


已有 3879 次阅读 2012-6-22 09:44 |个人分类:浮萍杂“迹”|系统分类:博客资讯| 大学, 科技, 医学, color

医学博士捐精猝死匙实为不幸. 而华中科技大学拒绝家属尸检要求实为愚蠢之举, 惹火烧身.

从医学的角度看, "自慰"当中猝死是可能的, 也是发生过的, 无论男人还是女人. 主要是心源性. 医学报道有:

On a case of sudden death while masturbating (1972 , 日本)

An unusual case of sudden death associated with masturbation (1983 , 奥大利亚)


Woman dies while watching porn with a dildo nearby.

The inquest heard that Miss Paginton, of Cirencester, was found dead in October last year.

Detective Sergeant Gavin Webb said police had been called by her employer Sarah Griffiths who had visited Miss Paginton's home when she failed to turn up for work.
When there was no reply at the door she enlisted the help of neighbour Michelle Grant and they saw Miss Paginton through the curtains, lying on her bed with her cat lying on her chest.
'After they broke in they realised Miss Paginton was dead,' said Sgt Webb. 'She had a computer on her lap and when they moved it and lifted the duvet, they found she was naked from the waist down and there was a vibrator in the bed.

'The laptop was still displaying pornographic material.'
Home office pathologist Dr Richard Jones from the University of Cardiff said: 'There is nothing to explain why she died in this way but I suspect sudden cardiac death.'
Returning a verdict of death from natural causes, Mr Crickmore said: 'I am satisfied Nichola Paginton died of a natural disease process - sudden cardiac arryhthmia.
'It is not always possible to determine an exact cause of death but it is likely that her activity before death contributed towards it.' (简要译文: 侦缉警长加文·韦伯Paginton小姐雇主萨拉参去Paginton的家因为她没有按时去工作
他们打开门进入室内后发现Paginton已死韦伯她的大腿上一台电脑当移开电脑,揭开羽绒被时,他们发现腰部以下赤裸, 在床上有一个振动器电脑仍然显示色情材料病理学家理查德·琼斯博士说:“无法解释她为什么这样,但我怀疑心源性猝死”)

Masahiko Ueno, former chief medical examiner for the Tokyo metropolitan government and author of “Shitai ga Kataru” (The Corpse Speaks) and other books, tells that in the course of his career he encountered numerous cases of males who expired during the act of masturbation.

“Homes weren’t as well built as they are now, and it was easy to hear through the thin walls, so neighbors often sensed something was amiss. We would find them within two or three days after death. Their lower body was exposed, and in many cases there would be nude photos or magazines nearby and tissues scattered about,” Ueno says.

The victims ranged from men in their 20s to those in their 70s.

Based on a frequency of about 30 cases per year in Tokyo’s 23 wards, the number of annual incidents of masturbation mortality three decades ago probably came to 300 nationwide. But while statistics are lacking, Ueno suspects the present figure has probably soared by as much as threefold to as many as 1,000 a year. This is due to two main factors: Japanese have been emulating the western diet and lifestyle, resulting in more people developing cardiovascular diseases from a younger age. And, thanks to the Internet, hard-core pornography, including videos, has proliferated as never before.

所以,从医学的角度看, "自慰"当中会发生猝死 (但发生几率非常低), 属于自然性死亡, 就象"马上风" 或"胯下风"一样 - 非自杀, 非他杀.

上一篇:"金牌会员" 的 "最新主题"! 怎么会这样?
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