:

More info: SmugMug | Flickr (h/t: colossal)

“I take photos of fungi because I love the forest and it gives me a great excuse to go there as often as I can,” Steve Axford told Bored Panda.

“Mushrooms are amazing. Not because they will save the world, or anything like that, but because they are a huge part of life on this planet”

“Of the multi-celled life forms, there are plants, animals and fungi. There are more species of fungi than there are plants and they are probably just as important, yet we know almost nothing about them”

“It is a whole world waiting to be discovered and it is right under our noses. I’m no mycologist, but at least I can help people to get to know them through my photography”

“It is now estimated that there could be 4 million species of fungus, of which only 1 to 200,000 have been described. Many of the larger species have been described, but almost none of the tiny species”

“I often photograph small species and most of these are not described. Also, many Australian species are assumed to be the same as Northern Hemisphere species, but when checked are found not to be the same at all”

“I have a small shed that I use to grow some of the mushrooms. I set this up mainly to do time lapse and that is still its main use, but it is also good for still photography”

“Some of my best photos have been taken by my back door, which has particularly good natural lighting”

Thank you, Steve Axford, for talking to Bored Panda about your work!


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