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已有 24635 次阅读 2013-11-8 05:58 |个人分类:声子谱计算|系统分类:科研笔记| 源程序

1. 运行过程中与到的错误


forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 4, file /data/hoffmann/xy83/work/strucSearch/pw-work/elph-step5/elph. 0.000000. 0.000000. 0.000000

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source            

lambda.x           00000000004A5BCD  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lambda.x           00000000004A46D5  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lambda.x           000000000045B570  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lambda.x           000000000041B45F  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lambda.x           000000000041AC92  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lambda.x           00000000004372D6  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lambda.x           000000000040AABF  MAIN__                    134  lambda.f90

lambda.x           0000000000409EFC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libc.so.6          00000031FD61EA4D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

lambda.x           0000000000409DF9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown


Hanyu 17:28:56

你换个pseudo potential试一试。 lambda太大了。



QQQQ 17:30:18


Hanyu   17:31:04





        嗯,这是第二个文件 elph. 0.000000. 0.353553. 0.000000:

0.176777      0.176777     -0.176777    10     9

 0.758123E-05  0.850659E-05  0.850659E-05  0.917268E-04  0.917268E-04  0.104605E-03

 0.115336E-03  0.115336E-03  0.119764E-03

    Gaussian Broadening:   0.005 Ry, ngauss=   0

    DOS =  4.865116 states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=  9.271053 eV

    lambda( 1)=  0.0073   gamma=    2.78 GHz

    lambda( 2)=  0.0003   gamma=    0.14 GHz

    lambda( 3)=  0.0014   gamma=    0.62 GHz

    lambda( 4)=  0.0010   gamma=    4.48 GHz

    lambda( 5)=  0.0020   gamma=    9.04 GHz

    lambda( 6)=  0.0030   gamma=   15.61 GHz

    lambda( 7)=  0.0028   gamma=   16.03 GHz

    lambda( 8)=  0.0018   gamma=   10.21 GHz

    lambda( 9)=  0.0023   gamma=   13.93 GHz

    Gaussian Broadening:   0.010 Ry, ngauss=   0

    DOS =  4.931549 states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=  9.264326 eV

    lambda( 1)=  0.0073   gamma=    2.83 GHz

    lambda( 2)=  0.0004   gamma=    0.19 GHz

    lambda( 3)=  0.0010   gamma=    0.43 GHz

    lambda( 4)=  0.0011   gamma=    4.99 GHz

    lambda( 5)=  0.0016   gamma=    7.65 GHz

    lambda( 6)=  0.0029   gamma=   15.34 GHz

    lambda( 7)=  0.0022   gamma=   13.01 GHz

    lambda( 8)=  0.0018   gamma=   10.86 GHz

    lambda( 9)=  0.0022   gamma=   13.37 GHz

    Gaussian Broadening:   0.015 Ry, ngauss=   0

    DOS =  4.950747 states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=  9.263866 eV

Hanyu 17:31:31


或者, 你有空再把gamma点重新算一遍。

QQQ 17:32:34



Hanyu  17:33:34






Hanyu 17:34:27




PH 文件夹里的。输出lammda的。


9010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i2,')=',f8.4,'   gamma=',f8.2,' GHz')


9010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i2,')=',f12.4,'   gamma=',f12.2,' GHz')


QQQQ 17:41:45


######################################phonon calculation, specifying option elph=.true.#########################

cat > $name.elph.in << EOF

Electron-phonon coefficients for ScH4












nq1= 8,nq2= 8,nq3= 8



$MPIDIR/mpirun -np $NP -machinefile $CURDIR/.nodelist $EXEDIR/ph.x  < $name.elph.in > $name.elph.out



Hanyu  17:43:15



谢谢。以前的版本是通过 elph=.true.这个参数调用elph.f90程序?


2.elph. 0.000000. 0.000000. 0.000000 文件内容

        0.000000      0.000000      0.000000    10     9

10 is  the number of broadening parameters (sigma) to calculate  the phonon linewidth due to electron-phonon interaction which contains  production of  double delta functions  (so called gamma-function, for definitions please have a  look at recently cited reference: http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0504077 Starting value for sigma is 0.005, final value is 0.05, this done to see how
lambda  is converged with respect to sigma.

3 means modes number, in Al, sure, there are 3 modes.

 0.583002E-07  0.583002E-07  0.583002E-07  

 0.794492E-04  0.794492E-04  0.794492E-04

 0.117630E-03  0.117630E-03  0.117630E-03

they are frequencies omega^2 and  they are in Ry^2, consequently.

I have just checked again

13.6058*8065.5*sqrt(0.185711)/sqrt(10^5) = 149.54579

In my calculations : 13.6058*8065.5*sqrt(0.185683)/sqrt(10^5) = 149.5345
(149.534340 in dyn3-file)

>  the value in second line are not EPC matrix elements, where can I find them?

I am not sure, you can find them printed, please have a look at elphon.f90 file
(elphel subroutine inside), but EPC constant, lambda, can be found in

    Gaussian Broadening:   0.005 Ry, ngauss=   0

    DOS =  4.865116 states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=  9.271053 eV

    lambda( 1)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 2)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 3)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 4)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 5)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 6)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 7)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 8)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 9)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    Gaussian Broadening:   0.010 Ry, ngauss=   0

    DOS =  4.931549 states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=  9.264326 eV

    lambda( 1)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 2)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 3)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 4)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 5)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 6)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 7)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 8)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 9)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    Gaussian Broadening:   0.015 Ry, ngauss=   0

    DOS =  4.950747 states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=  9.263866 eV

    lambda( 1)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 2)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 3)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 4)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 5)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 6)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 7)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 8)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    lambda( 9)=********   gamma=******** GHz

    Gaussian Broadening:   0.020 Ry, ngauss=   0

    DOS =  4.954568 states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=  9.264616 eV

3. 到少个q点合适

Hi,You used 10 delta's, so you have a dependence (indeed,convergence) of alpha^2F(omega) on delta.In order to get more reliable dependence, moreq-points should be used, though, it is verytime-demanding, you know. Bests,Eyvaz.

附:lambda.f90 源程序解读


! Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Quantum ESPRESSO group

! This file is distributed under the terms of the

! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'

! in the root directory of the present distribution,

! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .


! Last edition: September 5, 2008

! Edition author:  Eyvaz Isaev

! Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, Russia

! Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biophysics (IFM), Linkoping University, Sweden

! Materials Theory Group, Institute of Physics and Materials Science,  Uppsala University, Sweden

! Eyvaz.Isaev@fysik.uu.se, isaev@ifm.liu.se, eyvaz_isaev@yahoo.com


program elph

 ! read files 'filelph' produced by phonon (one for each q-point)

 ! sum over q-points to produce the electron-phonon coefficients:

 ! lambda (the one of BCS superconductivity) and alpha^2*F(omega)

 ! T_c using Allen-Dynes formula

 implicit none

 integer, parameter:: npk=200, nsigx=50, nmodex=100, nex=200

 integer :: nks, ios, iuelph, ngauss, ngauss1, ngaussq, nsig, nmodes

 integer :: ik, ng, mu, nu, i

 real(kind=8) :: q(3,npk), wk(npk), degauss(nsigx), w2(nmodex), &

      dosef(nsigx), ef(nsigx), lambdaq(nmodex,nsigx),  &

      lambda(nsigx), alpha2F(nex,nsigx), logavg

 real(kind=8) qread(3), dosef1, ef1, degauss1, gammaq, lambda2, &

      degaussq, emax, deltae, e, omega, sum

 character(len=80) :: filelph

 real(kind=8), external :: w0gauss

 ! INPUT from standard input:

 !    emax  degaussq  ngaussq

 !    nks

 !    q(1,1)    q(2,1)    q(3,1)    wk(1)

 !      ...       ...       ...      ...

 !    q(1,nks)  q(2,nks)  q(3,nks)  wk(nks)

 !    filelph(1)

 !     ...

 !    filelph(nks)


 ! emax (THz)    : alpha2F is plotted from 0 to "emax" in "nex" steps

 ! degaussq (THz): gaussian smearing for sum over q

 !                 NB: not the same used in phonon ! 【如何理解?】

 ! ngaussq       : 0 for simple gaussian, 1 for Methfessel-Paxton etc.

 ! nks           : number of q-points used in the sum

 ! q, wk         : q-points and weights

 ! filelph       : output files from phonon, one for each q-point

 !                May contain "nsig" calculations done with different

 !                 broadenings for the sum over k - all of them are used


 ! OUTPUT in xmgr-readable format: files 'lambda.dat' and 'alpha2F.dat'


 real*8 mustar, omegalog(20), Tc, x

 read(5,*) emax, degaussq, ngaussq


 read(5,*) nks

 if (nks.gt.npk) call errore('lambda','too many q-points',npk)


 do ik=1,nks

    read(5,*) q(1,ik), q(2,ik), q(3,ik), wk(ik)

   sum = sum + wk(ik)

 end do

 do ik=1,nks


 end do


 do ik=1,nks

    read(5,'(a)') filelph

    call remove_comments_from_string(filelph)


    read (iuelph,*) qread(1),qread(2),qread(3), nsig, nmodes

!     if ( (qread(1)-q(1,ik))**2 + &

!          (qread(2)-q(2,ik))**2 + &

!          (qread(3)-q(3,ik))**2 .gt. 1.d-6) &

!          call errore('lambda','inconsistent q read',ik)

    if (nsig.le.0.or.nsig.gt.nsigx) &

         call errore('lambda','wrong/too many gauss.broad.',nsigx)

    if (nmodes.le.0.or.nmodes.gt.nmodex) &

         call errore('lambda','wrong # or too many modes',nmodex)

    if (ik.eq.1) then

       do ng=1,nsig


          do i=1,nex


          end do

       end do

    end if

    ! read omega^2

    read(iuelph,*) (w2(nu),nu=1,nmodes)

    ! read data

    do ng=1,nsig

       read (iuelph,9000) degauss1, ngauss1

       if (ik.eq.1) then


          ngauss =ngauss1


          if (degauss(ng).ne.degauss1.or.ngauss.ne.ngauss1) &

             call errore('lambda','inconsistent gauss.broad. read',ik)

       end if

       read (iuelph,9005) dosef1, ef1

       if (ik.eq.1) then




          if (dosef(ng).ne.dosef1.or.ef(ng).ne.ef1) &

             call errore('lambda','inconsistent DOS(Ef) read',ik)

       end if

       do mu=1,nmodes

          read (iuelph,9010) nu, lambdaq(mu,ng), gammaq

          if (nu.ne.mu) call errore('lambda','wrong mode read',mu)

          ! sum over k-points

          lambda(ng) = lambda(ng) + wk(ik)*lambdaq(mu,ng)

          do i=1,nex


             ! 1 Ry = 3289.828 THz


             alpha2F(i,ng) = alpha2F(i,ng) + &

                  wk(ik) * lambdaq(mu,ng) * omega * 0.5d0 * &


          end do

       end do

    end do


 end do



 do ng=1,nsig

    ! lambda2 is used as a check

    ! logavg is the logarithmic average of omega used in McMillan's formula(?)


    logavg =0.d0

    do i=2,nex


       lambda2=lambda2 + alpha2F(i,ng)/e

       logavg =logavg + alpha2F(i,ng)*log(e)/e

    end do


    logavg =logavg*2.d0 *deltae

    ! 1 THz = 50 K



    write(6,9015) lambda(ng), lambda2, logavg,dosef(ng),degauss(ng)

    write(iuelph,9016) &

         degauss(ng), lambda(ng), lambda2, logavg,dosef(ng)

 end do


read(5,*) mustar

 write(6,'("lambda", 8x, "omega_log", 10x, "T_c")')

 do i =1, nsig


        Tc = omegalog(i)/1.2*exp(-1.04*(1+x)/(x-mustar*(1+0.62*x)))

 write(6,'(f10.5,5x,f9.3,10x,f9.3)')  lambda(i), omegalog(i),  Tc


 open(unit=iuelph,file='alpha2F.dat',status='unknown', &


 write(iuelph,9020) (degauss(ng),ng=1,nsig)

 do i=1,nex


    write(iuelph,9025) e,(alpha2F(i,ng),ng=1,nsig)

 end do



9000 format(26x,f7.3,12x,i4)

9005 format(10x,f10.6,32x,f10.6)

9010 format(12x,i2,2x,f8.4,9x,f8.2)

9014 format('# degauss   lambda    int alpha2F  <log w>     N(Ef)')

9015 format(5x,'lambda =',f9.6,' (',f10.6,')  <log w>=',f9.3,'K  ', &

           'N(Ef)=',f9.6,' at degauss=',f5.3)

9016 format(f7.3,2f12.6,f10.3,2f12.6)

9020 format('# E(THz)',10(f10.3))

9025 format(f8.4,10(f10.5))

end program elph

附 elphon.f90程序


! Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Quantum ESPRESSO group

! This file is distributed under the terms of the

! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'

! in the root directory of the present distribution,

! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .







 ! Electron-phonon calculation from data saved in fildvscf


 USE kinds, ONLY : DP

 USE cell_base, ONLY : celldm, omega, ibrav

 USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau, amass

 USE gvecs, ONLY: doublegrid

 USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp, dffts

 USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag, noncolin

 USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin

 USE phus,       ONLY : int3, int3_nc, int3_paw

 USE uspp,  ONLY: okvan

 USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw

 USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn, w2

 USE qpoint, ONLY : xq

 USE modes,  ONLY : npert, nirr, u

 USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm

 USE control_ph, ONLY : trans

 USE units_ph, ONLY : iudyn, lrdrho, iudvscf

 USE dfile_star,    ONLY : dvscf_star

 USE io_global, ONLY: stdout




 INTEGER :: irr, imode0, ipert, is, npe

 ! counter on the representations

 ! counter on the modes

 ! the change of Vscf due to perturbations

 COMPLEX(DP), POINTER :: dvscfin(:,:,:), dvscfins (:,:,:)

 CALL start_clock ('elphon')

 if(dvscf_star%basis.eq.'cartesian') then

    write(stdout,*) 'Setting patterns to identity'


    do irr=1,3*nat





 ! read Delta Vscf and calculate electron-phonon coefficients


 imode0 = 0

 DO irr = 1, nirr


    ALLOCATE (dvscfin (dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag , npe) )

    IF (okvan) THEN

       ALLOCATE (int3 ( nhm, nhm, npe, nat, nspin_mag))

       IF (okpaw) ALLOCATE (int3_paw (nhm, nhm, npe, nat, nspin_mag))

       IF (noncolin) ALLOCATE(int3_nc( nhm, nhm, npe, nat, nspin))


    DO ipert = 1, npe

       CALL davcio_drho ( dvscfin(1,1,ipert),  lrdrho, iudvscf, &

                          imode0 + ipert,  -1 )

    END DO

    IF (doublegrid) THEN

       ALLOCATE (dvscfins (dffts%nnr, nspin_mag , npert(irr)) )

       DO is = 1, nspin_mag

          DO ipert = 1, npe

             CALL cinterpolate (dvscfin(1,is,ipert),dvscfins(1,is,ipert),-1)




       dvscfins => dvscfin


    CALL newdq (dvscfin, npert(irr))

    CALL elphel (npert (irr), imode0, dvscfins)


    imode0 = imode0 + npe

    IF (doublegrid) DEALLOCATE (dvscfins)

    DEALLOCATE (dvscfin)

    IF (okvan) THEN

       DEALLOCATE (int3)

       IF (okpaw) DEALLOCATE (int3_paw)

       IF (noncolin) DEALLOCATE(int3_nc)




 ! now read the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix

 ! calculated in a previous run


 IF (.NOT.trans) CALL readmat (iudyn, ibrav, celldm, nat, ntyp, &

      ityp, omega, amass, tau, xq, w2, dyn)


 CALL stop_clock ('elphon')





SUBROUTINE readmat (iudyn, ibrav, celldm, nat, ntyp, ityp, omega, &

    amass, tau, q, w2, dyn)



 USE kinds, ONLY : DP

 USE constants, ONLY : amu_ry


 ! Input

 INTEGER :: iudyn, ibrav, nat, ntyp, ityp (nat)

 REAL(DP) :: celldm (6), amass (ntyp), tau (3, nat), q (3), &


 ! output

 REAL(DP) :: w2 (3 * nat)

 COMPLEX(DP) :: dyn (3 * nat, 3 * nat)

 ! local (control variables)

 INTEGER :: ntyp_, nat_, ibrav_, ityp_

 REAL(DP) :: celldm_ (6), amass_, tau_ (3), q_ (3)

 ! local

 REAL(DP) :: dynr (2, 3, nat, 3, nat)

 CHARACTER(len=80) :: line

 CHARACTER(len=3)  :: atm

 INTEGER :: nt, na, nb, naa, nbb, nu, mu, i, j



 REWIND (iudyn)

 READ (iudyn, '(a)') line

 READ (iudyn, '(a)') line

 READ (iudyn, * ) ntyp_, nat_, ibrav_, celldm_

 IF ( ntyp.NE.ntyp_ .OR. nat.NE.nat_ .OR.ibrav_.NE.ibrav .OR. &

      ABS ( celldm_ (1) - celldm (1) ) > 1.0d-5) &

         CALL errore ('readmat', 'inconsistent data', 1)

 DO nt = 1, ntyp

    READ (iudyn, * ) i, atm, amass_

    IF ( nt.NE.i .OR. ABS (amass_ - amu_ry*amass (nt) ) > 1.0d-5) &

       CALL errore ( 'readmat', 'inconsistent data', 1 + nt)


 DO na = 1, nat

    READ (iudyn, * ) i, ityp_, tau_

    IF (na.NE.i.OR.ityp_.NE.ityp (na) ) CALL errore ('readmat', &

         'inconsistent data', 10 + na)


 READ (iudyn, '(a)') line

 READ (iudyn, '(a)') line

 READ (iudyn, '(a)') line

 READ (iudyn, '(a)') line

 READ (line (11:80), * ) (q_ (i), i = 1, 3)

 READ (iudyn, '(a)') line

 DO na = 1, nat

    DO nb = 1, nat

       READ (iudyn, * ) naa, nbb

       IF (na.NE.naa.OR.nb.NE.nbb) CALL errore ('readmat', 'error reading &

            &file', nb)

       READ (iudyn, * ) ( (dynr (1, i, na, j, nb), dynr (2, i, na, j, nb) &

            , j = 1, 3), i = 1, 3)




 ! divide the dynamical matrix by the (input) masses (in amu)


 DO nb = 1, nat

    DO j = 1, 3

       DO na = 1, nat

          DO i = 1, 3

             dynr (1, i, na, j, nb) = dynr (1, i, na, j, nb) / SQRT (amass ( &

                  ityp (na) ) * amass (ityp (nb) ) ) / amu_ry

             dynr (2, i, na, j, nb) = dynr (2, i, na, j, nb) / SQRT (amass ( &

                  ityp (na) ) * amass (ityp (nb) ) ) / amu_ry






 ! solve the eigenvalue problem.

 ! NOTA BENE: eigenvectors are overwritten on dyn


 CALL cdiagh (3 * nat, dynr, 3 * nat, w2, dyn)


 ! divide by sqrt(mass) to get displacements


 DO nu = 1, 3 * nat

    DO mu = 1, 3 * nat

       na = (mu - 1) / 3 + 1

       dyn (mu, nu) = dyn (mu, nu) / SQRT ( amu_ry * amass (ityp (na) ) )









SUBROUTINE elphel (npe, imode0, dvscfins)



 !      Calculation of the electron-phonon matrix elements el_ph_mat

 !         <psi(k+q)|dV_{SCF}/du^q_{i a}|psi(k)>

 !      Original routine written by Francesco Mauri


 USE kinds, ONLY : DP

 USE fft_base, ONLY : dffts

 USE wavefunctions_module,  ONLY: evc

 USE io_files, ONLY: iunigk

 USE klist, ONLY: xk

 USE lsda_mod, ONLY: lsda, current_spin, isk

 USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, npol, nspin_mag

 USE wvfct, ONLY: nbnd, npw, npwx, igk

 USE uspp, ONLY : vkb

 USE el_phon, ONLY : el_ph_mat

 USE modes, ONLY : u

 USE units_ph, ONLY : iubar, lrbar, lrwfc, iuwfc

 USE eqv,      ONLY : dvpsi, evq

 USE qpoint,   ONLY : igkq, npwq, nksq, ikks, ikqs

 USE control_ph, ONLY : trans, lgamma

 USE mp_global, ONLY: intra_pool_comm

 USE mp,        ONLY: mp_sum



 INTEGER :: npe, imode0

 COMPLEX(DP) :: dvscfins (dffts%nnr, nspin_mag, npe)

 ! LOCAL variables

 INTEGER :: nrec, ik, ikk, ikq, ipert, mode, ibnd, jbnd, ir, ig, &


 COMPLEX(DP) , ALLOCATABLE :: aux1 (:,:), elphmat (:,:,:)



 ALLOCATE (aux1    (dffts%nnr, npol))

 ALLOCATE (elphmat ( nbnd , nbnd , npe))


 !  Start the loops over the k-points


 IF (nksq.GT.1) REWIND (unit = iunigk)

 DO ik = 1, nksq

    IF (nksq.GT.1) THEN

       READ (iunigk, err = 100, iostat = ios) npw, igk

100     CALL errore ('elphel', 'reading igk', ABS (ios) )



    !  ik = counter of k-points with vector k

    !  ikk= index of k-point with vector k

    !  ikq= index of k-point with vector k+q

    !       k and k+q are alternated if q!=0, are the same if q=0


    IF (lgamma) npwq = npw

    ikk = ikks(ik)

    ikq = ikqs(ik)

    IF (lsda) current_spin = isk (ikk)

    IF (.NOT.lgamma.AND.nksq.GT.1) THEN

       READ (iunigk, err = 200, iostat = ios) npwq, igkq

200     CALL errore ('elphel', 'reading igkq', ABS (ios) )



    CALL init_us_2 (npwq, igkq, xk (1, ikq), vkb)


    ! read unperturbed wavefuctions psi(k) and psi(k+q)


    IF (nksq.GT.1) THEN

       IF (lgamma) THEN

          CALL davcio (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk, - 1)


          CALL davcio (evc, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikk, - 1)

          CALL davcio (evq, lrwfc, iuwfc, ikq, - 1)




    DO ipert = 1, npe

       nrec = (ipert - 1) * nksq + ik


       !  dvbare_q*psi_kpoint is read from file (if available) or recalculated


       IF (trans) THEN

          CALL davcio (dvpsi, lrbar, iubar, nrec, - 1)


          mode = imode0 + ipert

          ! TODO : .false. or .true. ???

          CALL dvqpsi_us (ik, u (1, mode), .FALSE. )



       ! calculate dvscf_q*psi_k


       DO ibnd = 1, nbnd

          CALL cft_wave (evc(1, ibnd), aux1, +1)

          CALL apply_dpot(dffts%nnr, aux1, dvscfins(1,1,ipert), current_spin)

          CALL cft_wave (dvpsi(1, ibnd), aux1, -1)

       END DO

       CALL adddvscf (ipert, ik)


       ! calculate elphmat(j,i)=<psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q*psi_{k,i}> for this pertur


       DO ibnd =1, nbnd

          DO jbnd = 1, nbnd

             elphmat (jbnd, ibnd, ipert) = zdotc (npwq, evq (1, jbnd), 1, &

                  dvpsi (1, ibnd), 1)

             IF (noncolin) &

                elphmat (jbnd, ibnd, ipert) = elphmat (jbnd, ibnd, ipert)+ &

                  zdotc (npwq, evq(npwx+1,jbnd),1,dvpsi(npwx+1,ibnd), 1)





    CALL mp_sum (elphmat, intra_pool_comm)


    !  save all e-ph matrix elements into el_ph_mat


    DO ipert = 1, npe

       DO jbnd = 1, nbnd

          DO ibnd = 1, nbnd

             el_ph_mat (ibnd, jbnd, ik, ipert + imode0) = elphmat (ibnd, jbnd, ipert)






 DEALLOCATE (elphmat)







SUBROUTINE elphsum ( )



 !      Sum over BZ of the electron-phonon matrix elements el_ph_mat

 !      Original routine written by Francesco Mauri, modified by PG

 !      New version by  Malgorzata Wierzbowska


 USE kinds,       ONLY : DP

 USE constants,   ONLY : pi, rytoev, degspin

 USE ions_base,   ONLY : nat, ityp, tau

 USE cell_base,   ONLY : at, bg

 USE lsda_mod,    ONLY: isk, nspin

 USE klist,       ONLY: nks, nkstot, xk, wk, nelec

 USE start_k,     ONLY: nk1, nk2, nk3

 USE symm_base,   ONLY: s, irt, nsym, invs

 USE noncollin_module, ONLY: nspin_lsda, nspin_mag

 USE wvfct,       ONLY: nbnd, et

 USE parameters,  ONLY : npk

 USE el_phon,     ONLY : el_ph_mat

 USE qpoint,      ONLY : xq, nksq

 USE modes,       ONLY : u, minus_q, nsymq, rtau

 USE dynmat,      ONLY : dyn, w2

 USE io_global,   ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id

 USE mp_global,   ONLY : my_pool_id, npool, kunit, intra_image_comm

 USE mp,          ONLY : mp_bcast

 USE control_ph,  ONLY : lgamma, tmp_dir_phq, xmldyn

 USE save_ph,     ONLY : tmp_dir_save

 USE io_files,    ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir, seqopn



 ! epsw = 20 cm^-1, in Ry

 REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: Rytocm1 = 109737.57990d0, RytoGHz = 3.289828D6, &

      RytoTHz = RytoGHz/1000.d0, epsw = 20.d0 / Rytocm1, eps = 1.0d-6


 INTEGER :: iuna2Fsave  = 40


 REAL(DP), allocatable :: gam(:,:), lamb(:,:)


 ! Quantities ending with "fit" are relative to the "dense" grid


 REAL(DP), allocatable :: xkfit(:,:)

 REAL(DP), allocatable, target :: etfit(:,:), wkfit(:)

 INTEGER :: nksfit, nk1fit, nk2fit, nk3fit, nkfit, nksfit_real

 INTEGER, allocatable :: eqkfit(:), eqqfit(:), sfit(:)


 integer :: nq, isq (48), imq

 ! nq :  degeneracy of the star of q

 ! isq: index of q in the star of a given sym.op.

 ! imq: index of -q in the star of q (0 if not present)

 real(DP) :: sxq (3, 48)

 ! list of vectors in the star of q


 ! workspace used for symmetrisation


 COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: g1(:,:,:), g2(:,:,:), g0(:,:), gf(:,:,:)

 COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: point(:), noint(:), ctemp(:)

 COMPLEX(DP) :: dyn22(3*nat,3*nat)


 INTEGER :: ik, ikk, ikq, isig, ibnd, jbnd, ipert, jpert, nu, mu, &

      vu, ngauss1, nsig, iuelph, ios, i,k,j, ii, jj

 INTEGER :: nkBZ, nti, ntj, ntk, nkr, itemp1, itemp2, nn, &



 REAL(DP) :: weight, wqa, w0g1, w0g2, degauss1, dosef, &

      ef1, lambda, gamma

 REAL(DP) :: deg(10), effit(10), dosfit(10), etk, etq

 REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: dos_ef, efermig, w0gauss

 character(len=80) :: name

 LOGICAL  :: exst, xmldyn_save


 COMPLEX(DP) :: el_ph_sum (3*nat,3*nat)

 COMPLEX(DP), POINTER :: el_ph_mat_collect(:,:,:,:)

 REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xk_collect(:,:), wk_collect(:)

 REAL(DP), POINTER :: wkfit_dist(:), etfit_dist(:,:)

 INTEGER :: nksfit_dist, rest, kunit_save

 INTEGER :: nks_real, ispin, nksqtot



 WRITE (6, '(5x,"electron-phonon interaction  ..."/)')

 ngauss1 = 0

 nsig = 10



 IF (npool==1) THEN


!  no pool, just copy old variable on the new ones



    xk_collect(:,1:nks) = xk(:,1:nks)

    wk_collect(1:nks) = wk(1:nks)

    el_ph_mat_collect => el_ph_mat



!  pools, allocate new variables and collect the results. All the rest

!  remain unchanged.


    IF (lgamma) THEN






    CALL xk_wk_collect(xk_collect,wk_collect,xk,wk,nkstot,nks)

    CALL el_ph_collect(el_ph_mat,el_ph_mat_collect,nksqtot,nksq)



 ! read eigenvalues for the dense grid

 ! FIXME: this might be done from the xml file, not from a specialized file

 ! parallel case: only first node reads


 IF ( ionode ) THEN


    CALL seqopn( iuna2Fsave, 'a2Fsave', 'FORMATTED', exst )


    READ(iuna2Fsave,*) ibnd, nksfit



 CALL mp_bcast (ibnd, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)

 CALL mp_bcast (nksfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)

 if ( ibnd /= nbnd ) call errore('elphsum','wrong file read',iuna2Fsave)

 allocate (etfit(nbnd,nksfit), xkfit(3,nksfit), wkfit(nksfit))


 IF ( ionode ) THEN

    READ(iuna2Fsave,*) etfit

    READ(iuna2Fsave,*) ((xkfit(i,ik), i=1,3), ik=1,nksfit)

    READ(iuna2Fsave,*) wkfit

    READ(iuna2Fsave,*) nk1fit, nk2fit, nk3fit

    CLOSE( UNIT = iuna2Fsave, STATUS = 'KEEP' )



 ! broadcast all variables read


 CALL mp_bcast (etfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)

 CALL mp_bcast (xkfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)

 CALL mp_bcast (wkfit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)

 CALL mp_bcast (nk1fit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)

 CALL mp_bcast (nk2fit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)

 CALL mp_bcast (nk3fit, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)




 ! efermig and dos_ef require scattered points and eigenvalues

 ! isk is neither read nor used. phonon with two Fermi energies is

 ! not yet implemented.


 nksfit_dist  = ( nksfit / npool )

 rest = ( nksfit - nksfit_dist * npool )

 IF ( ( my_pool_id + 1 ) <= rest ) nksfit_dist = nksfit_dist + 1



#ifdef __MPI



 CALL poolscatter( 1, nksfit, wkfit, nksfit_dist, wkfit_dist )

 CALL poolscatter( nbnd, nksfit, etfit, nksfit_dist, etfit_dist )


  wkfit_dist => wkfit

  etfit_dist => etfit



 do isig=1,nsig


    ! recalculate Ef = effit and DOS at Ef N(Ef) = dosfit using dense grid

    ! for value "deg" of gaussian broadening


    deg(isig) = isig * 0.005d0


    effit(isig) = efermig &

         ( etfit_dist, nbnd, nksfit_dist, nelec, wkfit_dist, &

             deg(isig), ngauss1, 0, isk)

    dosfit(isig) = dos_ef ( ngauss1, deg(isig), effit(isig), etfit_dist, &

         wkfit_dist, nksfit_dist, nbnd) / 2.0d0


#ifdef __MPI





 allocate (eqkfit(nkfit), eqqfit(nkfit), sfit(nkfit))


 ! map k-points in the IBZ to k-points in the complete uniform grid



 call lint ( nsym, s, .true., at, bg, npk, 0,0,0, &

      nk1fit,nk2fit,nk3fit, nksfit_real, xkfit, 1, nkfit, eqkfit, sfit)

 deallocate (sfit, xkfit, wkfit)


 ! find epsilon(k+q) in the dense grid


 call cryst_to_cart (1, xq, at, -1)

 qx = nint(nk1fit*xq(1))

 if (abs(qx-nk1fit*xq(1)) > eps) &

      call errore('elphsum','q is not a vector in the dense grid',1)

 if (qx < 0) qx = qx + nk1fit

 if (qx > nk1fit) qx = qx - nk1fit

 qy = nint(nk2fit*xq(2))

 if (abs(qy-nk2fit*xq(2)) > eps) &

      call errore('elphsum','q is not a vector in the dense grid',2)

 if (qy < 0) qy = qy + nk2fit

 if (qy > nk2fit) qy = qy - nk2fit

 qz = nint(nk3fit*xq(3))

 if (abs(qz-nk3fit*xq(3)) > eps) &

      call errore('elphsum','q is not a vector in the dense grid',3)

 if (qz < 0) qz = qz + nk3fit

 if (qz > nk3fit) qz = qz - nk3fit

 call cryst_to_cart (1, xq, bg, 1)


 eqqfit(:) = 0

 do i=1,nk1fit

    do j=1,nk2fit

       do k=1,nk3fit

          ik = k-1 + (j-1)*nk3fit + (i-1)*nk2fit*nk3fit + 1

          iq = i+qx

          if (iq > nk1fit) iq = iq - nk1fit

          jq = j+qy

          if (jq > nk2fit) jq = jq - nk2fit

          kq = k+qz

          if (kq > nk3fit) kq = kq - nk3fit

          nn = (kq-1)+(jq-1)*nk3fit+(iq-1)*nk2fit*nk3fit + 1

          eqqfit(ik) = eqkfit(nn)





 ! calculate the electron-phonon coefficient using the dense grid


 nti  = nk1fit/nk1

 ntj  = nk2fit/nk2

 ntk  = nk3fit/nk3

 nkBZ  = nk1*nk2*nk3

 allocate (eqBZ(nkBZ), sBZ(nkBZ))



 IF ( lgamma ) THEN

    call lint ( nsymq, s, minus_q, at, bg, npk, 0,0,0, &

         nk1,nk2,nk3, nks_real, xk_collect, 1, nkBZ, eqBZ, sBZ)


    call lint ( nsymq, s, minus_q, at, bg, npk, 0,0,0, &

         nk1,nk2,nk3, nks_real, xk_collect, 2, nkBZ, eqBZ, sBZ)



 allocate (gf(3*nat,3*nat,nsig))

 gf = (0.0d0,0.0d0)


 wqa  = 1.0d0/nkfit

 IF (nspin==1) wqa=degspin*wqa


 do ibnd = 1, nbnd

    do jbnd = 1, nbnd

       allocate (g2(nkBZ*nspin_lsda,3*nat,3*nat))

       allocate (g1(nksqtot,3*nat,3*nat))

       do ik = 1, nksqtot

          do ii = 1, 3*nat

             do jj = 1, 3*nat

                g1(ik,ii,jj)=CONJG(el_ph_mat_collect(jbnd,ibnd,ik,ii))* &


             enddo    ! ipert

          enddo    !jpert

       enddo   ! ik


       allocate (g0(3*nat,3*nat))

       do i=1,nk1

          do j=1,nk2

             do k=1,nk3

                do ispin=1,nspin_lsda

                   nn = k-1 + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1

                   itemp1 = eqBZ(nn)

                   if (ispin==2) itemp1=itemp1+nksqtot/2

                   g0(:,:) = g1(itemp1,:,:)

                   itemp2 = sBZ(nn)

                   call symm ( g0, u, xq, s, itemp2, rtau, irt, &

                        at, bg, nat)

                   if (ispin==2) nn=nn+nkBZ

                   g2(nn,:,:) = g0(:,:)


             enddo ! k

          enddo !j

       enddo !i

       deallocate (g0)

       deallocate (g1)


       allocate ( point(nkBZ), noint(nkfit), ctemp(nkfit) )

       do jpert = 1, 3 * nat

          do ipert = 1, 3 * nat

             do ispin=1,nspin_lsda


             point(1:nkBZ) = &



             CALL clinear(nk1,nk2,nk3,nti,ntj,ntk,point,noint)


             do isig = 1, nsig

                degauss1 = deg(isig)

                do ik=1,nkfit

                   etk = etfit(ibnd,eqkfit(ik)+nksfit*(ispin-1)/2)

                   etq = etfit(jbnd,eqqfit(ik)+nksfit*(ispin-1)/2)

                   w0g1 = w0gauss( (effit(isig)-etk) &

                                  / degauss1,ngauss1) / degauss1

                   w0g2 = w0gauss( (effit(isig)-etq) &

                                  / degauss1,ngauss1) / degauss1

                   ctemp(ik) = noint(ik)* wqa * w0g1 * w0g2


                gf(ipert,jpert,isig) = gf(ipert,jpert,isig) + &

                     SUM (ctemp)

             enddo ! isig

             enddo ! ispin

          enddo    ! ipert

       enddo    !jpert

       deallocate (point, noint, ctemp)

       deallocate (g2)


    enddo    ! ibnd

 enddo    ! jbnd

 deallocate (eqqfit, eqkfit)

 deallocate (etfit)

 deallocate (eqBZ, sBZ)


 allocate (gam(3*nat,nsig), lamb(3*nat,nsig))

 lamb(:,:) = 0.0d0

 gam (:,:) = 0.0d0

 do isig= 1,nsig

    do nu = 1,3*nat

       gam(nu,isig) = 0.0d0

       do mu = 1, 3 * nat

          do vu = 1, 3 * nat

             gam(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig) + DBLE(conjg(dyn(mu,nu)) * &

                  gf(mu,vu,isig) * dyn(vu,nu))



       gam(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig) *  pi/2.0d0


       ! the factor 2 comes from the factor sqrt(hbar/2/M/omega) that appears

       ! in the definition of the electron-phonon matrix element g

       ! The sqrt(1/M) factor is actually hidden into the normal modes


       ! gamma = pi sum_ksum_{i,j} delta(e_{k,i}-Ef) delta(e_{k+q,j}-Ef)

       !         | sum_mu z(mu,nu) <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(mu)*psi_{k,i}> |^2

       ! where z(mu,nu) is the mu component of normal mode nu (z = dyn)

       ! gamma(nu) is the phonon linewidth of mode nu


       ! The factor N(Ef)^2 that appears in most formulations of el-ph interact

       ! is absent because we sum, not average, over the Fermi surface.

       ! The factor 2 is provided by the sum over spins


       if (sqrt(abs(w2(nu))) > epsw) then

          ! lambda is the adimensional el-ph coupling for mode nu:

          ! lambda(nu)= gamma(nu)/(pi N(Ef) omega_{q,nu}^2)

          lamb(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig)/pi/w2(nu)/dosfit(isig)


          lamb(nu,isig) = 0.0d0


       gam(nu,isig) = gam(nu,isig)*RytoGHz

    enddo  !nu

 enddo  ! isig


 do isig= 1,nsig

    WRITE (6, 9000) deg(isig), ngauss1

    WRITE (6, 9005) dosfit(isig), effit(isig) * rytoev

    do nu=1,3*nat

       WRITE (6, 9010) nu, lamb(nu,isig), gam(nu,isig)



 ! Isaev: save files in suitable format for processing by lambda.x

 write(name,'(A5,f9.6,A1,f9.6,A1,f9.6)') 'elph.',xq(1),'.',xq(2),'.',xq(3)

 open(12,file=name, form='formatted', status='unknown')

 write(12, "(5x,3f14.6,2i6)") xq(1),xq(2),xq(3), nsig, 3*nat

 write(12, "(6e14.6)") (w2(i), i=1,3*nat)

 do isig= 1,nsig

    WRITE (12, 9000) deg(isig), ngauss1

    WRITE (12, 9005) dosfit(isig), effit(isig) * rytoev

    do nu=1,3*nat

       WRITE (12, 9010) nu, lamb(nu,isig), gam(nu,isig)



 close (unit=12,status='keep')

 ! Isaev end

 deallocate (gam)

 deallocate (lamb)



 !    Prepare interface to q2r and matdyn


 call star_q (xq, at, bg, nsym, s, invs, nq, sxq, isq, imq, .TRUE. )


 do isig=1,nsig

    write(name,"(A7,I2)") 'a2Fq2r.',50 + isig

    if (ionode) then

       iuelph = 4

       open(iuelph, file=name, STATUS = 'unknown', FORM = 'formatted', &




       ! this node doesn't write: unit 6 is redirected to /dev/null


       iuelph =6

    end if

    dyn22(:,:) = gf(:,:,isig)

    write(iuelph,*) deg(isig), effit(isig), dosfit(isig)

    IF ( imq == 0 ) THEN

       write(iuelph,*) 2*nq


       write(iuelph,*) nq




    call q2qstar_ph (dyn22, at, bg, nat, nsym, s, invs, &

         irt, rtau, nq, sxq, isq, imq, iuelph)


    if (ionode) CLOSE( UNIT = iuelph, STATUS = 'KEEP' )


 deallocate (gf)



 IF (npool /= 1) DEALLOCATE(el_ph_mat_collect)


9000 FORMAT(5x,'Gaussian Broadening: ',f7.3,' Ry, ngauss=',i4)

9005 FORMAT(5x,'DOS =',f10.6,' states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=', &

         &       f10.6,' eV')

9006 FORMAT(5x,'double delta at Ef =',f10.6)

9010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i2,')=',f8.4,'   gamma=',f8.2,' GHz')





SUBROUTINE elphsum_simple



 !      Sum over BZ of the electron-phonon matrix elements el_ph_mat

 !      Original routine written by Francesco Mauri

 !      Rewritten by Matteo Calandra


 USE kinds, ONLY : DP

 USE constants, ONLY : pi, ry_to_cmm1, rytoev

 USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, tau,amass,tau, ntyp => nsp, atm

 USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, ibrav, celldm

 USE fft_base,  ONLY: dfftp

 USE symm_base, ONLY : s, sr, irt, nsym, time_reversal, invs

 USE klist, ONLY : xk, nelec, nks, wk

 USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, et

 USE el_phon, ONLY : el_ph_mat, el_ph_nsigma, el_ph_ngauss, el_ph_sigma

 USE mp_global, ONLY : me_pool, root_pool, inter_pool_comm, npool, intra_pool_comm

 USE io_global, ONLY : stdout

 USE klist, only : degauss,ngauss

 USE control_flags, ONLY : modenum, noinv

 USE units_ph,       ONLY :iudyn

 USE io_files,  ONLY : prefix

 USE qpoint, ONLY : xq, nksq

 USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn, w2

 USE modes, ONLY : u,rtau, nsymq,irotmq, minus_q

 USE control_ph, only : lgamma

 USE lsda_mod, only : isk,nspin, current_spin,lsda

 USE mp,        ONLY: mp_sum



 REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps = 20_dp/ry_to_cmm1 ! eps = 20 cm^-1, in Ry


 INTEGER :: ik, ikk, ikq, isig, ibnd, jbnd, ipert, jpert, nu, mu, &

      vu, ngauss1, nsig, iuelph, ios, iuelphmat,icnt,i,j,rrho,nt,k

 INTEGER :: na,nb,icar,jcar,iu_sym,nmodes

 INTEGER :: iu_Delta_dyn,iu_analdyn,iu_nonanaldyn

 INTEGER :: io_file_unit

 !   for star_q

 INTEGER :: nsymloc, sloc(3,3,48), invsloc(48), irtloc(48,nat), &

            nqloc, isqloc(48), imqloc

 REAL(DP) :: rtauloc(3,48,nat), sxqloc(3,48)

 !   end of star_q definitions

 REAL(DP) :: weight, w0g1, w0g2, w0gauss, wgauss,degauss1, dosef, &

      ef1, phase_space, lambda, gamma, wg1, w0g,wgp,deltae

 REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: dos_ef, efermig

 REAL(DP) xk_dummy(3)

 COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: phi(:,:,:,:),phi_nonanal(:,:,:,:)

 COMPLEX(DP), allocatable :: dyn_mat_r(:,:),zz(:,:)

 CHARACTER(len=20) :: char_deg

 CHARACTER(len=1) :: char_ng

 character(len=80) :: filelph

 CHARACTER(len=256) ::  file_elphmat


 COMPLEX(DP) :: el_ph_sum (3*nat,3*nat), dyn_corr(3*nat,3*nat)

 INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: find_free_unit


 write(filelph,'(A5,f9.6,A1,f9.6,A1,f9.6)') 'elph.',xq(1),'.',xq(2),'.',xq(3)

 ! parallel case: only first node writes

 IF ( me_pool /= root_pool ) THEN

    iuelph = 0



    iuelph = find_free_unit()

    OPEN (unit = iuelph, file = filelph, status = 'unknown', err = &

         100, iostat = ios)

100  CALL errore ('elphon', 'opening file '//filelph, ABS (ios) )

    REWIND (iuelph)



 WRITE (iuelph, '(3f15.8,2i8)') xq, nsig, 3 * nat

 WRITE (iuelph, '(6e14.6)') (w2 (nu) , nu = 1, nmodes)



 DO isig = 1, el_ph_nsigma

    !     degauss1 = 0.01 * isig

    degauss1 = el_ph_sigma * isig

    write(stdout,*) degauss1

    el_ph_sum(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)

    phase_space = 0.d0


    ! Recalculate the Fermi energy Ef=ef1 and the DOS at Ef, dosef = N(Ef)

    ! for this gaussian broadening


    ! Note that the weights of k+q points must be set to zero for the

    ! following call to yield correct results



    ef1 = efermig (et, nbnd, nks, nelec, wk, degauss1, el_ph_ngauss, 0, isk)

    dosef = dos_ef (el_ph_ngauss, degauss1, ef1, et, wk, nks, nbnd)

    ! N(Ef) is the DOS per spin, not summed over spin

    dosef = dosef / 2.d0


    ! Sum over bands with gaussian weights



    DO ik = 1, nksq



       ! see subroutine elphel for the logic of indices


       IF (lgamma) THEN

          ikk = ik

          ikq = ik


          ikk = 2 * ik - 1

          ikq = ikk + 1


       DO ibnd = 1, nbnd

          w0g1 = w0gauss ( (ef1 - et (ibnd, ikk) ) / degauss1, ngauss1) &

               / degauss1


          call cryst_to_cart(1,xk_dummy,at,-1)

          DO jbnd = 1, nbnd

             w0g2 = w0gauss ( (ef1 - et (jbnd, ikq) ) / degauss1, ngauss1) &

                  / degauss1

             ! note that wk(ikq)=wk(ikk)

             weight = wk (ikk) * w0g1 * w0g2

             DO jpert = 1, 3 * nat

                DO ipert = 1, 3 * nat

                   el_ph_sum (ipert, jpert) = el_ph_sum (ipert, jpert)  +  weight * &

                        CONJG (el_ph_mat (jbnd, ibnd, ik, ipert) ) * &

                        el_ph_mat (jbnd, ibnd, ik, jpert)



             phase_space = phase_space+weight






    ! el_ph_sum(mu,nu)=sum_ksum_{i,j}[ <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(mu)*psi_{k,i}>

    !                                  x <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(nu)*psi_{k,i}>

    !                                  x delta(e_{k,i}-Ef) delta(e_{k+q,j}


    ! collect contributions from all pools (sum over k-points)



!     CALL poolreduce (2 * 3 * nat * 3 * nat, el_ph_sum)

!     CALL poolreduce (1, phase_space)

    call mp_sum ( el_ph_sum , inter_pool_comm )

    call mp_sum ( phase_space , inter_pool_comm )


    ! symmetrize el_ph_sum(mu,nu) : it transforms as the dynamical matrix



    CALL symdyn_munu_new (el_ph_sum, u, xq, s, invs, rtau, irt,  at, &

         bg, nsymq, nat, irotmq, minus_q)


    WRITE (6, 9000) degauss1, ngauss1

    WRITE (6, 9005) dosef, ef1 * rytoev

    WRITE (6, 9006) phase_space

    IF (iuelph.NE.0) THEN

       WRITE (iuelph, 9000) degauss1, ngauss1

       WRITE (iuelph, 9005) dosef, ef1 * rytoev



    DO nu = 1, nmodes

       gamma = 0.0

       DO mu = 1, 3 * nat

          DO vu = 1, 3 * nat

             gamma = gamma + DBLE (CONJG (dyn (mu, nu) ) * el_ph_sum (mu, vu)&

                  * dyn (vu, nu) )



       write(819+mu,*) gamma

       gamma = pi * gamma / 2.d0

       write(6,*) 'gamma*pi/2=',gamma


       ! the factor 2 comes from the factor sqrt(hbar/2/M/omega) that appears

       ! in the definition of the electron-phonon matrix element g

       ! The sqrt(1/M) factor is actually hidden into the normal modes


       ! gamma = pi sum_ksum_{i,j} delta(e_{k,i}-Ef) delta(e_{k+q,j}-Ef)

       !         | sum_mu z(mu,nu) <psi_{k+q,j}|dvscf_q(mu)*psi_{k,i}> |^2

       ! where z(mu,nu) is the mu component of normal mode nu (z = dyn)

       ! gamma(nu) is the phonon linewidth of mode nu


       ! The factor N(Ef)^2 that appears in most formulations of el-ph interact

       ! is absent because we sum, not average, over the Fermi surface.

       ! The factor 2 is provided by the sum over spins


       IF (SQRT (ABS (w2 (nu) ) ) > eps) THEN

          ! lambda is the adimensional el-ph coupling for mode nu:

          ! lambda(nu)= gamma(nu)/(pi N(Ef) omega_{q,nu}^2)

          lambda = gamma / pi / w2 (nu) / dosef


          lambda = 0.0


       ! 3.289828x10^6 is the conversion factor from Ry to GHz

       WRITE (6, 9010) nu, lambda, gamma * 3.289828d6

       IF (iuelph.NE.0) WRITE (iuelph, 9010) nu, lambda, gamma * &





9000 FORMAT(5x,'Gaussian Broadening: ',f7.3,' Ry, ngauss=',i4)

9005 FORMAT(5x,'DOS =',f10.6,' states/spin/Ry/Unit Cell at Ef=', &

         &       f10.6,' eV')

9006 FORMAT(5x,'double delta at Ef =',f10.6)

9010 FORMAT(5x,'lambda(',i2,')=',f8.4,'   gamma=',f8.2,' GHz')



 IF (iuelph.NE.0) CLOSE (unit = iuelph)




    !          call star_q(x_q(1,iq), at, bg, nsym , s , invs , nq, sxq, &

    !               isq, imq, .FALSE. )


END SUBROUTINE elphsum_simple



FUNCTION dos_ef (ngauss, degauss, ef, et, wk, nks, nbnd)



 USE kinds, ONLY : DP

 USE mp_global, ONLY : inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm

 USE mp,        ONLY : mp_sum


 REAL(DP) :: dos_ef

 INTEGER :: ngauss, nbnd, nks

 REAL(DP) :: et (nbnd, nks), wk (nks), ef, degauss


 INTEGER :: ik, ibnd

 REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: w0gauss


 !     Compute DOS at E_F (states per Ry per unit cell)


 dos_ef = 0.0d0

 DO ik = 1, nks

    DO ibnd = 1, nbnd

       dos_ef = dos_ef + wk (ik) * w0gauss ( (et (ibnd, ik) - ef) &

            / degauss, ngauss) / degauss




 !    Collects partial sums on k-points from all pools


 CALL mp_sum ( dos_ef, inter_pool_comm )





subroutine lint ( nsym, s, minus_q, at, bg, npk, k1,k2,k3, &

    nk1,nk2,nk3, nks, xk, kunit, nkBZ, eqBZ, sBZ)



 ! Find which k-points of a uniform grid are in the IBZ


 use kinds, only : DP

 implicit none

 integer, intent (IN) :: nks, nsym, s(3,3,48), npk, k1, k2, k3, &

      nk1, nk2, nk3, kunit, nkBZ

 logical, intent (IN) :: minus_q

 real(kind=DP), intent(IN):: at(3,3), bg(3,3), xk(3,npk)

 integer, INTENT(OUT) :: eqBZ(nkBZ), sBZ(nkBZ)


 real(kind=DP) :: xkr(3), deltap(3), deltam(3)

 real(kind=DP), parameter:: eps=1.0d-5

 real(kind=DP), allocatable :: xkg(:,:), xp(:,:)

 integer ::  i,j,k, ns, n, nk

 integer :: nkh


 ! Re-generate a uniform grid of k-points xkg


 allocate (xkg( 3,nkBZ))


 if(kunit < 1 .or. kunit > 2) call errore('lint','bad kunit value',kunit)


 ! kunit=2: get only "true" k points, not k+q points, from the list


 nkh = nks/kunit

 allocate (xp(3,nkh))

 if (kunit == 1) then

    xp(:,1:nkh) = xk(:,1:nkh)


    do j=1,nkh

       xp(:,j) = xk(:,2*j-1)


 end if

 do i=1,nk1

    do j=1,nk2

       do k=1,nk3

          n = (k-1) + (j-1)*nk3 + (i-1)*nk2*nk3 + 1

          xkg(1,n) = dble(i-1)/nk1 + dble(k1)/2/nk1

          xkg(2,n) = dble(j-1)/nk2 + dble(k2)/2/nk2

          xkg(3,n) = dble(k-1)/nk3 + dble(k3)/2/nk3

       end do

    end do

 end do

 call cryst_to_cart (nkh,xp,at,-1)

 do nk=1,nkBZ

    do n=1,nkh

       do ns=1,nsym

          do i=1,3

             xkr(i) = s(i,1,ns) * xp(1,n) + &

                      s(i,2,ns) * xp(2,n) + &

                      s(i,3,ns) * xp(3,n)

          end do

          do i=1,3

             deltap(i) = xkr(i)-xkg(i,nk) - nint (xkr(i)-xkg(i,nk) )

             deltam(i) = xkr(i)+xkg(i,nk) - nint (xkr(i)+xkg(i,nk) )

          end do

          if ( sqrt ( deltap(1)**2 + &

                      deltap(2)**2 + &

                      deltap(3)**2 ) < eps .or. ( minus_q .and. &

               sqrt ( deltam(1)**2 +  &

                      deltam(2)**2 +  &

                      deltam(3)**2 ) < eps ) ) then

             eqBZ(nk) = n

             sBZ(nk) = ns

             go to 15

          end if

       end do

    end do

    call errore('lint','cannot locate  k point  xk',nk)

15   continue

 end do

 do n=1,nkh

    do nk=1,nkBZ

       if (eqBZ(nk) == n) go to 20

    end do

    !  this failure of the algorithm may indicate that the displaced grid

    !  (with k1,k2,k3.ne.0) does not have the full symmetry of the lattice

    call errore('lint','cannot remap grid on k-point list',n)

20   continue

 end do




end subroutine lint


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