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Genius's Trick With Two Cans and Some Sand

已有 5338 次阅读 2011-4-26 08:59 |个人分类:学术探索|系统分类:科研笔记| sand

I have read an interesting nesws from Science Now. It is about Two Cans and Some Sand.
Take two tin cans, one with the top removed and the other with both ends cut out to form a tube. Turn the closed-bottomed can upside down and push both cans into dense sand. The closed-bottomed can will sink more easily than the open tube. That's weird because if you push the two cans into water, exactly the opposite will happen.
To see why the effect is surprising, first imagine pushing the inverted closed-bottomed can and the tube into water. Naturally, the open-ended tube slips right in. The closed-ended can, however, traps air that creates a huge upward buoyant force as the air is forced down into the water. Trying to submerge the closed can is like trying to dunk a balloon.

Do you think the sand tunes is like water ?

Press the tube and can into dense sand, and the picture is completely different.
Now, if we put the sand into water, and repeat this experiment, can you guess what will happen?


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