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已有 8438 次阅读 2008-12-20 17:28 |个人分类:雅文幽词--我欣赏的文章|系统分类:生活其它

美国四兄弟(the brother four)是我长久以来深深喜爱的美国乡村音乐歌手组合。他们深沉,雄厚而沧桑的演唱风格,给人以心灵的静谧之感。
“四兄弟演唱组”(The Brothers Four)成军于1958年,是美国老牌民谣乐队之一,由四名华盛顿大学的学生Bob Flick、Mike Kirkland、John Paine 和 Richard Foley组成。那是单纯美好的校园时代,年轻人都沉浸在橄榄球和流行音乐的快乐之中,唱歌是每一个联谊会的必备节目,每个人都会热情地加入到那些优美的旋律当中。“四兄弟”的灵魂人物、贝司手Bob Flick回忆道:“当时正好我们四人都有乐器,于是就组成了乐队。”
  这首歌  Greenfields 表达了人们对于那曾经承载了无限美好情感的绿地在不经意间从人们的生活中消失而产生的无以名状的怀念。并因此发出了对爱人的呼唤:回来吧,回到绿地和我的身旁,让你的心不再流浪,你才会找寻到幸福。
once there were green fields kissed by the sun.
once there were valleys where rivers used to run.
once there were blue skies with white clouds high above.
once they were part of an everlasting love.
we were the lovers who strolled through green fields.
green fields are gone now, parched by the sun.
gone from the valleys where rivers used to run.
gone with the cold wind that swept into my heart.
gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart.
where are the green fields that we used to roam ?
i'll never know what made you run away.
how can i keep searching when dark clouds hide the day.
i only know there's nothing here for me.
nothing in this wide world, left for me to see.
still i'll keep on waiting until you return.
i'll keep on waiting until the day you learn.
you can't be happy while your heart's on the roam,
you can't be happy until you bring it home.
home to the green fields and me once again
其经典之作还有Five Hundred Miles 等.由于他们采用木吉它及其它风格的民族器乐边弹边唱,可视性极佳.感兴趣的朋友可以从网上搜一下视频以饱眼耳之福。而在欣赏之余,或许需要我们来思考的东西会更多。


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