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Good People

已有 2624 次阅读 2011-11-3 08:22 |个人分类:周围|系统分类:生活其它| people

There are people around you that you may not like. They are also the people that are part of the real life, the people that are honest, diligent, hard working, or trying to be diligent and working hard, and friendly. 

But you don't like them.

Because they don't have the vision, and they persist their old "good" ideas.

Yet, they are not the bad guy; they are good people, they just don't have the vision.

And this is not completely their fault. their mind are limited behind a solid boundary, a boundary that has been constructed ever since they are born. This boundary is not a something one can choose to ignore: it's just there, no matter whether u like it or how u perceive it. 

These limited-vision people are not our enemy; on the contrary, they are ur allies. as all allies are, they can be helpful, but they can also be a pain in the ass very often. 

And never forget this: they are the majority, and they form the main part of this society. You have to cope with them, deal with them, cooperate with them, as well as learn from them.


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1 吴飞鹏

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