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已有 2780 次阅读 2012-9-25 22:05 |系统分类:科研笔记

在老的版本中LAS> file out spectra.30m new
而在新版中要把new 换成 SINGLE 或者 MULTIPLE
也就是LAS90> file out spectra.30m MULTIPLE

可以help file就可以看到下面的信息
    Selects the input and output files.
    FILE IN name        open an existing file as input
    FILE OUT name       open an existing file as output
    FILE BOTH name      select the same file for input and output.
    FILE UPDATE name    open a file for Updates only.
    FILE OUT name Type  creates a new output file, of the specified type
                        Option /OVERWRITE will force overwriting an existing file
    FILE OUT name Type /CONVERT   converts an existing output file to
                                  the specified type
    Files have two different Types: SINGLE or MULTIPLE.
    File of type MULTIPLE allows to have several version of the  same  spec-
    trum  (same  ObservationNumber).  This  type is the "historical" one for
    CLASS. It can be opened in all modes.
    For file of type SINGLE, the ObservationNumber is a unique identifier of
    the  spectrum:  only one version exists. As a consequence a file of this
    type cannot in general be opened both IN and  OUT.  Such  files  can  be
    opened  in  mode  UPDATE,  which allows spectra to be modified in place,
    typically via a TAG or UPDATE command after a MODIFY. Command  WRITE  is
    not allowed in this mode.
    This  new  type  has been introduced to simplify and speed up On-The-Fly
    The default extension is .30m but can can be specified using command SET

LAS>set fits mode spectrum
LAS>lasfits write spectra.fits
LAS90>lasfits write spectra.fits /mode spectrum

help lasfits可以看到详细的说明
        LASFITS READ  File[.fits]
        LASFITS WRITE File[.fits]   /MODE   SPECTRUM|INDEX   [/BITS  Nbits]
    Either READ the File.fits FITS file to the CLASS internal  data  format.
    Please note that not all FITS files may be read by CLASS, and some head-
    er information might be incomplete when doing  so.  Alternatively,  FITS
    cubes  can  be  converted  to the Gildas Data Format by the command VEC-
    TORFITS, and then imported as a Class index by the command ANALYSELMV.
    Or WRITE the File.fits FITS file from the CLASS  internal  data  format.
    /MODE is a mandatory option which can take the following values as argu-
      SPECTRUM a simple FITS file is written from the  current  spectrum  in
               memory  is  written.  The  number of bits per intensity value
               used when writing the FITS file may be controlled through the
               /BITS  optional  argument. It can be: 16 or I*2 (2 bits inte-
               ger), 32 or I*4 (4 bits integer) or -32 or R*4 (4 bits real).
               Default is 32.
      INDEX    a  FITS  BINTABLE  is written from all the spectra in current
               index. The USER MUST make sure that  all  index  spectra  are
               consistent  (same  source,  same  line, same frequency setup,
               ...). The intensity values (and irregularly  sampled  X  axis
               values, if any) are always written as 4 bits real.
    The  default  mode  and number of bits can also be specified through the
      SET FITS BITS Nbits
    The option /CHECK will print the FITS HEADER on the terminal.


上一篇:fedora16 安装gildas的方法
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