Referee 1:审稿意见为一pdf文件,3页,21条。可以看出审稿人经过了非常认真的阅读和总结,由审稿意见,基本确定是我推荐的一位审稿人,该领域的大牛。对该意见,我大部分都接受。While it is of interest to compare X and Y in a fair and scholarly manner,in order to make connections between them and to understand how they are alike and different,this paper does not achieve this. From the very beginning one is left with the author’s impression—X are better than Y. 主要问题是,论文在表达方面确实存在很多问题,在论文的撰写时,可能言辞比较针锋相对。我通过说明Y的种种不好,来表达X的优良性质,而该审稿人可能就是Y方面研究最多的专家和引领者。这次投稿最大的教训就是,不能像说话一样评论别人的研究。当然,这篇文章也确实有很多硬伤,所以,据稿后,再也没投过别的期刊了,等以后有一些积淀后进行一次大改再继续。
根据主编前几天给我发的邮件,IEEE trans. on Fuzzy Systems现在一审周期只要2个月了,祝贺。
I would like to share with you that TFS have improved the manuscripts process procedures to fulfill all users’ expectations. Now authors may have their first decision in possible 2 months and the review time would be reduced.