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已有 1349 次阅读 2020-4-27 16:18 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为荷兰特文特大学(作者:Eloy Stoppels)的硕士论文,共82页。




In this thesis Artificial Neural Networksare used to predict Formula One finish results. The last four races of theseason 16/17 are predicted based on the first seventeen races. The first partof this thesis is dedicated to the theory behind Artificial Neural Networks.The aim is to give readers insights in the world and terminology of artificialneural networks. All the important terminology is discussed and explained,using some simple examples. Furthermore some key aspect are discussed in moredepth. We look at what the influences of multiple layers and multiple neuronsare. We make clear why a deep neural network is used. The next key aspect wediscuss is; ’training an artificial neural network’. During training the freeparameters are optimized. This optimization is done by solving a minimizationproblem. Therefore, training an artificial neural network can be done by usingstate-of-the-art optimization methods. Other key aspect are the differentactivation functions and cost functions which are used in artificial neuralnetworks. Lastly, we explain how possible errors during training can be avoidedby using so called regularization methods. The second part is dedicated to theexperimental research. First we give and explain public available data which weuse as prediction features. Afterwards we show how to initialize an artificialneural network, where we show how multiple layers, activation functions, etc.influence the predicted results. We finish the experimental research by usingthe initialized network to predict the outcome of the last four Formula Oneraces of the season 16/17. We compare three different data-sets, the first isthe actual data of the season 16/17, the other two are data-sets where we addeddata in a certain way. Next to this, we compare the predicted results of theartificial neural network with two simple prediction methods and with multiclasslogistic regression. The conclusion of this comparison is that using artificialneural networks has benefits as it predicts better outcome results.


1. 引言

2. 文献回顾

3. 人工神经网络

4. 多层多神经元的影响

5. 训练人工神经网络

6. 激活函数

7. 代价函数

8. 正则化

9. 数据准备

10. 不同数据集

11. 结果

12. 如何初始化人工神经网络的解释

13. 一级方程式预测的结果

14. 结论

15. 讨论与未来研究展望

附录A XOR问题

附录B sigmoid激活函数的导数


附录D softmax激活函数的导数






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