

人类胚胎干细胞是朵奇葩 精选

已有 11377 次阅读 2013-5-24 16:45 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:论文交流| 干细胞, 奇葩


2007 1114日,《自然》杂志宣布,位于美国俄勒冈州比弗顿的国立灵长类动物研究中心科学家沙乌科莱特米塔利波夫(Shoukhrat Mitalipov)率领的研究小组,成功克隆出猴胚胎,并从中获得两批胚胎干细胞,研究人员从克隆胚胎中已经培育出成熟的猴子心肌细胞和大脑神经细胞。

2013-5-15 该研究小组又在Cell在线发表论文称成功将人皮肤细胞转化成胚胎干细胞,可是这次他们却惹来了不少苦恼,难道沙乌科莱特米塔利波夫是又一个黄禹锡(Woo Suk Hwang)?

Human Embryonic Stem Cells Derived by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

Available online 15 May2013, Cell.


This paper reports thenovel creation of human embryonic stem cells from somatic nuclei. It hasreceived massive media coverage and is surely pencilled in as a strongcandidate for scientific publication of the year.

It does however haveseveral examples of image reuse which might be of interest to PubPeer membersand readers.

Fig. 2F NT-ESC colonywith typical morphology derived from a caffeine-treated SCNT human blastocyst.

Fig. 6D pluripotency markers (top left)

Fig. 6D pluripotency markers (top right)

Fig. s5, Expression of Pluripotency Markers in Human NT-ESCs and in Control IVF-ESCs Detected by Immunocytochemistry(top right)

Figure S6 MicroarrayScatterplot Analysis of Biological Replications within Each Cell Type(topcentre and top right are the same image)


- Fig. 2F is a slightlycropped version of the cell microscopy image in Fig. 6D top left.

- Fig. 6D top right, thecell microscopy image is a slightly cropped version of supplementary Fig. s5,top right. The cells in 6D are labelled as "h-ESO-NT1 Ph" yet infigure s5 they are labelled to be "hESO-7". We understand the formerto inherit caffeine-treated somatic nuclei whereas the latter are original stemcells.

Under pressure toassemble the figures for rapid publication, one can understand making a cut andpaste figure assembly mistake. Nevertheless it should be noted that imagecropping does take extra work.

- Figure S6 top centreand top right are the same image.

- Figure S6 middle leftand lower right are reported to be biological replicates of microarrayexpression quantitation. In those cases however the narrow spread indicatesthat the data are extremely similar and are only understandable as technicalreplicates (where the same RNA sample is hybridised to two different arrays).It is useful to do technical replicates to control experimentalreproducibility, but biological replicates are more valuable when reportingresults. They are not the same thing and should not be conflated. (For therecord, we did check the microarray data deposited at Gene Expression Omnibus(GSE46397)).

Lastly we note that, inthe paper, it is recorded that the journal Cell accepted this paper just 4 daysafter submission. Perhaps, under the circumstances, the pre-publication peerreview had to be a little hasty? At least here at Pubpeer, while conductingpost publication review, we can take as long as necessary to make up for thatlost time.



韩国科学家黄禹锡Science上的两篇人胚胎干细胞造假论文(Science 2004, 303: 1669Science 2005, 308: 1777)

1. Science 2004, 303: 1669

This article has been retracted

Published Online February12 2004, Science 12 March 2004: Vol.303 no. 5664 pp. 1669-1674 DOI: 10.1126/science.1094515


Evidence of a PluripotentHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Line Derived from a Cloned Blastocyst


Fig. Expression ofcharacteristic cell surface markers inhuman SCNT ES cells. SCNT-hES-1 cells expressedcell surface markers

2. Science 2005, 308: 1777

This article has been retracted

Published Online May 192005, Science 17 June 2005: Vol. 308no. 5729 pp. 1777-1783



Patient-SpecificEmbryonic Stem Cells Derived from Human SCNT Blastocysts

Fig. hESC linesestablished from NT blastocysts using patient somatic cells (NT-hESCs) arepluripotent with normal karyotypes

3. Cell Stem Cell, Volume1, Issue 3, 13 September 2007-cover paper Science,Volume 315, Issue 5811, 26 January 2007-cover paper

200711月是一个令人感慨的岁月,黄禹锡被废掉500天之后,达利教授功成名就!哈佛大学兼Boston儿童医院Daley实验室乔治·达利(George Daley)教授从黄禹锡Sciene“造假论文中获取灵感,当年发表在Cell Stem Cell上的一篇封面论文宣布:2004年,由韩国胚胎干细胞专家黄禹锡博士建立的人类疾病基因胚胎干细胞株,已被该研究团队确认,这些细胞株的建立方法是不含外源性基因污染的单性繁殖胚胎干细胞,很有可能是一项历史性的创举。同年他们还利用小鼠的未受精卵,产生所谓的孤雌生殖(parthenogenetic)胚胎干细胞,证明孤雌胚胎干细胞的组织相容性,并发表了Science封面论文。

1. 区分孤雌和体细胞克隆胚胎干细胞的方法

Recombination Signatures Distinguish Embryonic Stem Cells Derived by Parthenogenesis and Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

Cell Stem Cell, Volume 1,Issue 3, 346-352, 13 September 2007, doi:10.1016/j.stem.2007.07.001

Cell Stem Cell, 13September 2007


2. 小鼠组织相容性孤雌生殖胚胎干细胞

Published Online December14 2006

Science 26 January 2007:

Vol. 315 no. 5811 pp.482-486 DOI: 10.1126/science.1133542


Histocompatible EmbryonicStem Cells by Parthenogenesis

Science, 26 January 2007







vip-2007.成功克隆出猴胚胎并获胚胎干细胞 Producing primate embryon.pdf


vip-2004.黄禹锡 science.Evidence of a Pluripotent Human Embryonic Stem Cell L.pdf

vip-2005.黄禹锡 science.Patient-Specific Embryonic Stem Cells Derived from Hu.pdf

2007.孤雌胚胎干细胞的组织相容性Histocompatible Embryonic Stem Cells.pdf

2007.区分孤雌和体细胞克隆胚胎干细胞的方法 Recombination Signat.pdf

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