1) 与研究方向密切相关的期刊及其影响因子
2) 期刊的投稿要求及格式排版注意事项
Just for thefuture, here is some advice for you. You said “. I also try to get thereferences into the format of Journal of Physical Chemistry C.” But you didn’t do it carefully enough, only in part.
Here is what one does in these cases,where one is dealing with different journals, each with its own style:
1. Download a copy of a recent paper in thejournal. Follow this style, looking very carefully at how references
are called out in the text, and their format at end. And at style of figures, tables, end of paper.
2. Download the instructions to authors from their webpage, which gives that information in a different format.
To learn, I want you to do that now (to download atypical paper or guidelines to authors), before you read my latestdrafts, and compare what you see in the papers youdownloaded with the last draft you sent to me. Look at the following: In J. Phys. Chem C articles
1. Does the callout【插图编号】 of endnote【尾注】 come before or after punctuation 【标点符号】at end or middle of sentence?
Regarding the Cu(100) surface, it is well established that
adsorption of a monolayer of hydrogen atoms under UHV
conditions has a profound influence on the structure and
morphology4−7 of the substrate surface, resulting in a
reconstruction with displaced Cu atoms in an unusual p(2 ×
2) structure. This structure has been found to be metastable
and transform at substrate temperatures above 120 K.6
2. Does it have brackets around the endnote number when it is called out【唤起】?
3. How are Figure numbers specified (FIG. 1 or Figure 1)?
Figure 2. Top view and side view of (a) the Cu(100) p(1 × 1)-H
structure and (b) the reconstructed Cu(100) p(2 × 2)-H structure.
The H coverage is one H atom (small sphere) per Cu surface atom
(large sphere). Color code: light brown, Cu atoms, and white, H
4. What are table headings like?
Table 1. Calculated Structural and Vibrational Properties of the Cu(100) (1 × 1)-H and p(2 × 2)-H Structuresa
5. How are the endnote numbers in list of references specified ([15] or (15))?
(2) Matsushima, H.; Haak, C.; Taranoskyy, A.; Gründer, Y.;
Magnussen, O. M. In Situ Video STM Studies of the Hydrogen-
Induced Reconstruction of Cu(100): Potential and pH Dependence.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2010, 12, 13992−13998.
(3) Hammer, L.; Meier, W.; Klein, A.; Landfried, P.; Schmidt, A.;
Heinz, K. Hydrogen-Induced Self-Organized Nanostructuring of the
Ir(100) Surface. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 91, 156101.
(5) Foss, M.; Besenbacher, F.; Klink, C.; Stensgaard, I. Deuterium-
Induced Restructuring of Cu(100). Chem. Phys. Lett. 1993, 215, 535−
(6) Walters, C. F.; Poker, D. B.; Zehner, D. M.; Plummer, E. W. The
Deuterium-Induced Reconstruction of Cu(100): Correlation of
Surface Structures with Absolute Coverage. Surf. Sci. 1994, 312,
(8) Kolovos-Vellianitis, D.; Kammler, T.; Küppers, J. Interaction of
Gaseous H Atoms with Cu(100) Surfaces: Adsorption, Absorption,
and Abstraction. Surf. Sci. 2000, 454−456, 316−319.
(10) Andersson, S.; Svensson, K. Dissociation of Physisorbed H2
through Low-Energy Electron Scattering Resonances. Phys. Rev. Lett.
2010, 104, 216101.
6. Does the endnote contain titles of paper or not?
7. Does the endnote contain issue of journal or not?【期,号】
8. What are the headings【标题】 around end of paper (Acknowledgements etc)?
These are all details, absolutely trivial【微不足道的,琐细的】, but an essential part of scientific craftsmanship【技能】.
I have now made these changes in the text, which will be in next email, so please don’t make them. But check my text when it arrives because I may have missed some.
Best regards
JPCC参考文献guideline 摘录
Style for Reference Lists
Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references.
Authors should check all parts of each reference listing against the original
A reference must include certain minimum data:
➤ With numerical reference citations, start with 1 and number consecutively
throughout the paper, including references in text and those in tables, figures,
and other nontext components. If a reference is repeated, do not give it a new
number; use the original reference number.
➤ Whenever authors are named, if a reference has two authors, give both names
joined by the word “and”. If a reference has more than two authors, give only the
first name listed, followed by “et al.” Do not use a comma before et al.; always use
a period 【句点】after al.
Allison and Perez12
Johnson et al. (12)
(O’Brien and Alenno, 2005)
(Bachrach et al., 2004)
➤ To cite more than one reference by the same principal author and various
coauthors in one of the numerical citation systems, use the principal author’s
name followed by “and co-workers” or “and colleagues”.
Pauling and co-workers10,11
Cram and colleagues (27–29)
➤ When citing more than one reference at one place by number in one of the
numerical systems, list the numbers in ascending order and separate them by
commas (without spaces as superscripts, with spaces on line), or if they are part
of a consecutive series, use an en dash to indicate a range of three or more.
in the literature2,5,8
were reported3–5,10
in the literature (2, 5, 8)
were reported (3–5, 10)
➤ When citing more than one reference at one place by the author–date system,
list them alphabetically according to the first author’s name, followed by a
comma and the year. Use a semicolon to separate individual references.
(Axelrod, 2003; Cobbs and Stolman, 2005; Gerson et al., 2001)
➤ When citing more than one reference by the same author at one place by the
author–date system, do not repeat the name. List the name followed by the year
of each of the references in ascending order; separate the years by commas. If
an author has more than one reference in the same year, add lowercase letters to
the years to differentiate them. Add letters to all of the years, for example, 2005a,
2005b, etc., not 2005, 2005a, etc. (The references in the list will need to be listed
the same way, for example, 2005a, 2005b.
(Trapani, 2003, 2005; Zillman, 2004)
(Knauth, 2005a, 2005b)
(Fordham, 2004; Fordham and Rizzo, 2004)
➤ Cite the reference in a logical place in the sentence.
recent investigations (cite)
other developments (cite)
was reported (cite)
as described previously (cite)
previous results (cite)
were demonstrated (cite)
a molecular mechanics study (cite)
Marshall and Levitt’s approach (cite)
the procedure of Lucas et al. (cite)
Style for Reference Lists
Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all references.
Authors should check all parts of each reference listing against the original
A reference must include certain minimum data:
• Periodical references must include the author names, abbreviated journal
title, year of publication, volume number (if any), and initial page of
cited article (the complete span is better).
• Book references must include the author or editor names, book title, publisher,
city of publication, and year of publication.
• For material other than books and journals, sufficient information must
be provided so that the source can be identified and located.
In lists, references always end with a period.
Table 14-2 provides sample references for common reference types.
recommended formats
Author 1; Author 2; Author 3; etc. Title of Article. Journal Abbreviation Year, Volume,
Inclusive Pagination.
Author 1; Author 2; Author 3; etc. Journal Abbreviation Year, Volume, Inclusive
The journal Biochemistry is an exception. Consult this journal’s instructions to
authors for the correct format.
Author Name Field
Include all author names in a reference citation. With multiple authors, separate
the names from one another by semicolons. Always end the author field with a
period (exception: Biochemistry). List the names in inverted form: surname first,
then first initial, middle initial, and qualifiers (Jr., II). Some publications list the
first 10 authors followed by a semicolon and et al.; check the guidelines.
Cotton, F. A.
Basconi, J.; Lin, P. B.
Chandler, J. P., III; Levine, S. M.
Schafer, F. W., Jr.
Fishman, W., II.
Farhataziz. (a single name is uncommon, but does occur; no period in Biochemistry)
Inderjit; Fontana, M. J. (the first author has a single name)
Article Title Field
Article titles are not essential in reference citations, but they are considered
desirable to highlight the contents of a paper and facilitate location in reference
libraries. Some ACS publications include the article title in journal references,
and some do not; check the publication itself. Article titles are set in roman type
without quotation marks and end with a period (or a question mark if that is
part of the title). In ACS journals, capitalization follows that of the original publication;
in other publications, the main words are capitalized.
Caruso, R. A.; Susha, A.; Caruso, F. Multilayered Titania, Silica, and Laponite
Nanoparticle Coatings on Polystyrene Colloidal Templates and Resulting
Inorganic Hollow Spheres. Chem. Mater. 2001, 13, 400–409.
Journal Abbreviation Field
The journal name is an essential component of a periodical reference citation.
Abbreviate the name according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index
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