BlueAdagio分享 是否只在记忆的倒影里,才能再现那些时光和容颜?


你们是我的英雄 精选

已有 9817 次阅读 2012-12-16 07:03 |个人分类:东扯西读|系统分类:海外观察



  后来看新闻回放,原来奥巴马在记者招待会上也落泪了。在说"The majority of those who died today were children — beautiful, little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. Among the fallen were also teachers, men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams."时他几乎不能自持,沉默了好多秒钟才能说完。

  随着案件的细节越来越清楚,特别令人动容的是那些为保护学生而不惜牺牲自己的老师们,包括试图与歹徒Adam Lanza (之前因为现场发现的一个身份证明曾一度误报为他的哥哥Ryan Lanza)搏斗的校长Dawn Hochsprung女士,年仅27岁义无反顾地试图用自己的身体把凶手和学生们隔开的Vicki Soto老师。媒体后来找到了
的cousin Jim Wiltsie:

  "The family was informed that she was trying to shield, get her children into a closet and protect them from harm, and by doing that put herself between the gunman and the children," Wiltsie said. "And that's when she was tragically shot and killed. "I'm very proud to have known Vicki," Wiltsie added. "Her life dream was to be a teacher. And her instincts kicked in when she saw there was harm coming to her students. It brings peace to know that Vicki was doing what she loved, protecting the children. And in our eyes, she is a hero." (ABC News)


  知道出现了紧急情况的时候,教一年级的Kaitlin Roig 马上关上教室门并吩咐她的学生藏进教室的洗手间 。因为地方狭小,几位学生还必须站在马桶上面,她自己则迅速再用一个带轮子的公文柜顶住

  "If they started crying, I would take their face and tell them, 'It's going to be OK,'" Roig continued. "I wanted that to be the last thing they heard, not the gunfire in the hall." "I thought we were all going to die," she said through tears. "I told the kids I love them and I was so happy they were my students... I said anyone who believed in the power of the prayer, we need to pray and those who don't believe in prayer" think happy thoughts. Throughout the ordeal, Roig said her students were being very good and she tried to remain positive for them. "They asked, 'Can we go see if anyone is out there... I just want Christmas... I don't want to die, I just want to have Christmas," she said. (Good morning America)

You are my heroes.

Dawn Hochsprung

Vicki Soto

Kaitlin Roig (all pictures from the web)

Hero/ Mariah Carey


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