是一个网上服务器,可以提供很多的phylogenetic analysis tools. 类似于phylemon平台
- BEAST on XSEDE (1.7.4) - Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis by Sampling Trees - run on XSEDE
- Boxshade (3.31) - Pretty printing of aligned PS or DS
- Clearcut (1.0.9) - Fast Implementation of Relaxed Neighbor Joining
- ClustalW (1.82) - Create Multiple Alignments from Sequences
- Consense (Phylip 3.66) - Find A Consensus Tree
- CONTRAlign (2.01) - CONditional TRAining for Sequence Alignment
- Drawgram (Phylip 3.66) - Plots a cladogram- or phenogram- rooted tree
- Drawtree (Phylip 3.66) - Plots an unrooted tree diagram
- Format Validator (1.0) - Format Validation Tool
- FSA (1.15.0) - Distance-based alignment of DNA, RNA and proteins.
- GARLI 2.0 on XSEDE(Beta) (2.0) - Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference - run on XSEDE.
- GARLI.conf Creator (2.0) - Creates a Garli.conf file for up to five partitions
- GARLI on XSEDE (1.0) - Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference - run on teragrid.
- MAFFT on TG (6.822) - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences; parallel version
- MrBayes on XSEDE (3.1.2) - Tree Inference Using Bayesian Analysis - run on XSEDE
- MrBayes 3.2.1 (BETA) on XSEDE (3.2.1) - Tree Inference Using Bayesian Analysis - run on XSEDE
- MrBayes 3.2.1 Restart (BETA) on XSEDE Restart (3.2.1) - Tree Inference Using Bayesian Analysis - run on XSEDE
- Muscle (3.7) - Create Multiple Alignments from Sequences or Profiles
- MView_Alig (1.41.10) - Multiple Alignment Viewer
- NCLconverter (2.1) - A file format transformation tool
- PAUPRat (Not specified) - Parsimony ratchet searches using PAUP*
- POY (4.1.2) - Phylogenetic tree inference using dynamic homologies.
- Probalign (1.3) - Multiple sequence alignment using partition function posterior probabilities.
- ProbCons (1.12) - Probabilistic Consistency-based Multiple Alignment of Amino/Nucleic Acid Sequences
- RAxML-HPC BlackBox (7.3.2) - Phylogenetic tree inference using maximum likelihood/rapid bootstrapping on XSEDE.
- RAxML-HPC2 on XSEDE (7.3.2) - Phylogenetic tree inference using maximum likelihood/rapid bootstrapping run on XSEDE
- RAxML Light on XSEDE (BETA) (1.0.9) - RAxML-Light is a modification of RAxML for inferring very large trees on XSEDE machines
- Readseq (2.2) - Readseq: biological sequence format interconversion utility
- Seqboot (Phylip 3.66) - Bootstrap, Jackknife, or Permutation Resampling
- Seqretsplit (Emboss 6.0.0) - Split a multiple sequences file into many files, each containing one sequence
Cipres Science Gateway RAxML-HPC2 on XSEDE.mht
Jmodeltest 和 protest ——计算进化树最适合的nt或者aa替代模型下一篇: