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已有 4032 次阅读 2018-12-3 14:24 |个人分类:新发传染病|系统分类:科研笔记| 美国, 急性迟缓性疾病, 柳叶刀

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced on Nov 19 that it was launching a task force to investigate the causes and treatment for patients with acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a polio-like disease that affects the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis, mostly in children. Since 2014, the USA has seen an increase in the number of confirmed cases of AFM, which has no cure or vaccine. So far this year, there have been 106 confirmed cases of AFM in 29 states, all but five of which were observed in children aged 18 years or younger, the CDC said.

   The AFM task force, which is scheduled to submit its first report on Dec 6, will bring together expertsfrom a variety of scientific, medical, and public health disciplines, said Robert R Redfield, CDC director.“I want to reaffirm to parents, patients, and our nation CDC’s commitment to this serious medical condition”, he said. Clinicians who are treating children with the disease and who have urged better data collection and research have welcomed the task force. The CDC has also come under pressure from parents’ advocacy groups that have used social media to urge more outreach with hospital emergency rooms to recognise AFM symptoms, which can appear as a common cold before progressing to paralysis.“This is only the beginning of what we hope will be a more productive and engaged stance from the CDC”, Keith Van Haren, an assistant professor of neurology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, told The Lancet.

  “I’m not pursuing funding. But my colleagues and I are watching children develop permanent disabilities. We need more research and more personnel working on this.” EV-D68: an enterovirus that might be a cause Clinicians have found that a particular enterovirus, known as EV-D68, is the

most commonly identified virus with AFM. However, the CDC cautions that the cause of AFM remains unknown. Enteroviruses peak about every 2 years in the late summer and autumn in the northern hemisphere under a specific combination of humidity and temperature along with a large

enough population of susceptible hosts, such as children. Taking biopsies of the affected tissues in the brain and spine is too risky for patients so doctors have mostly analysed spinal fluid where

enteroviruses, which can move through nerves directly, do not always show up. Waves of AFM cases have been detected starting in 2012 in the USA. Several clinicians, including Kevin Messacar, an infectious disease physician at the Children’s Hospital Colorado, started searching for EV-D68 after the 2014 outbreak using nasal swabs taken from patients with generic cold symptoms. Another

enterovirus, EV-71, was also found, leading to speculation that several enteroviruses could be the cause of AFM. Messacar’s surveillance of EV-D68 meant that he saw this year’s outbreak

coming. “We were able to detect early when the pathogen was circulating and to prepare for when the calls and emails starting coming in about AFM from around the country this year”, he

told The Lancet.

“Active surveillance of EV-D68 helps in both early detection and the investigation of the causes of AFM. We need to prepare for 2020 and vaccines take time, so we need to start now.” The CDC’s surveillance programme for enteroviruses is passive and relies on clinicians sending in samples but a

more active system would require any child with respiratory problems to be tested for EV-D68.

Cases of AFM have been detected in Europe and Japan but not in the same numbers as in the USA.

Messacar has been collaborating with Hubert Niesters, director of the Laboratory of Clinical Virology

at the University Medical Centre in Groningen, Netherlands. They coauthored a study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases in February saying that EV-D68 was the likely cause of AFM. Niesters told The Lancet that three cases were found in Europe in 2014 and 39 cases in 2016. “This year we’ve seen more cases of adults in Wales and I’m sure there are more cases in Europe although not as many as in the USA.

But the problem is we cannot get the data”, he said. Niesters and other European virologists have been pushing for greater surveillance of EV-D68 and AFM and for collaboration with clinicians. “If the CDC or WHO said we have to do it [collect data], then the money would be found”, he said.

“Polio also started as a rare disease and a vaccine is possible. If it was your child, you would do everything even if it was a rare disease.”


US CDC task force to investigate acute flaccid myelitis cases.pdf

美国患急性弛缓性脊髓炎儿童持续增加 肠道病毒被疑是罪魁祸首

2018-11-21 13:26 






在CNN 10月的一篇报道中,CDC的几名医疗顾问和患病儿童的父母批评该机构应对疫情的速度太慢。(实习编辑: 周思敏 审稿:谭利娅)



美国新增 22 例类小儿麻痹症,疑为肠道病毒 D68(EV-D68)感染






  根据美国国家肠道病毒监测系统的数据统计,在1970年至2005年期间只发现26例EVD68感染的病例,EVD68相关的感染一度被认为是及其罕见的 。然而从2005年开始该病毒在美国、亚洲 、欧洲等全球多个地区频繁暴发,发病率持续增高,2014年美国经历的EVD68暴发感染最为严重,期间有1153例确诊并伴随着严重呼吸系统症状的病例;许多回顾性研究证实在同时期欧洲也存在EVD68的流行感染。EVD68感染最常见的临床表现是呼吸系统症状,然而,作为一种非脊髓灰质的肠道病毒,EVD68被发现也能导致松弛性肌无力、神经功能障碍等类脊髓灰质炎(poliolike)神经症状的相关疾病,该疾病被称为急性弛缓性脊髓炎(Acute flaccid myelitis,AFM),这一临床现象提示EVD68潜在引发神经系统疾病,因此引起病毒学家们的广泛关注。






Emerg Infect Dis:2014年美国爆发的急性迟缓性脊髓炎与EV-D68相关


2014年8月8日到2014年10月14日,科罗拉多儿童医院涌现了一批出现急性肢体无力、颅神经功能障碍,有典型临床症状和影像学发现脊髓炎的患儿,CDC流行病情报服务部分的官员Negar Aliabadi博士写到,"尽管没有发现这类患者存在神经系统疾病的病因,但在45%的患者鼻咽部发现了EV-D68病毒。"

来自CDC、科罗拉多大学和儿童医院的研究人员对在本医院或邻近机构接受过呼吸系统疾病治疗的儿童 (n = 11)进行了一项回顾性病例对照研究。他们收集了鼻咽部的样本进行病原学检测,历时2个月发现了不同上呼吸道疾病与出现EV-D68的关系。


研究人员检测了两个模型比较急性延缓性脊髓炎和对照组。第一个模型检测了 EV-D68与急性延缓性脊髓炎的关系,第二个模型检测了肠病毒和鼻病毒的关系。

在203份来自ICU和急性延缓性脊髓炎患者的标本中,Aliabadi 和同事识别了49%的EV-D68阳性。除此之外,在流行病期间,科罗拉多儿童医院急性延缓性脊髓炎诊断高峰与EV-D68呼吸道感染同事出现。在肠道病毒和鼻病毒样本中未检测到主要病毒。

在爆发期间,研究人员认定的13例患有急性延缓性脊髓炎出现了肢体无力和/或颅神经障碍。2人未出现肢体无力,排除在研究之外。急性延缓性脊髓炎患者比RPP检测对照组的年龄要大(P=.05),比检测百日咳杆菌组发热程度要高(P < .001)。

Aliabadi和研究人员说道,"这些流行病学数据,结合生物学原因,揭示了疾病可能的关联;但流行病学数据与进一步的实验室样本检测数据之间仍存在差距。"Kate Sherrer写到,"提高对急性延缓性脊髓炎的监控,及时全面的收集样本并检测EV-D68病毒是有必要的。"


EV-D68, acute flaccid myelitis linked during 2014 Colorado outbreak,healio,July 22, 2016

Aliabadi N, et al. Enterovirus D68 Infection in Children with Acute Flaccid Myelitis, Colorado, USA, 2014,Emerg Infect Dis. 2016;doi:10.3201/eid2208.


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