这个题目好像很科普, 可是联想到最近的一些科技报道,包括NASA, New Scientist杂志, 美国主流媒体都做了相关报道,我们不能不关注一下,也希望科学网上的天文学专家写文章:
科学家说,太阳活动的周期一般为11年,在最活跃的高峰期会释放出巨大的耀斑和尺寸如行星大小的超炽热气团。高峰期过后会出现一个相对平静的阶段。按照这个规律,太阳在一段平静之后应该在去年进入活跃的高峰期。但出人意料的是,太阳陷入了超常的平静。 科学家通过观察发现,太阳风的风压目前达到50年来的最低点,电磁波辐射为55年来最低,而黑子活动则为100年来最低。 英国伦敦大学学院教授哈拉说,目前出现的情况还无法解释,也不知道太阳会在什么时候再次活跃。太阳曾经在17世纪中叶出现过一次长达70年的相对沉寂,导致了一次"小冰河期"的发生。 一些科学家表示,类似的事件可能正在发生,从而消除人类对全球气候变暖的忧虑。
IT IS midnight on 22 September 2012 and the skies above Manhattan are filled with a flickering curtain of colourful light. Few New Yorkers have seen the aurora this far south but their fascination is short-lived. Within a few seconds, electric bulbs dim and flicker, then become unusually bright for a fleeting moment. Then all the lights in the state go out. Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power.
A year later and millions of Americans are dead and the nation's infrastructure lies in tatters. The World Bank declares America a developing nation. Europe, Scandinavia, China and Japan are also struggling to recover from the same fateful event - a violent storm, 150 million kilometres away on the surface of the sun.
It sounds ridiculous. Surely the sun couldn't create so profound a disaster on Earth. Yet an extraordinary report funded by NASA and issued by the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in January this year claims it could do just that.
Over the last few decades, western civilisations have busily sown the seeds of their own destruction. Our modern way of life, with its reliance on technology, has unwittingly exposed us to an extraordinary danger: plasma balls spewed from the surface of the sun could wipe out our power grids, with catastrophic consequences.
The projections of just how catastrophic make chilling reading. "We're moving closer and closer to the edge of a possible disaster," says Daniel Baker, a space weather expert based at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and chair of the NAS committee responsible for the report.
It is hard to conceive of the sun wiping out a large amount of our hard-earned progress. Nevertheless, it is possible. The surface of the sun is a roiling mass of plasma - charged high-energy particles - some of which escape the surface and travel through space as the solar wind. From time to time, that wind carries a billion-tonne glob of plasma, a fireball known as a coronal mass ejection (see "When hell comes to Earth"). If one should hit the Earth's magnetic shield, the result could be truly devastating.
The incursion of the plasma into our atmosphere causes rapid changes in the configuration of Earth's magnetic field which, in turn, induce currents in the long wires of the power grids. The grids were not built to handle this sort of direct current electricity. The greatest danger is at the step-up and step-down transformers used to convert power from its transport voltage to domestically useful voltage. The increased DC current creates strong magnetic fields that saturate a transformer's magnetic core. The result is runaway current in the transformer's copper wiring, which rapidly heats up and melts. This is exactly what happened in the Canadian province of Quebec in March 1989, and six million people spent 9 hours without electricity. But things could get much, much worse than that.
了解历史的朋友可能都知道 消失的玛雅文明吧..玛雅人在一瞬间全部消失..谁也不知道他们去了哪里.至今,这仍是一个密团.但是.玛雅人留给我们太多的问题了...他们的预言百分 之99都变成了现实..他们预测到了汽车,飞机的生产日期.有些亲可能会问.他们怎么会知道以后有一种东西叫做汽车..这也正是奇怪的地方.在埃及.一些 玛雅文明研究者.在他们生活的地方和一些石头上发现了这些.他们预测了西特勒出生和死亡的日期..完全一样....
人类历史上的3次大浩劫...其中一次就出现的玛雅人身上..即使他们预测到了也改变不了.....那一次..就是上面我所说的 消失的玛雅文明.
虽然很多民族都有末日预言,但为何玛雅人所说的末日预言,会受到人们的重视,原因是玛雅历法的计算,非常准确,从玛雅人的历法得知,他们早已知道地球公 转时间,是三百六十五日又六小时又二十四分二十秒,误差非常之少。另外对於其他星体的运行时间,在计算上亦非常准确,对於数学上「○」的单位数字,早在三 千年前,玛雅人已经使用
五。我们存在的文明 (情感的文明)会使用情感,于2012年12月冬至灭绝
根据玛雅人的长历法 (Long Count Calendar),2012年12月21日将是本次人类文明结束的日子。此后,人类将进入与本次文明毫无关系的一个全新的文明。
玛雅人没有提到什么原因使本次文明终结。有一点看来很明确,这个终结日并不意味著什么大劫难的到来,而是在暗示一种全人类在精神和意识方面的觉醒和转变 (Cosmic Awareness and Spiritual Transition),从而进入新的文明。
玛雅人不拥有我们现代的科学技术,但他们对天文及数学的精通令人叹为观止。此外,还有很多令人猜不透的迷。他们有发达的道路系统但却不使用轮子,这样, 他们也就不需要役使牛马。但他们是知道轮子的,因为后人发现了他们用轮子给孩子做的玩具。他们信手就可以把月亮背面的图像刻在月亮神庙的门上当作装饰,让 我们的科学家一开始捉摸不透,等科学家证实了这是月亮背面图像时又百思不解:他们怎么能看到的?因为月亮永远只把一面向著地球。这也许是因为他们的宇宙意 识曾赋予他们特殊的智慧,玛雅人曾有他们自己的修炼体系。玛雅人在他们文明的鼎盛之际不留痕迹地遁去,使后人费尽心机也猜不出其中的原因.
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