岗位条件 | 引领国际科技前沿,在基础研究领域取得系统性、创造性成就,在国家重大科技任务中取得标志性科技成就;一般为享有很高社会声誉和广泛学术影响力的战略科学家。 |
岗位待遇 | 一事一议。 |
岗位条件 | 在本学科领域开展前瞻性和引领性研究,取得国内外同行高度认可;围绕国家重大需求,对社会发展、科技进步做出重要贡献;一般为在学科建设、科学研究、人才培养等方面做出重大贡献的领军人才。 |
岗位待遇 | 一事一议。 |
岗位条件 | 年龄不超过40周岁;在学术上崭露头角、创新能力强、发展潜力大,在自然科学、工程与技术科学、哲学与社会科学、生命与医药科学领域获得较高学术成就的优秀青年学术带头人。 若海外科研工作经历满3年,可申报国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)。 |
岗位待遇 | 51-62万(税前)/年+社保待遇等约7-10万/年; 可享受科研等其他收入; |
科研启动费200-600万(含国家); 聘为教授、博导,正高级专业技术职务; | |
安家费及货币化补贴150-200万(含国家和地方、税前)。 |
岗位名称 | 准聘教授 | 准聘副教授 | 助理教授 |
岗位条件 | 一般不超40周岁 | 一般不超35周岁 | 一般不超32周岁 |
岗位待遇 | 36-46万/年+社保待遇等约6-10万/年 | 26-36万/年+社保待遇等约5-10万/年 | 22-32万/年+社保待遇等约5-10万/年 |
正高级专业技术职务 | 副高级专业技术职务 | 中级专业技术职务 | |
科研启动费 10-30万 | 科研启动费 10-30万 | 科研启动费 8-25万 | |
安家费及货币化补贴 30-40(税前) | 安家费及货币化补贴 20-30万(税前) | 安家费及货币化补贴 15-20万(税前) | |
可享受科研等其他收入; 研究生导师资格评审与入职评审同步进行; 若海外科研工作经历满3年,入校时可同步申请学校“翱翔海外学者”计划,入选后另获科研经费和津贴支持。 |
岗位名称 | 特别资助博士后 | 常规博士后 |
岗位条件 | 取得博士学位3年内,年龄一般不超32周岁 | 取得博士学位3年内,年龄一般不超35周岁 |
岗位待遇 | 24-29万/年 +社保待遇等约6-10万/年 | 20-24万/年 +社保待遇等约5-10万/年 |
入选国家博士后相关项目,可享受相应项目资助和科研等其他收入; 在站期间,可申请预聘为学校准聘师资,获聘后纳入相应岗位管理并享受相应待遇; 可申请学校博士后公寓。 |
岗位条件 | 年龄一般不超过45周岁; 符合学院、课题组制定的岗位学术标准。 |
岗位待遇 | 由学院、课题组根据实际情况提供具有竞争力的薪酬和良好的公共实验平台以及科研办公保障条件; 具有畅通的发展渠道,达到学校准聘和长聘师资相应岗位标准的,可按照相关政策和程序申请转入; 符合条件者可申请国家级、省级人才项目以及我校翱翔人才计划。 |
学校实施 “翱翔人才计划”,助力青年人才成长为学科领军人才和青年学术英才。加盟我校的青年教师可申请翱翔人才计划(含翱翔青年学者项目、翱翔新星项目、翱翔海外学者项目),入选后科研启动费最高可增至200万,且在所聘岗位薪酬之外可另获津贴5-8万/年。
未来,开放包容的学校将继续精益求精,不断完善引育体制机制,让每位加盟西工大的学者都能“人人尽展其才、人人皆可成才” 。
岗位类型 | 联系人 |
讲席教授、长聘教授、 青年拔尖人才 | 王凡、柯伟、杨妍/029-88495803 rencaiban@nwpu.edu.cn |
准聘师资、专职科研 | 许子洋、耿婷、崔晓静/029-88460620 rcyj@nwpu.edu.cn |
博士后 | 韩雨、谢凝/029-88460733 boshihou@nwpu.edu.cn |
序号 | 学院 /研究院/研究中心 | 联系方式 | 网站主页 |
1 | 航空学院 | 朱兵 029-88460479 zhub@nwpu.edu.cn | |
2 | 航天学院 | 郑欣 029-88460431 zhengx2010@nwpu.edu.cn | |
3 | 航海学院 | 程钰 029-88460616 hhxybgs@nwpu.edu.cn | |
4 | 材料学院 | 刘哲 029-88492642 yuan4@nwpu.edu.cn | |
5 | 机电学院 | 周思君 029-88495297 zhousijun@nwpu.edu.cn | |
6 | 力学与土木建筑学院 | 孔青 029-88431000 kongqing@nwpu.edu.cn | |
7 | 动力与能源学院 | 戴月玲 029-88431103 daiyueling@nwpu.edu.cn | |
8 | 电子信息学院 | 胡思涵 029-88431212 husihan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
9 | 自动化学院 | 魏爱玉 029-88431382 zdhxy@nwpu.edu.cn | |
10 | 计算机学院 | 张倩 029-88431519 zhangqian@nwpu.edu.cn | |
11 | 数学与统计学院 | 王霜玥029-88431660 wangshuangyue@nwpu.edu.cn | |
12 | 物理科学与技术学院 | 马晓娜 029-88431652 mxn@nwpu.edu.cn | |
13 | 化学与化工学院 | 薛佳佳 029-88431656 xuejiajia@nwpu.edu.cn | |
14 | 管理学院 | 王霄 029-88431800 international.som@nwpu.edu.cn | |
15 | 公共政策与管理学院 | 曹光源 029-88431900 caoguangyuan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
16 | 软件学院 | 王宇英 029-88431588 wangyy@nwpu.edu.cn | |
17 | 生命学院 | 宋菲 029-88460333 songfei@nwpu.edu.cn | |
18 | 外国语学院 | 王晓丹 029-88430908 wangxiaodan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
19 | 马克思主义学院 | 郭雅楠 029-88431906 guoyanan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
20 | 微电子学院 | 王玉娇 029-88431203 wangyujiao@nwpu.edu.cn | |
21 | 网络空间安全学院 | 王海洪 029-88495027 wanghaihong@nwpu.edu.cn | |
22 | 民航学院 | 张瑜 029-88460932 npuzhangyu@nwpu.edu.cn | |
23 | 生态环境学院 | 田孝敏 029-88431768 tianxiaomin@nwpu.edu.cn | |
24 | 体育部 | 张天庆 029-88494025 tiyubu@nwpu.edu.cn | |
25 | 分析测试中心 | 刘峰 029-88460747 Liufe2ng@nwpu.edu.cn | |
26 | 光电与智能研究院 | 边华 029-88495713 optimal@nwpu.edu.cn | |
27 | 纳米能源材料研究中心 | 张力 029-88460204 Zhangli123@nwpu.edu.cn | |
28 | 先进润滑与密封材料研究中心 | 刘俞君 029-88460311 liuyujun@nwpu.edu.cn | |
29 | 无人系统技术研究院 | 冷冰 029-88460895 wurenxitong@nwpu.edu.cn | |
30 | 文化遗产研究院 | 吴天瑶 029-88493532 wty@nwpu.edu.cn | |
31 | 柔性电子研究院 | 刘悦 029-88460924 ife@nwpu.edu.cn | |
32 | 医学研究院 | 裴晓宇 029-88460875 imr@nwpu.edu.cn | |
33 | 极端力学研究院 | 陈娜妮 029-8849314 cnn@nwpu.edu.cn | |
34 | 北京研究院 | 米雪 bjyjy@nwpu.edu.cn | |
35 | 上海协同创新中心 | 刘勇 021-54303008 liuyong@nwpu.edu.cn | |
36 | 重庆科创中心 | 董路 donglu@nwpu.edu.cn | |
37 | 深圳研究院 | 刘欢 0755-26551545 liuhuan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
38 | 青岛研究院 | 黄倩倩 0532-82560839 qingdao@nwpu.edu.cn | |
39 | 宁波研究院 | 程翔 0574-27965050 chengxiang@nwpu.edu.cn | |
40 | 太仓长三角研究院 | 朱盈怡 0512-53331188 tczp@nwpu.edu.cn | |
41 | 艺术教育中心 | 郭馨 029-88430220 guoxin@nwpu.edu.cn | |
42 | 心理健康教育中心 | 刘欣 029-88492518 meteor2016lx@nwpu.edu.cn | |
43 | 教学研究与教师发展中心 | 宋健健 029-88460915 songjianjian@nwpu.edu.cn |
Recruitment Announcement of
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Engineering (Engineering, Materials, Information, Aerospace and Marine, etc.), Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences and Ecology, etc.), Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Management, Arts & Humanities and interdisciplines (Aerospace and Deep-sea Sciences, Unmanned Systems, Flexible Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, etc.)
Recruitment Positions and Treatments
1. Chair Professor and Tenure-track Professor
Scholars should have made important achievements and been widely approved internationally. Salary and scientific research funds can be negotiated specifically.
2. Excellent Young Talents
Applicants should have Ph.D. degrees and be under 40 years old, have great innovation ability and development potential, and achieved great academic achievement in natural sciences, engineering & technology, philosophy & social sciences, life sciences & medicine. Applicants can apply for National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists with 3 consecutive years of scientific research experience abroad.
Treatments: NPU provides 510, 000 - 620,000 RMB annual salary (pre-tax), 70,000 -100,000 RMB social security, 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 RMB settlement allowance (pre-tax) and 2,000,000 - 6,000,000 RMB scientific research funds with other incomes. Applicants will be appointed as professor and doctoral supervisor.
3. Young Talents
Applicants should have PhD degrees. Applicants who apply for professors should be under 40 years old, associate professors should be under 35 years old, and assistant professors should be under 32 years old.
Treatments: NPU provides 220, 000 -460,000 RMB annual salary (pre-tax), 70,000 -100,000 RMB social security, 80,000 - 300,000 RMB scientific research funds, 150,000 – 400,000 RMB settlement allowance (pre-tax) with other incomes. Applicants will be appointed as professor, associate professor or assistant professor.
Applicants can apply for NPU Aoxiang Overseas Talents with 3 consecutive years’ overseas scientific research experience to get additional allowance and scientific research funds.
4. Postdoctoral Fellow
Applicants who get a doctorate in domestic and abroad within 3 years after graduation and be under 35 years old can apply for a postdoctoral fellow.
Treatments: NPU provides 200, 000- 290, 000 RMB annual salary (pre-tax) for postdoctoral fellow. Also, NPU provides other incomes and children’s education services for postdoctoral fellow. During the period in postdoctoral research station, the postdoctoral fellow can apply for NPU’s teaching faulty once meet the requirements. The remuneration and position of teaching faulty will be provided after the approval.
5. Research Fellow
Applicants should be under 45 years old.
Treatments: NPU provides competitive annual salary and scientific research platforms. Also, research fellows have opportunities to apply for teaching faulty and talents programs.
Additional supporting policies
Talent Cultivation Programs
NPU has a series of supporting programs for young talents. All faculty members can apply for Aoxiang Talents Programs to get more scientific research funds and annual allowance. NPU provides opportunities for young talents to have an appointment in research institutes and enterprises to get more experience. Departments and schools of NPU provides collaborative supports for young faculty. Especially, the schools provide personalized supports for research platforms, experimental facilities, enrollment quota, salary and etc.
Academic Research Atmosphere
NPU attaches great importance to talents, respects talents, cherishes talents, has built cross-school and cross-disciplinary communication platforms for young faculty. Also, NPU has established a talent evaluation system with clear guidance, scientific accuracy and competitive selection, creating a free and active academic research atmosphere and great growth environment for young faculty.
Scientific Achievements Transformation Policies
NPU provides intellectual property funds and supporting measures for faculty members’ patent applications. Most of the profits of the patent will be awarded to the patent owner. Also, the patent can be regarded as an on-duty achievement for professional titles application.
Working and Living Environment
Schools and institutes of NPU provide support for scientific research platforms, workspace, enrollment quota, and welfare. Also, NPU provides excellent education service resources for talents’ children. NPU built 2 campuses in Xi’an and seven innovative agencies in Shenzhen, Qingdao, Taicang, Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai, and Ningbo. It is available for young faculty to choose any campus and agencies to work.
NPU keeps openness and inclusiveness for talents from at home and abroad and develops talent introduction so that everyone who joins NPU can excel themselves.
Recruitment Positions
Detailed information and positions are listed on the recruitment web of NPU https://renshi.nwpu.edu.cn/rczp/index.htm
Human Resources Department
Types | Contacts |
Chair Professor Tenure-track Professor Excellent Young Talents | Wang Fan, Ke Wei, Yang Yan +86-29-88495803 rencaiban@nwpu.edu.cn |
Young Talent Research Fellow | Xu Ziyang, Geng Ting, Cui Xiaojing +86-29-88460620 rcyj@nwpu.edu.cn |
Postdoctor | Han Yu, Xie Ning +86-29-88460733 boshihou@nwpu.edu.cn |
Schools and Institutions
NO. | Schools/Institutes/Centers | Contacts | Website |
1 | School of Aeronautics | Zhu Bing 029-88460479 zhub@nwpu.edu.cn | |
2 | School of Astronautics | Zheng Xin 029-88460431 zhengx2010@nwpu.edu.cn | |
3 | School of Marine Sciences | Cheng Yu 029-88460616 hhxybgs@nwpu.edu.cn | |
4 | School of Materials Science and Engineering | Liu Zhe 029-88492642 yuan4@nwpu.edu.cn | |
5 | School of Mechanical Engineering | Zhou Sijun 029-88495297 zhousijun@nwpu.edu.cn | |
6 | School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture | Kong Qing 029-88431000 kongqing@nwpu.edu.cn | |
7 | School of Energy and Power Engineering | Dai Yueling 029-88431103 daiyueling@nwpu.edu.cn | |
8 | School of Electronics and Information Technology | Hu Sihan 029-88431203 husihan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
9 | School of Automation Engineering | Wei Aiyu 029-88431382 zdhxy@nwpu.edu.cn | |
10 | School of Computer Science | Zhang Qian 029-88431519 zhangqian@nwpu.edu.cn | |
11 | School of Mathematics and Statistics | Wang Shuangyue wangshuangyue@nwpu.edu.cn | |
12 | School of Physical Science and Technology | Ma Xiaona 029-88431652 mxn@nwpu.edu.cn | |
13 | School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Xue Jiajia 029-88431656 xuejiajia@nwpu.edu.cn | |
14 | School of Management | Wang Xiao 029-88431800 international.som@nwpu.edu.cn | |
15 | School of Public Policy and Management | Cao Guangyuan 029-88431900 caoguangyuan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
16 | School of Software | Wang Yuying 029-88431588 wangyy@nwpu.edu.cn | |
17 | School of Life Sciences | Song Fei 029-88460333 songfei@nwpu.edu.cn | |
18 | School of Foreign Studies | Wang Xiaodan 029-88430908 wangxiaodan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
19 | School of Marxism | Du Yao 029-88431906 duyao@nwpu.edu.cn | |
20 | School of Microelectronics | Wang Yujiao 029-88431203 wangyujiao@nwpu.edu.cn | |
21 | School of Cybersecurity | Wang Haihong 029-88495027 wanghaihong@nwpu.edu.cn | |
22 | School of Civil Aviation | Zhang Yu 029-88460932 npuzhangyu@nwpu.edu.cn | |
23 | School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | Tian Xiaomin 029-88431768 tianxiaomin@nwpu.edu.cn | |
24 | Department of Sports | Zhang Tianqing 029-88494025 tiyubu@nwpu.edu.cn | |
25 | Analytical&Testing Center | Liu Feng 029-88460747 liufeng@nwpu.edu.cn | |
26 | School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics and ElectroNics | Bian Hua 029-88495713 iopenhr@nwpu.edu.cn | |
27 | Center for Nano Energy Materials | Zhang Li 029-88460204 Zhangli123@nwpu.edu.cn | / |
28 | Advanced Lubrication and Sealing Materials Research Center | Liu Yujun 029-88460311 liuyujun@nwpu.edu.cn | |
29 | Unmanned System Research Institute | Leng Bing 029-88460895 wurenxitong@nwpu.edu.cn | |
30 | Institute of Cultural Heritage | Wu Tianyao 029-88493532 wty@nwpu.edu.cn | |
31 | Institute of Flexible Electronics | Liu Yue 029-88460924 ife@nwpu.edu.cn | |
32 | Institute of Medical Research | Pei Xiaoyu 029-88460875 imr@nwpu.edu.cn | |
33 | Institute of Extreme Mechanics | Chen Nani 029-8849314 cnn@nwpu.edu.cn | |
34 | Beijing Research Institute | Mi Xue bjyjy@nwpu.edu.cn | |
35 | Collaborative Innovation Center in Shanghai | Liu Yong 021-54303008 liuyong@nwpu.edu.cn | |
36 | Innovation Center of NPU in Chongqing | Dong Lu donglu@nwpu.edu.cn | |
37 | Research & Development Institute of NPU in Shenzhen | Liu Huan 0755-26551545 liuhuan@nwpu.edu.cn | |
38 | Qingdao Research Institute | Huang Qianqian 0532-82560839 qingdao@nwpu.edu.cn | |
39 | Ningbo Research Institute | Cheng Xiang 0574-27965050 chengxiang@nwpu.edu.cn | |
40 | Yangtze River Delta Research Institute | Zhu Yingyi 0512-53331188 tczp@nwpu.edu.cn | |
41 | Art Education Center | Guo Xin 029-88430220 guoxin@nwpu.edu.cn | |
42 | Mental Health Education Center | Liu Xin 029-88492518 029-88492518 Meteor20161@nwpu.edu.cn | |
43 | Center for Teaching Research and Teacher Development | Song Jianjian 029-88460915 songjianjian@nwpu.edu.cn |
Located in the historic city of Xian, the cradle of Chinese civilization and terminus of the ancient Silk Road, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) is a multidisciplinary, research-oriented international university, and ranks among the top universities in China., affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). NPU was one of the first universities to enter into the 211 Project in 1995 and the 985 Project in 2001. NPU adheres to the motto "Loyalty, Integrity, Courage and Perseverance" while carrying forward the spirit of “Strong Preparation, Diligent Effort, Practical Attitude, and Creative Innovation". NPU dedicated itself to national defense and wrote several “firsts” in the history of the PRC. Now NPU will continue to pioneer new pathways into the future in the process of building a world first-class university and world first-class disciplines.
Abundant Developing Resources and Distinct Discipline Features
NPU has more than 36,000 students and 4,300 faculties. There are 27 schools and institutions, and 21 postdoctoral research stations in NPU, with the schools of Aeronautics, Astronautics, Marine Engineering, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Power, Electronics and Information, Computer Science, and the International College, etc. For ESI International Academic Ranking, Materials Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Geosciences, and mathematics have ranked among the top 1%, and Material Science and Engineering have ranked among the top 1‰. NPU has formed a multidisciplinary system consisting of Aeronautics, Astronautics, Marine Engineering, 3M (Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechanics), 3C (Computer Science, Control Science, and Communication Science), Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Ecology), Social Sciences & Management, Arts & Humanities and interdiscipline such as Aerospace and Deep-sea Sciences, Unmanned Systems, Flexible Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
Great Cultivation Achievements and Outstanding Contribution
NPU has cultivated a great number of patriotic and excellent students. These students take great effect in the R&D of Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Marine Sciences after graduation from NPU. There are 51 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, more than 110 provincial and ministerial leaders were graduated from NPU. Many Chief Engineers of aerospace and marine science research institutes are graduated from NPU. A great number of graduates of NPU became elite and pillars of the State.
Great Research Ability and Fruitful Scientific Achievements
NPU has a great scientific research ability and makes a great contribution to scientific development. NPU has 20 national scientific research bases and laboratories, 140 provincial and ministerial laboratories, and engineering centers. NPU has been deeply involved in the scientific research of 10 major national scientific research projects, also participated in the development of and Shenzhou spacecraft. NPU is also equipped with the only national laboratory for unmanned aerial vehicles and the national engineering center for an unmanned aerial vehicle system. In the parades of the 60th and 70th anniversary of the National Day and the 90th anniversary of the Army Day, the unmanned aerial vehicles were developed and manufactured by NPU. From 2016 to 2020, NPU has been awarded 20 prizes of National Awards and 58 first prizes at the provincial level. For the scientific research funds, NPU has received more than 17 billion, which ranks among the top universities in China. Also, NPU has done a lot of effective and fruitful work in achievement transformation, set up several enterprises in the field of additive manufacturing, ceramic composite material, high-end equipment manufacturing and intelligent underwater vehicle, which made great contribution to economic development.
Open-up Development and Coordinated Innovation
NPU focuses on developing cooperative relationships with international scientific research institutes all over the world. NPU has established partnerships with more than 300 international universities and institutions, among which, 58 universities rank in the top 200 of the worlds. NPU has 14 national-level International Cooperation institutes and invited 180 internationally well-known expert to cooperate. In 2021, NPU has risen rapidly in QS ranking, “The Times” Ranking and U.S.News ranking. Also, NPU ranks among the 200 in the world according to the ShanghaiRankings Academic Ranking of World Universities.
Cherishing Talents with Internationally Competitive Supports
NPU has cultivated a great number of patriotic and excellent students. These students take great effect in the R&D of Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Marine Sciences after graduation from NPU. Many Chief Engineers of aerospace and marine science research institutes are graduated from NPU. NPU makes a significant contribution to the industry. NPU has more than 800 high-level talents, and among them, there are 37 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, more than 380 national-level talents. NPU insists on strengthening university by recruiting more talents. NPU implements the Aoxiang Talents Project, that focuses on the cultivation process from young teachers to academic leaders, and issues the Aoxiang Overseas Talents Introduction Program to attract overseas young scholars. NPU provides internationally competitive salaries for young scholars. Besides, NPU and schools will provide collaborative supports. Additionally, NPU provides excellent education service resources for talents’ children. For example, senior high school affiliated to NPU ranks among the top in China and many graduates of it entered the top universities in China and the world.
In the new stage of Chinas development, NPU continues to improve the ability of scientific research and innovation, aiming to cultivate talents for the state and the people. For the need for technology development, economic growth, national needs, and people’s well beings, NPU speeds up building world-class universities with Chinese characteristics through strengthening scientific research, reform, and innovation, forging ahead with united efforts, striving for excellence to make a greater contribution to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and human civilization, with a broader view, high-spirited attitude, open-mindedness, and solid work.
(This announcement will be expired after 30th, December, 2022.)
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