之前做的那片 anodic formation of superlattice nanotube 的文章,8月27号就first online published 了。等到今天,才给出页码,两个多月真让人心焦阿。希望以后wiely 能快点,还是比较偏好 wiely 的文章,比较的实在。
有兴趣的网友可以看一下 link http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201002091/abstract
Title: Formation of Self-Organized Superlattice Nanotube Arrays – Embedding Heterojunctions into Nanotube Walls
Abstract In the present work we introduce the growth of 3D-superlattice nanotubes by a simple anodization technique. Highly defined self-organized, oxide tubes with modulated tube wall composition can be created that allow altering and tuning optical, electrical and chemical properties of such nanometer-size architectures. The image shows a stacked nanotube array with built-in TiO2/ Ta2O5 heterojunctions.