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已有 1708 次阅读 2022-4-11 15:46 |系统分类:生活其它






1. 全面负责实验室发展规划并组织实施,以更好地解决海洋重大科学问题及服务国家海洋战略需求;  

2. 吸引和支持优秀学术带头人和青年学术骨干,优化研究队伍结构,建设具有国际影响力的高水平研究队伍;  

3. 组织、承担国家及国际合作重大科研项目,取得一批具有国际先进水平的科技成果;  

4. 推进实验室研究工作的多学科交叉融合,加强实验室对外学术交流,提升实验室的国际影响力;  

5. 创新实验室体制机制,构建以人为本、科学高效的运行机制,激发团结、实干、贡献、共享的学术文化。  


1. 具有良好的道德品质、学术道德和职业精神;  

2. 年龄原则上不超过55周岁;  

3. 具有博士学位及正高级专业技术职务任职经历;  

4. 学术造诣高,在本学科领域取得国内外同行公认的成就;  

5. 具有较强的组织、管理能力;  

6. 对本实验室建设和学术研究工作有创新性构想; 

7. 保证全职在实验室工作。  


1. 配备专职人员协助开展实验室日常管理工作;  

2. 提供良好的工作和生活条件,待遇从优,具体条件面议。  














电 话:0571-81963198  



电 话:0571-81968509  


Open recruitment: the director of State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics  

Directly affiliated to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO) was established in 1966 and has developed into a non-profit oceanographic research institute with comprehensive disciplines, strong scientific and technological capabilities and advanced equipment support. It is mainly engaged in marine scientific researches on China seas, oceans and polar regions as well as the R&D and application of high technology for marine environmental protection and resources exploration.  

State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics (SOED) was funded in July 2006 and was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in December 2009. At present, SOED is the only state key laboratory within the MNR system. Setting the head quarter in Hangzhou, SOED conducts physical construction with SIO, MNR as the supporting organization and established several public facilities in Lin’an and Zhoushan Base. Currently, 74 fixed-term researchers and staffs work at SOED, including three academicians, three members of national “Ten Thousand Talents Plan,” one member funded by “Distinguished Young Scientists Fund of NSFC” and three members funded by Excellent Young Scientists Fund of the NSFC, and more than 30 members selected into provincial and ministerial talents programs. SOED also cultivates two innovation groups of Ministry of Science and Technology in key research fields and one innovation group of NSFC, having built a well-structured scientific team, with highly qualified senior scholars as academic leaders and talented young scientists as the backbone.  

SOED continues to take the two major national needs of protecting marine safety and environment while focusing on disaster prevention and mitigation and protecting marine ecosystems and focusing on marine conservation as the driven force, and aims to break through the technical core and theoretical system of three-dimensional observation and prediction of the marine environment and ecosystem, leading basic operational research and cutting-edge technology development on marine satellite remote sensing technology and application, ocean dynamic processes and marine eco-environment and ocean circulation and climate change.  

Based on the relevant provisions of the "Administrative Measures for the Construction and Operation of State Key Laboratories" (MST & NDRC & NSFC [2008] No. 539), SOED plans to carry out the leadership succession and the position for the lab director is now open. Preference will be given to outstanding candidates from home or aboard. The detailed information is listed as follows: 

1. Position Summary 

1.1 Be responsible for initiating and implementing the development plan of SOED to better solve major marine scientific problems and serve the needs of the national marine strategy;  

1.2 The director should seek to attract and support academic leaders and young scientific talents, optimize the talent structure, and build a high level research team with international reputation.  

1.3 Be responsible for organizing and conducting major national scientific research projects and international cooperation, and gain a number of world-leading scientific and technological achievement; 

 1.4 Promoting the multidisciplinary integration of SOED, strengthening the laboratory's external academic exchanges, and maximizing the laboratory's international influence;   

1.5 Innovating the managing system and mechanism of the laboratory, building a people-oriented, scientific and efficient operational mechanism, and stimulating an academic culture of unity, endeavor, contribution and sharing. 

2. Qualifications  

2.1 The appointee should possess good moral qualities, academic ethnics, and professionalism;  

2.2 In principle, the appointee under 55 years old would be preferred;   

2.3 The appointee must hold a Ph. D in a related field and have work experience at the level of tenure professor/research scientist;  

2.4 The appointee must demonstrate continuous and effective engagement in his/her research activity of high quality and significance which is recognized by peers from home and aboard;  

2.5 The appointee should possess outstanding organizational and managing capabilities;  

2.6 The appointee should propose innovative ideas for promoting the development and academic research of SOED;  

2.7 The appointee must work full-time at SOED.  

3. Benefit Package  

3.1 A professional team will assist the appointee to carry out regular administrative work;  

3.2 SOED will provide comfortable work and living conditions and competitive stipend, and the detailed conditions are negotiable during the interview.  

4. Application instruction and deadline  

4.1 Application materials required:  

• A recently updated Curriculum Vitae;  

• Five representative published papers or monographs;  

• A copy of education certificate, certificate of professional qualifications/appointment letters and certificates of important awards; 

• Three reference letters from professionals in the appointee’s research field;  

• A cover letter that includes the work plan and career objectives.  

4.2 Application deadline  

The applicant should submit the above required items via email before 31 May, 2022, Beijing time. 

 4.3 Application instructions  

All applications will receive equal consideration after submission. After qualification review and expert review, the candidate will attend an interview and the supporting organization (SIO) will give a comprehensive assessment to the candidate and then submit the related documents to Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Science and Technology for approval. The appointee will sign employment contract with SIO after those procedures. Once the applicant pass the qualification review, the specific interview time will be notified afterwards.  

5. Contact Person  

Contact Person: Miss. Hou  

Tel: +86-571-81963561  

Email: houruikai@sio.org.cn  

Mail address: Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, No.36 Baochubei Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 


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