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已有 3876 次阅读 2013-5-3 10:57 |系统分类:论文交流| xmotif

Extractingconserved gene expression motifs from gene expression data




      geneexpression plays an important role in cell differentiation development andpathological behavior, DNA micorarray offer biologists the remarkable abilityto monitor the expression levels of thousands of genes in a cellsimultaneously. High-throughput gene expression analysis promises to producenew insights into cell function as well as stimulate the development of newtherapies and diagnostics.


      whena gene's expression level is measured across a variety of samples, theexpression values usually span a wide range. Biologically, these valuescorrespond to a small number of distinct states that the genes is in, e.g.,up-regulated or down-regulated. Since the up-regulated of a gene is a temporalprocess, it is often difficult to determine a gene's expression state based ona set of noisy expression values. However, on average, it might be possible todifferentiate the expression level of an up-regulated gene in one tissuetype(e.g., a cancer tissue) from its level in another type of tissue(e.g., ahealthy tissues) where the gene is not expressed with the same abundance.


      Motivatedby this observation, we say that a gene's expression level is conserved acrossa subset of samples if the gene is in the same state in each of the samples inthis subset. A conserved gene expression motif or xMotif is a subset of geneswhose expression is simultaneously conserved for a subset of samples; we saythat each of these samples matches the motif. In this paper, we use a range ofexpression values to represent a gene's state, if we map each gene to adimension, each sample to a point, each expression value to a coordinate value, an xMotif is identical to a multi-dimensional hyper rectangle that is boundin the dimensions corresponding to the conserved genes in the motif andunbounded in the other dimensions. See figure 1 for the examples.Mathematically, the expression values of a sample that matches a motif satisfya conjunction of inequalities, two for each gene in the motif.


      Inthis work, we address the task of identifying xMotifs in gene expression data.We concentrate on data sets where each sample belongs to a particular class,e.g., different types of cancer, cancerous and healthy tissues, and patientswith different survival rates.


     We believe that this work is the one of thefirst to suggest representing gene expression data concisely in the form ofxMotifs. Such a representation has several potential biological advantages andapplications. First, by comparing and contrasting the gene motifs for differentclasses, we can identify genes that are conserved in multiple classes but arein different states in different classes. If the classes correspond todifferent diseases or to diseased and normal tissues, such genes are possibledrug targets. Second, if the genes in a motif are believed to interact in apathway, the information present in the motif about which gene are highlyexpressed and which are suppressed could be used to deduce and refine thestructure of the pathway. Third, by requiring that multiple genes besimultaneously conserved across the samples matching a motif, we might be ableto characterize sub-classes in the data that no gene on its own provideshigh-quality evidence for.


      Beforeattempting to develop an algorithm for computing xMotifs, it is useful toconsider the properties that an xMotif should have. Computing one motif foreach sample makes the representation over-specific. Therefore, we desire thateach motif for a class should be matched by a large fraction of the samples inthat class, if not all the samples in that class. Each motif should contain asmany conserved genes as possible. While a motif that contains one or two genesis biologically feasible, it may not be statistically significant since such amotif could appear with high probability in randomly-generated data. On theother hand, a motif that contains too many genes may be too restrictive sinceno sample may match the motif. Motivated by these observation, we propose thefollowing formal definition of an xMotif:


      Definition1.1 Given a set of gene whose expression levels are measured across a set ofsamples and user defined parameters , a conserved gene expression motif or xMotif is a pair , where  is a subset of thesample and is a subset of the genes, that satisfies the followingconditions:

      Size:the number of samples in is at least an fraction of all the samples.

      Conservation:every gene in  is conserved acrossall the samples in , i.e., the gene is in the same state in all the samples in ,and

      Maximality:for every gene not in , the gene is conserved in at most a fraction of the samples in .

      Themaximality condition enforces a balance between the number of genes in themotif and the number of samples matching the motif. If we add a gene to themotif, then the number of sample matching the new motif will decrease by afraction of at least ,a cost may not be willing to pay.


      Giventhis definition, the gene expression data may contain many xMotifs. Among allxMotif, we are interested in the largest xMotif, the one that contains themaximum number of conserved genes. In order to cover all the classes completelyusing xMotif, we adopt the following iterative algorithm: find the largestxMotif in the data, remove the sample that satisfy this motif from the data,find the largest motif in the remaining data, and continue in this manner untilall samples satisfy some motif.

      考虑到这个定义,基因表达数据集可以包含大量xMotif. 在大量xmotif中,我们最感兴趣的是最大的xMotif,该xMotif包含有最大数量的守恒基因。为了使用xMotif完全覆盖所有类型,我们采取了如下的迭代算法:在数据集上找到最大的xMotif,从数据集上移除满足该xMotif的样本后再在剩余的数据集上继续再找最大的xMotif,如此循环直到所有的样本满足一些基序。

      Ourapproach has several desirable features. (1) We allow a gene to appear in morethan one motif and in motifs representing different classes, modeling thepossibility that the gene's expression level may be regulated in multipleconditions.(2) By not deleting the samples that match a computed xMotif, we canallow samples to appear in different motifs. this property may be useful when asample belongs to multiple classes or when we are interested in discovering newclassification of the samples.(3) The system need not be told beforehand howmany motifs to compute. (4) Using this approach, we can find xMotif with vastlydifferent numbers of genes; we are likely to discover motif with many genes inearlier iterations and motifs with fewer genes in later iteration.


      Ourdefinition of an xMotif is based on the notion of projective cluster developedby Procioiuce et al[6] in the context of problem in computer databases andcomputer vision. It can be shown that the problem of computing the largerxMotif is NP-complete by transforming the problem of computing the maximum-edgebipartite clique in a bipartite graph to the motif computation problem. Insection 4, we present a probabilistic algorithm that exploits the mathematicalstructure of xMotif to compute the largest xMotif efficiently. This algorithmextends the technique developed by Procioiuce [6] to compute projectivecluster.

3.Determining Gene States

      Inthis section, we describe our technique for computing the states correspondingto a gene. In our approach, a state is simply a range of expression values thatis statistically significant. Similar ideas have been adopted by otherresearchers. Thus, if we have  samples, there are  possible states foreach gene, each corresponding to one of the sub-intervals spanned by the expressionvalues. Clearly, not all these states are biologically interesting.Intuitively, a state is interesting if it contains far more expression valuesthan we would expect the state to contain if the expression values weregenerated at random. Formally, as a null hypothesis, we assume that geneexpression values are generated by a uniform distribution. We define a state  to be 'interesting' ifthe expression values in it are unlikely to have been generated by a uniformdistribution. We compute the P-value of the decision that  is interesting, orderstates by P-value, and consider only those states whose P-value is less than auser-defined parameter. When the samples belong to different classes, we alsoadopt a 'supervised' version of this idea. We define a state  to be interesting ifthere is a class such that the set of expression values of the samples fromthat class that lie in  are unlikely to havebeen generated by a uniform distribution. For each class, we calculate aP-value and assign the smallest P-value to .

      Inpractice, we also discard those intervals that contain more than a userspecified number of expression values. The rationale for this step is that evenif an interval containing a large number of expression values is statisticallysignificant, it may not be biologically interesting since it is unlikely tohelp us in distinguishing between the various classes.





      Weare now ready to describe our algorithm for computing the largest xMotif. Theinput to the algorithm is a set of genes, a set of samples, and expressionvalue for each gene-sample pair, and for each gene, a list of intervalsrepresenting the states in which the gene is expressed in the samples.


      Todetermine an xMotif, we have to compute the set  of conserved genes,the states that these genes are in, and the set  of samples that matchthe motif. We observer that if we are given (1) the set  of conserved genes,(2)the states of the conserved genes, and (3) one sample  that matches thismotif, we can compute the remaining samples in  simply checking foreach sample  whether the genes in  are in the same statein  and . Informally,  is a seed from whichwe can compute the entire motif.


      Thisobservation is the starting point of our algorithm. Suppose we know a sample  that matches thelargest xMotif. Given such a sample , how can we compute the genes in the largest xMotif and thestates they are in? Suppose we are given a set  of samples with thefollowing properties: (1) for every sample  in  and for every gene inthe largest motif, there is exactly one state such that the gene is in thatstate in sample  and ,and (2) for every gene  that is not in thelargest motif, there exists a sample  in  such that gene  is not in the samplestate in sample  and . We call  a discriminating set.The key property of a discriminating set is that given the seed sample  and such a set , we can compute the largest xMotif by including exactlythose gene-states that satisfy these condition and exactly those samples thatagree with  on all thesegene-states.

      这个观察是我们算法的起点。假定我们知道一个样本能匹配最大的xMotif. 那么已知样本我们如何能计算出xMotif中的基因及这些基因所在的状态?假定我们已经一个样本集有以下性质:(1)对于每一个在中的样本和每一个在最大xMotif中的基因都确定性的存在一个状态使得基因在样本下都在该状态中。(2)对于每一个不在xMoitf中的基因,那么在中就存在一个样本使得基因与样本不在同一个状态中。我们把这个集合称之为区分集。区分集的关键性质是给定种子样本和一个区分集,我们就可以计算最大的xMotif,通过准确地包含那些满足那些条件的基因状态以及准确地包含和样本在同一基因状态下的样本。

      Algorihm1 description the steps of our probabilistic algortihm. We assume that for eachgene, the intervals corresponding to that gene's states are disjoint. Itproceeds by selecting  samples uniformly atrandom from the set of all samples. These samples act as seeds. For each randomseed, we select  sets of samples uniformlyat random from the set of all samples; each set has  elements. These setsserve as candidates for the discriminating set. For each seed-discriminatingset pair, we compute the corresponding xMotif as explained above. We discardthe motif if less than an fraction of the samples match it. Finally, we return themotif that contains the largest number of genes. Suppose our data consist of  samples and  genes. We can extendthe arguments made by Procopiuc to prove that by choosing ,  and , we can compute the largest xMotif with probability greaterthan 1/2 in time . We can increase the probability of success by repeatedlyexecuting this algorithm.

      算法1描述了我们的概率算法的步骤。我们假定对于每一个基因,对于于基因状态的区间是不相邻的。该算法通过从所有样本中均匀地随机选择个样本开始执行。这些选择的样本作为种子样本。对于每一个随机选择的样本,我们随机的从所有样本中按均匀分布随机选择个样本集,每一个样本集中包含个元素。这个样本集就作为区分集的候选集。对于每一个种子及区分集,我们按上述方式计算其xMotif。我们把样本匹配比例小于motif就不考虑了。最后,我们返回基因数目最大的motif。假定我们的数据由个样本个基因组成的,我们可以推广参考文献6 Procopiuc的结论去证明通过选择,,我们可以计算出概率大于1/2找到最大xMotif的时间复杂度是。我们可以通过重复执行该算法来增加成功的概率。


             1for i=1 to

             2,   按均充分布选择一个样本

             3,    for j=1 to

             4,           从所有样本中按均匀分布随机选择个样本组成区分集

             5         对于每一个基因,如果在样本和样本区分集下的基因表达值都在状                      下,那么就将基因及对应的状态加入到集合

             6         是在所有基因集下和一致的样本集。

             7         如果集合中的个数小于,则将该基序丢弃

             8 end for

             9,end for





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