

爱因斯坦奇迹年的一点思考与启示 精选

已有 12459 次阅读 2016-12-16 12:53 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:观点评述


鲍海飞 2016-12-16

         爱因斯坦不仅是科学智慧的象征,更是一种文化的象征,爱因斯坦的研究成为了一门独到的学问。1905年被认为是爱因斯坦的奇迹年。在这一年,他完成了他的博士论文并被授予了博士学位。就在这同一年,他发表了举世瞩目的四篇论文,光电效应,布朗运动,狭义相对论,以及物质与能量的等效。还有一说是他发表了五篇文章,这应该包括他的博士论文了。由此,他开始了他的学术之路。(1905 is known as Einstein’s annusmirabilis, or “miracle year”. On 30 April 1905, he finished his thesis, and wasawarded a PhD by the Universityof Zurich. In the same year, he publishedfour  famous  papers, on  the  photoelectric effect,  Brownian  motion, special  relativity,  and the equivalence of matter and energy, which put him on the road toacademic fame.

但就是这么一个年青的小伙子,并没有给人留下深刻印象的家伙,被大学职位置之门外,做着几乎鲜为人知的小职员服务性的工作,却奠定了20世纪的物理,掀起了物理世界的新革命,他是如何做到的?我们知道他的教育吗?或者,对我们自学生又会有什么启发和启示呢?(这个问题,不仅是我们一直在发问!)(How was it, then, that this unimpressiveyoung person—passed over for university positions and apparently settled in anobscure civil service job—came to revolutionize 20th century physics? What dowe know of the education of Albert Einstein? And what, if anything, does ittell us about the education of our own students?


据说他小时候语迟(但在中国古时,恰认为‘贵人语迟’,这到暗示了一些问题),反应慢,甚至上学时,也不受到老师的欢迎,中学都几乎勉强毕业,在老师的眼中他没有任何杰出的表现。‘三岁看大’在他的身上似乎根本没有得到验证。我们到是应该改变那种对人一层不变的决定论看法。(In1895, he took and failed the entranceexamination at the Eidgen¨ossiche Technische Hochschule (hereafter the ETH) inZurich—Federal Institute of Technology would be a loose translation. He thenspent a year in a Swiss high school, from which hegraduatedin the spring of 1896. That diploma permitted him to enroll in the ETH,  which he attended until his graduation in thesummer of 1900.He did not distinguish himself in the eyes of his teachers atthe ETH, and his prospects upon graduating were poor.


Persistence and tenacity were already partof his character at this age. He would work on puzzles, erect complicatedstructures with his building block set, and build houses of cards up to 14stories high.

他的自传中描述,他痛恨德国的教育,痛恨死记硬背填鸭式的学习,考完试之后,更加厌倦读书(厌倦他曾经深思熟虑的问题)。这和我们今天的学生高中一毕业时的状态多么相似!我们的孩子本应该有的创造性,由于类似的教育,由于一路的填鸭,一路的灌输,早已心生厌倦厌烦,考上大学之后,便偃旗息鼓了。(In his Autobiographical Noteshe tells us. .. one had to cram all this stuff into one’s mind for the examinations, whetherone liked it or not. This coercion had such a deterring effect that, after Ihad passed the final examination, I found the consideration of any scientificproblem distasteful to me for an entire year.


Einstein was unhappy in school, but this was due to thestrict teaching methods employed in the German school system at that time. Theschool system stressed rote-learning and discouraged  curiosity and thinking creatively and outsidethe box, which is whatEinstein excelled  at. Thanks to his family’s encouragement, though, Einstein’s intellectandinterests grew and developed. He taught himself Euclidean geometry and calculusby the time he wasfourteen. By the age of sixteen he waswriting his first research science paper, and developing his first ideas oflight and relativity.

Einstein was  an  intelligent, curious  child  who received  an  open-minded upbringing  and education  from  his  family. Relatives  and  other mentors  introduced  him to  important  texts in science,  mathematics  and philosophy,  including  Immanuel Kant's  philosophy  and Euclid's Elements. His interests in geometry, classical music (Albertplayed piano and violin), science and mathematics were encouraged andaccompanied himthroughout his life.


A famous story is told of Einstein beingawakened to the idea of the invisible forces of nature at the age of five, whenhis father gave him a compass and told him that  magnetic  forces made  it  always point  northward.  From that moment on, Einstein directed hiscuriosity and intellect towards understanding the physical world around him.

As a child offour or five his father brought him a magnetic compass (he was ill in bed). Inhis autobiography Einstein recalled the sense of wonder at how the enclosed andapparently isolated needle responded to an invisible magnetic field


It is, in fact, nothing short of a miraclethat the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holycuriosity of inquiry;. . . I believe that it would be possible to rob even ahealthy beast of prey of its voraciousness, if it were possible, with the aidof a whip, to force the beast to devour continuously . . .


Nor did his later experiences as auniversity professor change his mind, to judgefrom this excerpt from a speech in1933:When I was living in solitude in the country, I noticed how the monotonyofa quiet life stimulates the creative mind. . . . Such occupations astheservice of lighthouses and lightships come to mind. Would it notbepossible to place young people who wish to think about scientificproblems,especially of a mathematical or philosophical nature, in suchoccupations?

 在他20来岁的时候,他个人的生活似乎也是一团糟,其实,这就像我们今天很多你我之流―――似乎就是一个彻头彻尾的凡夫俗子。他开始谈恋爱了,但家庭宗教信仰的不同等成了他和他女朋友之间巨大的阻力。找工作,更是四处碰壁。学习了四年的数学物理,想在大学某个职位,结果不行。于是到中学去应聘,结果还是无奈。后来,竟然有好几年的时间做教辅工作以维持生计。不得已在联邦知识产权局谋了专利员的位置工作。到此,我想,这才是爱因斯坦真正发生人生转变的地方,也是他智慧之火光绽放的地方。以前在很多资料中,只知道他在专利局中工作,从不知道他在专利局中做什么。有人说,他和朋友之间一直保持着交流,对问题进行很多探讨。但我觉得更重要的是,是他在专利局工作这段时间,极大地拓宽了他的视野,并促成了他对自然、宇宙、物质世界的构成和运动等思想的形成。这里或许道出了其中的一些端倪。因为在这里,他一直负责着电磁器件应用方面的专利,尤其是电磁信号的传输和电机的时间同步问题,涉及到相对论和时空问题,而这能够使他更加专注着这方面工作的进展和所存在的问题。(His personal life was also in turmoilduring much of this period. By 1900, he was deeply involved with Mileva Mari´c,a fellow student and a Serbian from southern Hungary, who had come to the ETHto study mathematics and physics. Alas,Einstein’s family thoroughly disapproved ofMari´c; for that matter, her parents did not think a whole lot more of him.

His determined efforts to attain a university assistantshipwere utterly unsuccessful. Equally unsuccessful were his efforts to find a jobteaching in a secondary school. He survived for several years in a series of temporaryteaching and tutoring jobs.

In 1896 he enrolled in the four year mathematics andphysics teaching diploma program at the Polytechnic  in Zurich.  After  completing the  program,  Einstein was  unable  to find  a  teaching position,  so he  took  a job  in  Bern, at  the  Federal Office for  Intellectual  Property, the  patent office, where heexamined patent applications for electromagnetic devices. Much of his work atthe  patent  office had  to  do with  transmitting  electric signals  and  electrical-mechanical synchronization oftime, two things that also play  an importantrole in the thought experiments that eventually led him to his revolutionaryideas  about relativity and theconnection between space and time.

        在这神奇的1905年之后,在不到三年的时间,我们的爱因斯坦已然从一个局外人脱颖而出转变成了一名身先士卒的科学家。1909年,他离开了专利局,转身大学。(Within three years, he had become a leadingscientist. He began teaching as a lecturer at the University of Bern. The nextyear, he quit the patent office and began teaching physics at the University ofZurich. He later taught in Prague, and then in Germany.












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