Part A (No.1-91)
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作者/成果或论文名称/来源 /出版日期 /类别 |
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吴春国, LiGY, WuXZ, HanXS, 汪秉宏 Journal of Bionanoscience, 7(1), pp 66-71, 2013/1.期刊论文 |
2 |
*Ma, Peijie1, 2、Wang, Binghong2, 3 The escape of pedestrians with view radius Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392(1), pp 215-220, 2013.期刊论文 |
3 |
*Liu, Run-Ran1, 2, 3、Wang, Wen-Xu3, 4、Lai, Ying-Cheng3, 5、Wang, Bing-Hong2 Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85(2), pp 1-5, 2012.期刊论文 |
4 |
*Zhang, Haifeng1、Fu, Feng2, 3、Zhang, Wenyao4、Wang, Binghong4 Rational behavior is a ';double-edged sword'; when considering voluntary vaccination Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(20), pp 4807-4815, 2012.期刊论文 |
5 |
*Peng, Yu1、Wang, Bing-Hong2、Zeng, Qing-Ke1、Lu, Qian1、Wang, Hong1 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(5), pp 2000-2006, 2012.期刊论文 |
6 |
*Chen, Bokui1、Dong, Chuanfei2、Liu, Yike3、Tong, Wei1、Zhang, Wenyao1、Liu, Jie1、Wang, Binghong1, 4 Real-time information feedback based on a sharp decay weighted function Computer Physics Communications, 183(10), pp 2081-2088, 2012.期刊论文 |
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*Ding, Zhong-Jun1、Sun, Xiao-Yan2、Wang, Bing-Hong1, 3 1st International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation 2011, ACMS 2011, 2011/12/14-2011/12/16, pp 1072-1076, Kunming, China, 2012.会议论文 |
8 |
Sui, Qiao-Hong1、Ding, Zhong-Jun1、Jiang, Rui2、Huang, Wei2、Sun, Duo1、Wang, Bing-Hong1, 3 Slow-to-start effect in two-dimensional traffic flow Computer Physics Communications, 183(3), pp 547-551, 2012.期刊论文 |
9 |
*Shao, Chen-Xi、Dou, Hui-Ling、Wang, Bing-Hong INFORMATION ASYMMETRY FLOWING IN COMPLEX NETWORKS International Journal of Modern Physics B, 26(31), pp 1-17, 2012/12/20.期刊论文 |
10 |
*Li, Qi-Lang、Jiang, Rui、Wang, Bing-Hong、Liu, Mu-Ren A NOVEL METHOD TO ANALYZE PHASE DIAGRAMS FOR TRAFFICS ON THE CROSSROAD International Journal of Modern Physics C, 23(10), pp 1-8, 2012/10.期刊论文 |
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张海峰、王阳阳、汪秉宏、ZHANG Hai-feng1,2,WANG Yang-yang1,WANG Bing-hong1(、2.Department of Modern Physics,University of Scien 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 03期, pp 13-21, 2012/9/15.期刊论文 |
12 |
*Zhang, Haifeng、Small, Michael、Fu, Xinchu、Sun, Guiquan、Wang, Binghong Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 241(18), pp 1512-1517, 2012/9/15.期刊论文 |
13 |
*Liu, Run-Ran、Jia, Chun-Xiao、Zhang, Jianlin、Wang, Bing-Hong Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(18), pp 4325-4330, 2012/9/15.期刊论文 |
14 |
*Sun, X.、Wang, B.、Yamauchi, Y. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(35), pp 18752-18758, 2012/9/6.期刊论文 |
15 |
*Li, Qi-Lang、Jiang, Rui、Wang, Bing-Hong、Liu, Mu-Ren Phase diagrams of traffic flow at an unsignalized intersection EPL, 99(3), pp 1-5, 2012/8.期刊论文 |
16 |
张海峰、张文耀、孙桂全、周涛、汪秉宏、ZHANG HaiFeng1,ZHANG WenYao2,SUN GuiQuan3,ZHOU Tao、2 Department of Modern Physics,University of Scien、3 Department of Mathematics,North University of Ch…… 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学, 06期, pp 631-638, 2012/6/20.期刊论文 |
17 |
刘润然、贾春晓、章剑林、汪秉宏、LIU Run-ran1,JIA Chun-xiao1,ZHANG Jian-lin1,WANG B、2.School of Physical Science,University of Science、3.The Research Center for Complex Systems Science, 上海理工大学学报, 03期, pp 235-239, 2012/6/15.期刊论文 |
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朱军芳、汪秉宏、ZHU Jun-fang1,WANG Bing-hong2,3(1.School of Scienc、2.School of Physical Science,University of Science、3.The Research Center for Complex Systems Science, 上海理工大学学报, 03期, pp 240-251, 2012/6/15.期刊论文 |
19 |
*Yang, Han-Xin、Wang, Wen-Xu、Lai, Ying-Cheng、Wang, Bing-Hong Traffic-driven epidemic spreading on networks of mobile agents EPL, 98(6), pp 1-5, 2012/6.期刊论文 |
20 |
*Zhang, Hai-Feng、Wu, Zhi-Xi、Wang, Bing-Hong Universal effect of dynamical reinforcement learning mechanism in spatial evolutionary games Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 1742(5468), pp 1-13, 2012/6.期刊论文 |
21 |
*Sun, X.、Wang, B.、Yamauchi, Y. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(20), pp 10976-10981, 2012/5/24, (SCI, 影响因子=4.8050(2011), 引用次数=1).期刊论文 |
22 |
杨涵新、汪秉宏、YANG Han-xin1,WANG Bing-hong2,3(1.Department of Ph、2.Department of Modern Physics,University of Scien、3.The Research Center for Complex Systems Science, 上海理工大学学报, 02期, pp 166-171, 2012/4/15.期刊论文 |
23 |
汪秉宏、周涛、周昌松、WANG Bing-hong 1,2,ZHOU Tao 3,ZHOU Chang-song 4,5(、2.The Research Center for Complex Systems Science,、3.Web Sciences Center,University of Electro Scienc…… 上海理工大学学报, 02期, pp 103-117, 2012/4/15.期刊论文 |
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姜罗罗、汪秉宏、JIANG Luo-luo1,WANG Bing-hong2,3(1.College of Phys、2.Department of Modern Physics,University of Scien、3.The Research Center for Complex Systems Science, 上海理工大学学报, 02期, pp 172-184, 2012/4/15.期刊论文 |
25 |
Chen, Bokui、Xie, Yanbo、Tong, Wei、Dong, Chuanfei、Shi, Dongmei、Wang, Binghong A comprehensive study of advanced information feedbacks in real-time intelligent traffic systems Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(8), pp 2730-2739, 2012/4/15, (SCI, 影响因子=1.3730(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
26 |
*Zhang, Haifeng、Shi, Dongmei、Liu, Runran、Wang, Binghong Dynamic allocation of investments promotes cooperation in spatial public goods game Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(8), pp 2617-2622, 2012/4/15.期刊论文 |
27 |
Ren Xue-Zao、Yang Zi-Mo、Wang Bing-Hong、*Zhou Tao Mandelbrot Law of Evolving Networks Chinese Physics Letters, 29(3), pp 1-4, 2012/3, (SCI, 影响因子=0.7310(2011), 引用次数=1).期刊论文 |
28 |
王澎、汪秉宏、WANG Peng~(1.2),WANG Bing-hong~(3.4) (1.Insititute、2.Alibaba Business College,Hangzhou Normal Univers、3.Department of Modern Physics,University of Scien…… 上海理工大学学报, 01期, pp 1-5+17, 2012/2/15.期刊论文 |
29 |
孙晓燕、汪秉宏、SUN Xiao-yan~1,WANG Bing-hong~(2.3) (1.College of、2.Department of Modern Physics.University of Scien、3.The Research Center for Complex Systems Science, 上海理工大学学报, 01期, pp 14-17, 2012/2/15.期刊论文 |
30 |
*Shi, Dong-Mei、Zhuang, Yong、Wang, Bing-Hong Effect of the depreciation of public goods in spatial public goods games Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(4), pp 1636-1641, 2012/2/15.期刊论文 |
31 |
*Yang, Han-Xin、Wang, Wen-Xu、Lai, Ying-Cheng、Wang, Bing-Hong Convergence to global consensus in opinion dynamics under a nonlinear voter model Physics Letters A, 376(4), pp 282-285, 2012/1/9.期刊论文 |
32 |
Li, Qi-Lang、Wang, Bing-Hong、Liu, Mu-Ren Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(1-2), pp 328-336, 2012/1/1.期刊论文 |
33 |
Wang, Xi-Peng1、Jiang, Luo-Luo2、Wang, Bing-Hong1 Chinese Physics B, 21(7), pp 1-6, 2012.期刊论文 |
34 |
*Ding, Zhong-Jun、Jiang, Rui、Li, Ming、Li, Qi-Lang、Wang, Bing-Hong Effect of violating the traffic light rule in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic flow model EPL, 99(6), pp 1-6, 2012/9.期刊论文 |
35 |
*Chen, B. -K.、Tong, W.、Zhang, W. -Y.、Sun, X. -Y.、Wang, B. -H. Flux information feedback strategy in intelligent traffic systems EPL, 97(1), pp 1-4, 2012/1, (SCI, 影响因子=2.1710(2011), 引用次数=1).期刊论文 |
36 |
Yan Xiao-Yong、Han Xiao-Pu、Zhou Tao、*Wang Bing-Hong Chinese Physics Letters, 28(12), pp 1-4, 2011/12.期刊论文 |
37 |
*Li, Ming、Ding, Zhong-Jun、Jiang, Rui、Hu, Mao-Bin、Wang, Bing-Hong Traffic flow in a Manhattan-like urban system Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 1742(5468), pp 1-13, 2011/12.期刊论文 |
38 |
Yang HanXin、*Wang BingHong Universal role of migration in the evolution of cooperation Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(34), pp 3693-3696, 2011/12.期刊论文 |
39 |
汤雷翰、赵鸿、刘宗华、周涛、汪秉宏、TANG Lei-han1,2,ZHAO Hong3,LIU Zong-hua4,ZHOU Tao5、2.Department of Physics,Hong Kong Baptist Universi、3.Department of Physics, Xiamen University,Xiamen…… 上海理工大学学报, 05期, pp 409-417, 2011/10/15.期刊论文 |
40 |
*Yang, Han-Xin、Wang, Wen-Xu、Lai, Ying-Cheng、Xie, Yan-Bo、Wang, Bing-Hong Control of epidemic spreading on complex networks by local traffic dynamics Physical Review E, 84(4), pp 1-4, 2011/10/4, (SCI, 影响因子=2.2550(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
41 |
*Shi, Dong-Mei、Zhuang, Yong、Li, Yu-Jian、Wang, Bing-Hong Depreciation of public goods in spatial public goods games Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2011(10), pp 1-8, 2011/10.期刊论文 |
42 |
*Jiang, Luo-Luo、Zhou, Tao、Perc, Matjaz、Wang, Bing-Hong Physical Review E, 84(2), pp 1-6, 2011/8/8.期刊论文 |
43 |
*Chen, Bokui、Sun, Xiaoyan、Wei, Hua、Dong, Chuanfei、Wang, Binghong PIECEWISE FUNCTION FEEDBACK STRATEGY IN INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC SYSTEMS WITH A SPEED LIMIT BOTTLENECK International Journal of Modern Physics C, 22(8), pp 849-860, 2011/8, (SSCI,SCI, 影响因子=0.5700(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
44 |
*Sun, Xiaoyan、Xie, Yanbo、He, Zhiwei、Wang, Binghong Physics Letters A, 375(28-29), pp 2699-2703, 2011/7/11.期刊论文 |
45 |
*Chen, Bokui、Chen, Mengsu、Zhang, Ziling、Xie, Yanbo、Wang, Binghong SPEED OF LAST VEHICLE FEEDBACK STRATEGY IN INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS International Journal of Modern Physics C, 22(7), pp 745-753, 2011/7, (SCI, 影响因子=0.5700(2011), 引用次数=1).期刊论文 |
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樊超、郭进利、韩筱璞、汪秉宏、FAN Chao 1a,2,GUO Jin-li 1a,HAN Xiao-pu3,WANG Bing、b.Research Center for Complex System Science,Unive、2.College of Arts and Sciences,Shanxi Agricultural…… 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 02期, pp 1-17, 2011/6/15.期刊论文 |
47 |
*Wang, Peng、Xie, Xiao-Yi、Yeung, Chi Ho、Wang, Bing-Hong Heterogenous scaling in the inter-event time of on-line bookmarking Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(12), pp 2395-2400, 2011/6/15, (SCI, 影响因子=1.3730(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
48 |
*Zhuang, Yong、Shi, Dong-Mei、Du, Wen-Bo、Zhang, Hai-Feng、Wang, Bing-Hong International Journal of Modern Physics C, 22(6), pp 649-659, 2011/6.期刊论文 |
49 |
*Ding, Zhong-Jun、Jiang, Rui、Huang, Wei、Wang, Bing-Hong Effect of randomization in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic flow model Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2011(6), pp 1-13, 2011/6, (SCI, 影响因子=1.7270(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
50 |
Wang, Yao、Wu, Chunguo、Ji, Zhaohua、Wang, Binghong、*Liang, Yanchun Non-Parametric Change-Point Method for Differential Gene Expression Detection PLos One, 6(5), pp 1-16, 2011/5/31, (SCI, 影响因子=4.0920(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
51 |
*Zhang, Haifeng、Zhang, Jie、Li, Ping、Small, Michael、Wang, Binghong Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 240(11), pp 943-948, 2011/5/15.期刊论文 |
52 |
*Han, Xiao-Pu、Zhou, Tao、Wang, Bing-Hong Scaling mobility patterns and collective movements: Deterministic walks in lattices Physical Review E, 83(5), pp 1-4, 2011/5/10, (SCI, 影响因子=2.2550(2011), 引用次数=1).期刊论文 |
53 |
*Xie, Yan-Bo、Li, Yu-Jian、Wang, Bing-Hong Generalized Eden model with a screening effect Physical Review E, 83(5), pp 1-3, 2011/5/10.期刊论文 |
54 |
*汪秉宏 中国, 2011/4/27.其他 |
55 |
*Ding, Zhong-Jun、Jiang, Rui、Wang, Bing-Hong Traffic flow in the Biham-Middleton-Levine model with random update rule Physical Review E, 83(4), pp 1-4, 2011/4/12, (SCI, 影响因子=2.2550(2011), 引用次数=3).期刊论文 |
56 |
*Li, Qi-Lang、Wang, Bing-Hong、Liu, Mu-Ren Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(7), pp 1356-1362, 2011/4/1.期刊论文 |
57 |
*Zhang, Hai-Feng、Liu, Run-Ran、Wang, Zhen、Yang, Han-Xin、Wang, Bing-Hong EPL, 94(1), pp 1-6, 2011/4, (SCI, 影响因子=2.1710(2011), 引用次数=14).期刊论文 |
58 |
*Wang, P.、Lei, T.、Yeung, C. H.、Wang, B. -H. Heterogenous human dynamics in intra- and inter-day time scales EPL, 94(1), pp 1-4, 2011/4, (SCI, 影响因子=2.1710(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
59 |
*Han, Xiao-Pu、Hao, Qiang、Wang, Bing-Hong、Zhou, Tao Physical Review E, 83(3), pp 1-5, 2011/3/30, (SCI, 影响因子=2.2550(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
60 |
*Li, Yu-Jian、Wang, Su、Han, Zhong-Lin、Tian, Bao-Mei、Xi, Zhen-Dong、Wang, Bing-Hong Optimal view angle in the three-dimensional self-propelled particle model EPL, 93(6), pp 1-4, 2011/3.期刊论文 |
61 |
汪秉宏、杨涵新、WANG Bing-hong1,2,3,YANG Han-xin3(1.The Research C、2.The Institute for Adaptive Complex Systems,Shang、3.Department of Modern Physics,University of Scien 上海理工大学学报, 01期, pp 24-29+88, 2011/2/15.期刊论文 |
62 |
*Jiang, Luo-Luo、Perc, Matjaz、Wang, Wen-Xu、Lai, Ying-Cheng、Wang, Bing-Hong Impact of link deletions on public cooperation in scale-free networks EPL, 93(4), pp 1-4, 2011/2, (SCI, 影响因子=2.1710(2011), 引用次数=10).期刊论文 |
63 |
*Sun, Xiao-Yan、Hao, Qing-Yi、Liu, Mu-Ren、Wang, Bing-Hong International Journal of Modern Physics C, 22(2), pp 181-189, 2011/2.期刊论文 |
64 |
*Liu, Run-Ran、Wang, Wen-Xu、Lai, Ying-Cheng、Chen, Guanrong、Wang, Bing-Hong Optimal convergence in naming game with geography-based negotiation on small-world networks Physics Letters A, 375(3), pp 363-367, 2011/1/17, (SCI, 影响因子=1.6320(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
65 |
*Yang, Han-Xin、Wang, Wen-Xu、Xie, Yan-Bo、Lai, Ying-Cheng、Wang, Bing-Hong Transportation dynamics on networks of mobile agents Physical Review E, 83(1), pp 1-4, 2011/1/11, (SCI, 影响因子=2.2550(2011), 引用次数=6).期刊论文 |
66 |
Lin, Ying-Ting、*Yang, Han-Xin、Wu, Zhi-Xi、Wang, Bing-Hong Promotion of cooperation by aspiration-induced migration Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(1), pp 77-82, 2011/1/1, (SCI, 影响因子=1.3730(2011), 引用次数=14).期刊论文 |
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周涛、汪秉宏、韩筱璞、尚明生 系统工程学报, 25(06), pp 742-754, 2010/12/15.期刊论文 |
68 |
*Liu, Run-Ran、Jia, Chun-Xiao、Wang, Bing-Hong Heritability promotes cooperation in spatial public goods games Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389(24), pp 5719-5724, 2010/12/15, (SCI, 影响因子=1.3730(2011), 引用次数=11).期刊论文 |
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汪秉宏 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 7(04), pp 65-73, 2010/12/15.期刊论文 |
70 |
Bai, Liang、Du, Wen-Yuan、Li, Shu-Min、Wang, Bing-Hong Photoelectric effect in the presence of a bichromatic laser field Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 43(22), pp 1-4, 2010/11/28.期刊论文 |
71 |
董川飞、马旭、汪秉宏 中国科学:信息科学, 11期, pp 1530-1536, 2010/11/15.期刊论文 |
72 |
Zhang, Haifeng、Small, Michael、Yang, Hanxin、Wang, Binghong Adjusting learning motivation to promote cooperation Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 389(21), pp 4734-4739, 2010/11/1.期刊论文 |
73 |
Li, Qi-Lang、Wang, Bing-Hong、Liu, Mu-Ren Phase diagrams properties of the mixed traffic flow on a crossroad Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 389(21), pp 5045-5052, 2010/11/1.期刊论文 |
74 |
*Dong ChuanFei、Ma Xu、Wang BingHong Advanced information feedback strategy in intelligent two-route traffic flow systems Science China Information Sciences, 53(11), pp 2265-2271, 2010/11, (SCI, 影响因子=0.3880(2011), 引用次数=6).期刊论文 |
75 |
*Zhao, Ming、Zhou, Changsong、Chen, Yuhan、Hu, Bambi、Wang, Bing-Hong Physical Review E, 82(4), pp 1-4, 2010/10/28, (SCI, 影响因子=2.2550(2011), 引用次数=10).期刊论文 |
76 |
*Ma, Pei-Jie、Wang, Bing-Hong THE OPTIMUM OF SYNCHRONIZABILITY IN COMPLEX NETWORKS International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(10), pp 1255-1261, 2010/10, (SCI, 影响因子=0.5700(2011), 引用次数=1).期刊论文 |
77 |
*Xue, Shengjun、Ruan, Feng、Yin, Chuanyang、Zhang, Haifeng、Wang, Binghong SPREAD OF EPIDEMIC ON COMPLEX NETWORKS UNDER VOLUNTARY VACCINATION MECHANISM (vol 21, pg 1197, 2010) International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(10), p 1309, 2010/10.期刊论文 |
78 |
*Sun, Xiao-Yan、Jiang, Rui、Hao, Qing-Yi、Wang, Bing-Hong Phase transition in random walks coupled with evolutionary game EPL, 92(1), pp 1-4, 2010/10, (SCI, 影响因子=2.1710(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
79 |
*Zhuang Yong、Liu Run-Ran、Yang Han-Xin、Shi Dong-Mei、Wang Bing-Hong Accelerating Consensus by Preferential Words in the Naming Game Chinese Physics Letters, 27(10), pp 1-4, 2010/10, (SCI, 影响因子=0.7310(2011), 引用次数=2).期刊论文 |
80 |
韩筱璞、汪秉宏、周涛 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 7(2-3), pp 132-144, 2010/9/15.期刊论文 |
81 |
汪秉宏、周涛、刘建国 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 7(2-3), pp 47-49, 2010/9/15.期刊论文 |
82 |
李翔、刘宗华、汪秉宏 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 7(2-3), pp 33-37, 2010/9/15.期刊论文 |
83 |
李启朗、孙晓燕、汪秉宏、刘慕仁 物理学报, 59(09), pp 5996-6002, 2010/9/15.期刊论文 |
84 |
Li Qi-Lang、Sun Xiao-Yan、Wang Bing-Hong、Liu Mu-Ren Acta Physica Sinica, 59(9), pp 5996-6002, 2010/9.期刊论文 |
85 |
Hao Jia-Bo、Yang Han-Xin、Liu Run-Ran、Wang Bing-Hong、Zhang Zhi-Yuan Chinese Physics Letters, 27(9), pp 1-3, 2010/9.期刊论文 |
86 |
Dong, Chuanfei、Ma, Xu、Wang, Binghong、Sun, Xiaoyan Effects of prediction feedback in multi-route intelligent traffic systems Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 389(16), pp 3274-3281, 2010/8/15.期刊论文 |
87 |
Liu, Run-Ran、Liu, Jian-Guo、Jia, Chun-Xiao、Wang, Bing-Hong Personal recommendation via unequal resource allocation on bipartite networks Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 389(16), pp 3282-3289, 2010/8/15.期刊论文 |
88 |
韩筱璞、汪秉宏 中国数学力学物理学高新技术交叉研究学会第十三届学术年会, 2010/8/1-2010/8/5, pp 225-231, 中国甘肃敦煌、加拿大蒙特利尔, 2010/8/1.会议论文 |
89 |
韩筱璞、汪秉宏、Xiao-Pu Han~1,Bing-Hong Wang~(1,2) 1 Department of 中国, 2010/8/1.其他 |
90 |
Dong, Chuanfei、Ma, Xu、Wang, Binghong EFFECTS OF VEHICLE NUMBER FEEDBACK IN MULTI-ROUTE INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC SYSTEMS International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(8), pp 1081-1093, 2010/8.期刊论文 |
91 |
Lin, Ying-Ting、Yang, Han-Xin、Rong, Zhi-Hai、Wang, Bing-Hong EFFECTS OF HETEROGENEOUS INFLUENCE OF INDIVIDUALS ON THE GLOBAL CONSENSUS International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(8), pp 1011-1019, 2010/8.期刊论文 |
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