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Science: 单个细胞也能独立做决定?How are decisions made in a cell?

已有 2097 次阅读 2022-7-29 07:50 |系统分类:论文交流


“Who/what makes decisions in the cell?” 

How are decisions made in a cell?

The enigma of how the same genome shared by approximately ten trillion cells in a human body can give rise to the few hundred widely divergent cell phenotypes with their specific functions that we can observe. We do not understand who decides in the cell and how decisions are made, for instance, the decision to become a neuron, a Blymphocyte, a retinal-rod cell, a muscle cell, or an osteoblast. Without having solved this problem, we must admit that we are still missing a major piece in understanding how a cell “works.”


 一个多世纪前,美国动物学家赫伯特·斯宾塞·詹宁斯对一种叫做Stentor roeselii的相对较大、喇叭状单细胞生物进行试验,结果显示,当他在这些单细胞生物周围释放一种刺激性胭脂红粉末时,观察到单细胞以一种可预见的模式进行反应。他于1906年发表的研究报告《低等生物行为》中描述了单细胞的行为特征。

 Stentor roeselii先试图避开身体周围的粉末,如果该措施无效;它们就会逆转纤毛运动,推开周围的粒子,它的纤毛是实现移动和进食的毛发状突起;如果以上两种情况均无效,该单细胞生物就会迅速收缩,最终如果所有方法都失败,它就会脱落表面碎屑,快速游走。

“细胞并不仅仅是由基因编程来完成任务,它们存在于一个非常复杂的生态系统,在某种程度上相互沟通和协调,对信号做出反应和决策,单细胞生物的祖先曾经统治着远古地球,很可能它们比人们所认知的更加复杂。”哈佛大学布拉瓦特尼克研究所(Blavatnik Institute at HMS)系统生物学副教授杰里米·古纳瓦德纳(Jeremy Gunawardena)认为:“这个实验迫使我们去思考存在着某种形式的细胞‘认知',其中单个细胞能够进行复杂的信息处理并作出相应的决策。所有生命都有相同的基础,我们的研究结果至少为我们提供了一个证据,证明我们为什么应该拓宽视野,将这种思维纳入现代生物学研究中。”


    2022年7月14日,瑞士苏黎世大学(University of Zurich)的科学家将他们的这一发现“Multimodal perception links cellular state to decision making in single cells”发表在了顶尖学术期刊Science《科学》上。


Individual cells take decisions that are adapted to their internal state and surroundings, but how cells can reliably do this remains unclear. Using multiplexed quantification of signaling responses and markers of the cellular state, we find that signaling nodes in a network display adaptive information processing, which leads to heterogeneous growth factor responses and enables nodes to capture partially non-redundant information about the cellular state. Collectively, as a multimodal percept, this gives individual cells a large information processing capacity to accurately place growth factor concentration within the context of their cellular state and make cellular state-dependent decisions. We propose that heterogeneity and complexity in signaling networks have co-evolved to enable specific and context-aware cellular decision making in a multicellular setting.



“一个细胞的任何决定,都要综合考虑所有的外部信号和内部线索。也就是说,单个细胞能够具体情况具体分析地做出决策,显然它们比过去认为的更聪明!”研究论文的第一作者、博士生Bernhard Kramer说道。





1. Multimodal perception links cellular state to decision making in single cells. Science Doi: 10.1126/science.abf4062

2. Individual Cells Are Smarter Than Thought. Retrieved July 25, 2022 from https://www.news.uzh.ch/en/articles/media/2022/Cell-Decision-Making.html

3.Strauss, B., Bertolaso, M., Ernberg, I., & Bissell, M. J. (Eds.). (2021). Rethinking cancer: a new paradigm for the postgenomics era. MIT Press.

4.Dexter, Joseph P., Sudhakaran Prabakaran, and Jeremy Gunawardena. "A complex hierarchy of avoidance behaviors in a single-cell eukaryote." Current biology 29.24 (2019): 4323-4329.


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