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已有 1596 次阅读 2021-6-30 17:23 |系统分类:生活其它

Faculty Positions in Medical Neuroscience at SUSTech Medical School

Department of Medical Neuroscience 

Faculty Positions 

The newly established Department of Medical Neuroscience at the School of Medicine, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in China seeks applicants for multiple tenure-track/tenured faculty positions at the rank from assistant professor to full professor. Candidates pursuing research in all areas of neuroscience with medical relevance are welcome to apply. Applicants should have a doctoral degree and relevant postdoctoral experience. They will be expected to establish an independent, internationally recognized research program and contribute to the undergraduate and graduate education. Joint appointments with affiliated hospitals are encouraged. 

SUSTech is a young university with focus on research excellence. Both English and Chinese are used as working language in the University, and we welcome applicants from the world with all ethnic backgrounds. The medical school was recently established with the aim to become a first class, international recognized medical research and education center in China. The university is located in Shenzhen, a vibrant city with growing high-tech industries. 

Startup fund and starting salary will be internationally competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Housing and medical benefits will also be provided. Application materials including a cover letter, CV, statement of research & teaching and contacts of three referees should be submitted to the secretary for faculty search at neurosci@sustech.edu.cn or hr-med@sustech.edu.cn  

南方科技大学医学院医学神经科学系现面向海内外招聘从助理教授到教授的各级终身制(Tenure –Track)教研人才。南方科技大学(简称:南科大)是深圳在中国高等教育改革发展的时代背景下,创建的一所高起点、高定位的公办创新型大学。南科大医学院定位为建设一所扎根深圳、面向中国和全球的理、工、医、人文交叉融合,国际化、高水平、研究型医学院,以培养具有国际视野和水平的医学领军人才为使命。 



学校根据受聘人的条件提供有国际竞争力的启动基金及薪酬福利待遇。应聘者请将求职信,个人简历,教学和研究计划,以及三个推荐人的联系信息发送到招聘邮箱neurosci@sustech.edu.cn 或hr-med@sustech.edu.cn并以“医学神经科学招聘”命名。如有任何疑问欢迎随时咨询。电话:+86-0755-88018641 联系人:岳老师. 





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