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已有 3618 次阅读 2016-8-30 12:33 |个人分类:学术会议|系统分类:科研笔记

Memo of IsoEcol2016

Weiping MEI,2016/04/18

The 10th international conference on the applications of Stable Isotopes to Ecological Studies (abbr. IsoEcol2016) has been held from 3rd to 8th April 2016 in the University of Tokyo. Too much wonderful presentations including oral and poster presentations impressed me deeply. And now I would like to outline some of them as below.

Firstly, the opening presentation was held by prof. Eitaro Wada. He picked out 3 majorprogresses which indicated by 3 empirical equations in stable isotopeecological studies of recent several decades. Equation 1 is about 3.4 ‰ of bulkδ15N enrich per trophic level (Wada, 1987).Equation 2 is about 7.6‰ of amino acid compound-specific stable isotopeanalysis (AA-CSIA) δ15NGlu-Phe (Chikaraishi et al,2009). Equation 3 is about a new aspect of food-chain stable isotope analysis(SIA) with ANCOVA method (Wada et al, 2013; Aita et al, 2011).

Secondly, the presentation held by keynote speaker Yoshito Chikaraishi. He has mainlyexplained the empirical equation: TP = [(δ15NTr -δ15NSrc +β) / TDF] + 1. “Tr” and “Src” denote trophic and source amino acids (mostcommonly represented by glutamic acid and phenylalanine), β denotes the isotopic difference between trophic and source aminoacide in primary producers (i.e. -3.4‰ and +8.4‰ for aquatic and terrestrialplants). Meanwhile, he also pointed out that the validity of both β and TDF values should be strictlyconsidered for specific object of study.

Thirdly, presentation of Kelton McMahon. His study is based on the AA-CSIA study of Chikaraishi.The different part was that McMahon discussed about the TDF validity andsuggested multi-TDF equations for food web study. Specifically, urea/ uric-acidproducing consumers exhibit significantly lower TDFGlu-Phe thanammonia-producing counterparts. The above similar research has alreadypublished by Kelton W. McMahon et al, 2015.

Finally, a new interest aspect was presented by Christina J Bradley. Her study showedthat Amino acid δ13C revealed clear evidence of amino acidsynthesis and brings into question the true nature of the “source” amino acid.Maybe this will be the hot-pot in the future stable isotope ecological studies.

In a word, if possible, try our best to attend more internationalsymposiums to broaden our horizons and do more better researches.


EitaroWada, Japan Agencyfor Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), wadaei@jamstec.go.jp; Emeritus, Kyoto University,eitaro1939@yahoo.co.jp

YoshitoChikaraishi, JAMSTEC, ychikaraishi@jamstec.go.jp

KeltonMcMahon, University ofCalifornia, Santa Cruz, kemcmaho@ucsc.edu

ChristinaJ Bradley, University ofCalifornia Merced, cbradley2@ucmerced.edu


上一篇:科技论文常用英文缩略词释义 eg., aq., ca., et al.
下一篇:用数据说话系列(1): 样本数,数据顺序对 t test 的影响
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