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包气带水文学专家---Jan W. Hopmans

已有 10814 次阅读 2008-4-10 11:29 |个人分类:著名人物

2008年3月25日由浙江大学和加州大学戴维斯分校共同举办的小流域发展研究与管理国际会议,我有幸认识包气带水文学专家-Jan W. Hopmans教授,Jan W. Hopmans教授做了题为subsurface hydrology and irrigated agriculture in ththe San Joaquin Valley,CA 的报告。Jan W. Hopmans教授在包气带水文学如土壤物理、不饱和区溶质迁移、污染水文学、尺度扩展、植物根系吸收界面过程、参数优化、土壤水利参数、模型模拟、农田灌溉与管理等方面做出卓越的贡献,下面是Jan W. Hopmans教授的简介,希望对从事包气带水文学研究的同行有所帮助。

包气带水文学专家---Jan W. Hopmans简介:


Vadose Zone Hydrology: soil physics, unsaturated flow and transport processes, contaminant hydrology, x-ray microtomography, scaling techniques, plant root-soil water interactions, parameter optimization, soil hydraulic properties, flow and transport modeling, irrigation water management.


Ph.D. 1985 Auburn University, Soil Physics (Advisor: J.H. Dane)
M.S. 1981 Wageningen Agricultural University, Hydrology/Hydraulics
(Advisor: Krayenhoff van den Leur)
B.S. 1978 Wageningen Agricultural University, Land and Water Use

1996 - Professor, Hydrology Program, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, CA.

1992-1996 Associate Professor, Hydrology Program, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, CA.

1988-1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, CA.

1985-1988 Post-Doctoral Assistant, Department of Hydrology, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands.

1981-1985 Graduate Research Assistant, Department Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.

2001- Vice Chair, Hydrology of Dept LAWR
1997- Graduate and Admit Advisor, Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group
1994-1996 Director Hydrology Program, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, CA.
1997-1998 Member, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Executive Committee
1997- 2000 Member Representative Assembly of Academic Senate
1997&1998 Chair Search Committee Watershed Hydrologist UC Davis

Fellow Soil Science Society of America, 2001
Visisting Research Scientist: Wageningen Agricultural University, July-December 1993.
Fullbright Grant, 1985
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 1992-94
Fellow LWRRDC and CSIRO, Townsville, Australia, 2000
2001 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Water Resources Research, 2002
Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award, 2003
Fellow American Geophysical Union, 2005

Chair of Division S-1 (Soil Physics) of Soil Science Society of America, 2000
Chair and Member S-1 Early-Career Award Committee, 2001-2004
Board of Soil Science Society of America, 2001
Session Chair Gordon Conference, 1998 & 2002.
Chair Working Group SP (International Union of Soil Sciences) Soil and Groundwater Pollution, 1998- 2004;
Working Group Member Instrumentation Committee, National Center for Hydrologic Synthesis (NCHS), 2005-08;
Associate Editor/Editorial Board, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1993-1996; Advances in Water Resources, 1996- ; International Agrophysics, 2000- ; Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2000- , Vadose Zone Journal, 2001- ; Soil Science Reviews, 2002-03; Plant and Soil, 2004- .
Liaison of Soil Science Society of America for AGU. 1995-2002
Guest Editor: J. of Hydrology Issue on ‘ Soil Physical Properties and Processes and Their Variability in Space and Time’, 22 papers, 2002; Advances in Water Resources Issue on ‘Experimental Hydrology’, 2004; Vadose Zone Journal Issue on ‘Landscape processes’, 2005.
Review Panel Member,EMBRAPA Center of Envir. Studies Program, Jaguariuna, Brazil, 1996
Benchmarking Panel Member, Envir. Studies, Griffith Univ., Brisbane, Australia, 1993
Technical Committee/Board, Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, 1993-1995, 2001-2006; California Water Resources Center, 2004-07;
Co-Chair, Vadose Zone Hydrology Conference, University of California, Davis, 1995
Member, AGU Large-scale experimentation Committee, 1994-98; and Vadose Zone Hydrology Committee, 1994- ; USNR-NAS-CODATA, 2001-
Member Session Organizer and Chair SSSA Meetings, 1988, 1990, 1991,1992; 2002, 2004;AGU Meetings, 1994, 1997, 1998 (2); Don Nielsen Symposium, SSSA, 2001; IUSS Special Symposium, Bangkok, 2002; Joint EGS-AGU Meeting, Nice, France, 2003 (2 sessions) and 2004.
Scientific Planning Committee Member: 2000 Kirkham Conference; 2002 InterAmericas Symposium CODATA, Montreal; 2004 Future of World Water Symposium, Davis; 2004 Gordon Conference on ‘Flow & Transport in Porous Media’; 2002 Ascona (Switzerland) Workshop on ‘Rhizosphere, preferential flow and bioavailability’.
Advisory Committee Member: International Conference - Remade Lands 2000 (Australia),
Panel member, USDA Water Resources Assessment and Protection Program, 1993
Secretary/Chair, Western-188 USDA Regional Project, 1991-1992
Consulting member, Research Project of Inter. Atomic Energy Agency, 1991-93
Founder, International Study Group on Inverse Modeling (ISGIM), 1993

American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), American Geophysical Union (AGU), International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), European Geophysical Union (EGU), American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Gamma Sigma Delta.

FUNDING AGENCIES: USDA, NSF, USGS, EPA, BARD, Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, California State Salinity Drainage Task Force, California Water Resources Center.

Ph.D. STUDENTS (year of graduation): Simon Eching (1993), Jiayu Chen (1996), Volker Clausnitzer (1998), Heather Shepherd (1999), Mike Tansey (1999), Atac Tuli (2001), Gerrit Schoups (2004).

M.S. Students (year of graduation): Thomas Suggs (1992), Steve Essert (1995), Terry Frueh (1996), Francesca Somma (1996), Kevin Ellett (2002), Leanne Tumlinson (2005).

COURSEWORK TEACHING RESPONSIBILITY: Undergraduate: Irrigation Water Management, Introductory Soil Physics, Science and Society: Hydrology, Graduate: Transport in Soils, Modeling of the Vadose Zone.

2005, UC Riverside; AGU, New Orleans; 2004, MIT, Boston; Amsterdam University; Wageningen University, Netherlands; OSU, Corvallis; SSSA Meeting, Seattle, Landscape Symposium; 2003, University of Sydney; 2002, Gordon Conference, New Hampshire.; ETHZ Workshop on Rhizosphere, preferential flow and bioavailability, Monte Verita, Switzerland; SSSA Meeting, Indianapolis, Clark Topp Symposium; 2001 SSSA Meeting, Charlotte NC, Gaylon Campbell Symposium; DNRE, Tatura, Australia; Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark; Joint SSSA-CSSA Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic; Alterra, Wageningen, the Netherlands; AGU, San Francisco; 2000, CSIRO Land and Water, Towsville, Australia, APSRU, Toowoomba, Australia; Joint German and American Soil Science Society, Osnabruek, Germany; 1999 Johns Hopkins University; Annual Soil Science Society of America Meeting, Salt Lake City; 1998 Montpellier-France-ISSS;Baltimore-SSSA; Napoli-Italy-ISGIM; 1997 Riverside-Symposium; San Francisco-AGU; Piracicaba-Univ. Sao Paulo-Workshop. 1995 UC-Riverside; Australia-Griffith Univ. Berkeley-Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab.; Australia-Flinders Univ. 1994 Lawrence Livermore National Lab; 1993 Wageningen-Netherlands-CABO; Netherlands-Wageningen Agric. Univ; Belgium-Univ. of Leuven; Switzerland-ETH; Germany-Muncheberg-ZALF and Berlin-Humbold Univ.; Czech Rep.-Prague-Tech. Univ. 1992 Utah State Univ;Univ. of Texas; Netherlands-Institute of Soil Fertility; UC-Berkeley. 1991 Netherlands-Wageningen Agric. Univ.


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