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科学家在实验室培养出微型人胃 精选

已有 5941 次阅读 2014-10-30 09:22 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察






Comparison of transcription factor expression between hGO development and in vivo stomach organogenesis. Four embryonic stages (E12.5, E14.5, E16.5 and E18.5) and one postnatal stage (P12) of in vivo antrum development were analysed for expression of the following transcription factors: Sox2, Pdx1, Gata4, Klf5 and FoxF1. The same markers were analysed at two stages (days 13 and 34) of in vitro hGO development and revealed that organoid development parallels that which occurs in vivo. At early stages of antrum development the epithelial marker Sox2 was expressed ubiquitously but at later stages it is downregulated, while other epithelial transcription factors, Pdx1, Gata4 and Klf5, exhibit persistent expression in the epithelium throughout development. Both early- and late-stage hGOs contain FoxF1+ mesenchymal cells surrounding the epithelium, similar to the in vivo antrum. b, Early-stage hGOs exhibit stereotypic epithelial architecture and nuclear behaviour. At day 13, hGOs contained pseudo-stratified epithelia that display apicobasal polarity marked by the apical marker aPKC and the basolateral marker E-cadherin, similar to the E12.5 mouse antrum. Furthermore, extensions of apical membrane (white arrows) were seen within deeper portions of the organoid epithelium. Both the E12.5 mouse antrum and day-7 hGOs appeared to undergo interkinetic nuclear migration, indicated by the presence of mitotic nuclei, phosphohistone H3 (pHH3), in only the apical portions of cells. c, EGF is required for morphogenesis in gastric organoids. Bright-field images demonstrate the requirement for EGF in epithelial morphogenesis including folding and gland formation at late stages of hGO differentiation. When EGF is removed from the growth medium at day 27, before glandular morphogenesis, the hGO epithelium retains a simple, cuboidal structure that fails to form glands. Scale bars, 100 µm (a), 50 μm (b) and 2 mm (c).

Endocrine cell differentiation in the antrum is first evident at E18.5 and highly robust at postnatal stages (P12 shown). As early as E18.5, all expected gastric endocrine subtype hormones are present, including gastrin, ghrelin, somatostatin and serotonin (5-HT). b, High levels of EGF (100 ng ml−1) repressed NEUROG3 expression, however a reduction in EGF concentration (10 ng ml−1) at day 30 resulted in a significant increase in NEUROG3 expression measured at day 34 by qPCR. *P < 0.05; Student’s t-test; n = 5 biological replicates, data representative of 3 independent experiments. c, hGOs maintained in high concentrations of EGF (100 ng ml−1) had very few endocrine cells at day 34, shown by staining for the pan-endocrine marker CHGA. However, a reduction of EGF concentration (to 10 ng ml−1) at day 30 resulted in more physiological numbers of endocrine cells in the gastric epithelium. d, Schematic indicating the effects of EGF at different stages of hGO growth, morphogenesis, and cell type specification. High levels of EGF were required at early developmental stages for growth and morphogenesis, however, it repressed endocrine differentiation at late stages of development; thus, the EGF concentration was reduced at day 30 to allow for endocrine cell development. e, To test whether EGF repression of endocrine differentiation occurs upstream of NEUROG3, hGOs were generated from an ES cell line stably transfected with a dox-inducible NEUROG3-overexpressing transgene. hGOs were maintained in high EGF (100 ng ml−1), then at day 30 were treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1) for 24 h and then analysed at day 34. f, g, Dox-treated hGOs show robust activation of endocrine markers CHGA, GAST, GHRL and SST (f), and they contain CHGA-, GHRL- and SST- expressing cells with endocrine morphology (g). *P < 0.05; Student’s t-test; n = 3 biological replicates per condition, data representative of 2 independent experiments. Therefore, NEUROG3 overexpression was sufficient to induce gastric endocrine cell fate in a high-EGF environment. Scale bars, 100 μm. Error bars represent s.d.


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