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The Two-Brain Model (TBM) in human body and in nature

已有 1990 次阅读 2020-8-1 15:55 |系统分类:科研笔记


The 3rd International Modernization Forum Proceedings

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2019.05.24_The Two-Brain Model(TBM) in human body and in nature_a new viewpoint .pdf

Running title: Two-Brain Model in human body and in nature for better understanding the nature


The Two-Brain Model (TBM) in human body and in nature: a new viewpoint for understanding the nature and its application in medical science and human society


Chenggang Zhang*, Wenjing Gong, Zhihui Li, Dawen Gao, Yan Gao


Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Academy of Military Sciences, Research Center for the Military Cognitive and Mental Health of PLA, Beijing 100850, China


*Correspondence author, ORCID: 0000-0002-4521-3304, E-mail: zhangcg@bmi.ac.cn, zcgweb@hotmail.com, Tel: 010-66931590, Address: Taiping Road 27, Beijing, 100850, China.



Abstract  There are still a large number of problems in the world such as the increasing chronic diseases in many countries. To solve these questions we need to have a new intelligent outlook on the tangled matters. In this paper, we introduced a new model name “Two-Brain Model (TBM)” to address this issue, one brain for materials memory system (MMS) in gut flora (termed as BacBrain) and the other brain for spirit memory system (SMS) in human brain. Based on a large number of scientific and valuable literatures and our own studies, we proposed this new model with following key points: 1) the human body could be physiologically controlled with wellness by the human genomic DNA system (operating system, OS/1) to support the human brain and the symbiotic microbiota especially the gut flora; 2) the symbiotic microbiota lived together with the human body and was controlled its own genomic DNA system (OS/2), and the gut flora coding the hungry sensation and food-eating genes (termed as starvatin or hungerin) for the host because the microbiota directly memorized and processed the material needs; 3) the human brain processes the material needs signals originated from gut flora (OS/2, BacBrain) sending to the brain and nervous system by vagus to complete the food eating behavior and most important function of the human brain is to use the human language system (OS/3) to think, abstract, interpret, imagine and in order to know the world. If the man can correctly understand the relationship between OS/2 (for eating food and material needs) and OS/3 (for thinking and imagining) and correctly processed the signals transferring from OS/2 to OS/3, then the man will have a healthy body and happy life. However, if the man was out of control by the BacBrain because the signals originated from OS/2 was too strong and his human brain (OS/3) cannot correctly handle the signals from OS/2, then the man will lose the correct judgment in his daily life. Similarly, when zooming and applying this new viewpoint of the TBM theory to the nature, we can interestedly find similar structure between the man and the nature. In details, nearly all of the DNA coding system can be considered as a whole and super brain for memorizing and processing the material needs for the nature as the mankind, while all of the human brains can be recognized as a whole and super brain for thinking and imagining the spirit needs in nature. Therefore, our current studies figured out that not only the body-mind-spirit was in a trinity structure for a man but also similar for the nature. We each of the life and animated species can be recognized as a subroutine of the super program of the life coding by the genomic DNA systems in nature to a certain extent, however our human brain need the human language and consciousness system to find, to create and entering the human civilization in the future, where the goals and directions of the human society is health, peace, beauty and happiness. Taken together, although we can still not answer the question “what is life” asked by Dr. Schrodinger, however the viewpoint introduced in this paper is gradually approaching the answer.


Keywords  Two-Brain model; Two-Brain theory; Trinity structure; Body-mind-spirit; Motivation; Material needs; Material needs brain; Spirit needs; Spirit needs brain; Operating system; Hunger sensation comes from gut flora; Flexible fasting; Med 3.0; BacBrain; Human brain; Human culture; Human civilization; Law of the nature





There are an increasing large number of chronic diseases (CDs) in the world in different countries from last several decades1-9. Peoples especially the patients and families are losing the confidence on how and when we human beings can win the war on prevention and control of CDs (PCCDs). This is now even a social problem other than the scientific problem because the disability and failure on CDs in current medicine10, 11. If we believe that each of us as well as our babies should have a happy life in the world, but the life is actually so difficult and the CDs are unavoidable, then the fact did obviously mean that our human knowledge and understanding on the world and design of the nature on our human beings is something wrong, especially in medical sciences. Therefore, it is urgently needed to develop a new and correct theory or new viewpoint on the world as well as on ourselves, otherwise it is difficult for us to live with wellness and happiness in the world. In our lab, we spent six years of hard works to find the way for correctly understanding the law of the nature from the year 2013. After a critical review of the scientific and valuable literatures and studies based on ourselves, we finally found it is important to propose and develop a new understanding of our human beings to address the origin of the CDs. In addition, only after we can precisely target the origin of the CDs, we human beings can then depart from suffering of the CDs and will have a correct understanding of the nature for happy life in the future.


The new understanding of the nature

In this paper, we will at first introduce the new understanding of the nature as well as the trinity structure of body-mind-spirit in our human being.


The trinity structure of body-mind-spirit in human being could be recognized as OS/1 (body), OS/2 (mind) and OS/3 (spirit) jointly controlled system

In order to have a quick look at the Two-Brain Model (TBM), here we will introduce this model at first to shorten the long time on logical reasoning process from the current knowledge on the medical sciences. In our new model of the human being, we defined that there are three parts to drive and control the whole life of a man, which are expressed as the operating system 1 (OS/1), OS/2 and OS/3 especially. The OS/1 was defined as the human genomic DNA system, while the OS/2 was defined as the symbiotic microbiota’s genomic DNA system (Fig. 1). The OS/1 controlled the development of the human body, while the OS/2 guided the development of the symbiotic microbiota together living with the human body. Normally, the OS/2 system touches the baby’s body and surrounded the body surface after and from birth to death. However, the OS/3 was macroscopically defined here as the spirit system, while the coding sequences of OS/3 was words, texts, symbols, sounds and any other signal fluxes. The OS/3 could only run in the human brain because the animal brains cannot support the abundant information processing capacity. Although the OS/3 was structurally developed even in fetal stage, however, the rapid functionally development of OS/3 is beginning from half or one year after birth. In contrast, the OS/1 and OS/2 was composed of the genomic DNA coding sequence and formed the life system, where OS/1 for human body and the physiological system, OS/2 for material-depended psychological system and the mind, while the OS/3 was composed of the information system for human beings and can be expressed as spirit system, especially the material-independent psychological system. (Fig. 2)


Fig. 1



Fig. 2


As this is a new definition of the human being, here we will briefly introduce our innovation points based on this new model. The most important and the first-of-all discovery in our lab is that we found the symbiotic system (OS/2) coding the hunger sensation gene (termed as hungerin) and the starvation gene (termed as starvatin) for the symbiotic human12. In other words, the human body itself (controlled by OS/1) did not have and did not know the hunger sensation. After a long time of rather difficult studies, we finally and very unexpectedly realized that the OS/2 directly stored and memorized the hunger signals in its genomic DNA system. When the phenotype of hunger signals was expressed by the OS/2 in human gut by the gut flora in order to reproduce their offsprings, then the man (host) can then know the food eating signals transferring from the gut to the human brain via vagus. Actually, this kind of natural design is not only for human beings but also for most (even all) animals, as reported elsewhere recently13. In short, the OS/2 is a special “brain” (termed as BacBrain) responsible for “eating food” by sending the hunger sensation to human brain or the host brain from gastrointestinal tract. Actually, in our TBM theory, the memory for eating different foods was actually stored in OS/2. When each of the microbiota cell expressed the natural ability to reproduce their babies, then the information that all of the substrates it need would be assimilated following the control of the OS/2 coding system. This is a very simple but very interesting natural design that the phenotype or the behavior that we human beings have to “eat food” was controlled by the OS/2 system not only in human beings but also in the animals. There, the behavior that “we need to eat food and we must have to eat” is not actually because of our own hungry sensation but because of the symbiotic microbiota lived in our gut needing food for their own reproduction. If there is no OS/2 in our gut, then we mankind will have no natural food eating sensation and the related behaviors to guide and drive us for eating. Therefore, we can easily interpret the OS/2 coding the hungry gene (hungerin) or the starvation gene (starvatin) for the OS/1 system. This is important for us to understand the symbiotic principle phenomenon of OS/1 coupled with OS/2 in nature.


The symbiotic structure is universal in the cell during the evolution of life especially the animals and human beings.

Or chance or necessity, the life was appeared in the earth about 3.6 billions of years ago14. From long history of evolution of the life, the symbiotic structure is universal in the cell. For example, the mitochondria were lived and distributed in cytoplasm, so does the chloroplast in plant cells. The cell bodies provide a home for the reproduction of the organelle such as mitochondria and chloroplast. This kind of symbiotic style was called co-evolution for needing each other, although the reproduction of mitochondria and chloroplast is the semi-autonomous replication mode under the control of cellular nucleus. The similar symbiotic structure could also be seen as the bacteriophage lived in bacteria, although this is fatal and lethal to the host in sometime. In the paper we recently published, we pointed that the symbiotic microbiota lived in human gut or in other animals gut is also an similar universal structure13, i.e., the OS/2 is also using the semi-autonomous replication mode in the gut of OS/1 system.

If there is no life, the nature will be a silent world as described in the book “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson15. However, if there is no symbiosis, it is difficult to develop more complex and advanced life style. However, it seems to be a fact that although the life system is rather complex and beautiful in the earth, the mind and spirit system is more amazing in the world. In our current opinions, the life layer (domain) is obviously higher than the material layer (domain), while the mind and spirit layer (domain) is higher than the life layer (domain). Thus the nature seemed to be in a mode of iterative evolution from the material layer (domain) to the spirit layer (domain). There is no motivation of reproduction for the materials themselves, unless they are organized as the life. However, what is the motivation of life? It is probably because of the needs of mind and spirit in a materials-independent form to express their existence, although the life itself was also in a basic structure of materials-dependent form.


The symbiotic structure is important for each other and for the earth not only life but also for mind and spirit.

About five decades ago, the Gaia hypothesis, also known as Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, was proposed by the chemist James Lovelock and co-developed by the microbiologist Lynn Margulis in the 1970s16, 17. Lovelock named the idea after Gaia to propose that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet18. This is an interesting hypothesis to help us to understand the nature and the earth because the earth could also be recognized as a big cell. Although this is a very interesting theory, the Gaia hypothesis was initially criticized for being teleological and against the principles of natural selection, but later refinements aligned the Gaia hypothesis with ideas from fields such as Earth system science, biogeochemistry and systems ecology18-21. However, it is a new chance to have a look at the Gaia theory again with the viewpoint of the TBM theory introduced in this paper. In our opinions, all of the living cells as well as all of the living microbiota, plants, animals and the human bodies could be recognized as such a huge and super “materials memory system (MMS)”, which could also be named as the “materials processing brain (MPB)” or “materials processing system (MPS)” similar to the previously described BacBrain. In this sense, the life itself can “remember” the using of all of the materials it needed as chemical substrates to reproduce its life based on the life controlling system including the OS/1 and OS/2, which actually are composed of genomic DNA system, although some virus using the genomic RNA system. If there is no MMS (MPB and MPS), there will have no life in the earth and of course the life could not be expressed in the earth because the materials did not know how to organize or to be organized for special purposes. The microbiota can live alone in the earth, the plant can also live alone, however, according to our findings that “gut flora coding the hunger sensation genes for the host”, the animals and the human beings (OS/1) could not live without the gut flora (OS/2) although the germfree mouse could only live in lab as an unnatural environment. In other words, after the birth either from uterus or eggs, the nature actively and hurriedly and directly provides and injects the MMS (OS/2, food indexes and eating signal generators) at the first time into the gut of the baby animals and the baby human beings to provide the ability of eating food for the animals and human beings. This is the direct start of the power that our human being and the animals obtained the food-eating ability from the nature and then we have to eat food to avoid the destroy from the gut flora by digesting the gastrointestinal tract mucosa12, 13, 22, 23. In other words, the MMS especially OS/2 is the primordial power for life and could be named as “universal reproducing power of the microbiota” which is similar to the “universal gravitation” provided by the nature to all of the materials.

After discussing the MMS based on OS/2, we can then discuss the “spirit memory system (SMS)”, which could also be named as “spirit processing system (SPS)” or “spirit memory brain (SMB)” or “spirit processing brain (SPB)”. For the sake of symmetry, we may define the OS/3 as the coding system for the SMS (SMB, SPS, SPB) as above mentioned. Obviously, the SPS (OS/3, spirit brain) is perfectly designed in the human beings by the nature, although there are some pre-SPS information and actions such as crying and laughing in animals. Only after the human beings have developed the language processing systems from about 8,000 years ago, the SPS (OS/3, spirit brain) can work well to supporting the human intelligence. Therefore, the SPS could be also called as “universal thinking power and intelligence of the human brain” for explaining why our human beings naturally have the ability to think and imagine the world in order to understand the nature.

Thus in our TBM theory, a man as well as the earth can be probably seemed as the sun (spirit brain, the 1st brain, OS/3), the earth (BacBrain, the 2nd brain, OS/2), the human body itself (OS/1). The OS/2 used the materials (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, potassium, etc.) for living, so does the OS/1, where the OS/2 sending the hungry sensation signals to OS/1, the OS/1 provides the gastrointestinal tract as a living place for OS/2 to showing the symbiotic structure in the body. In addition, the OS/3 use the materials-independent information to think and imagine for learning and producing knew knowledge for our human beings to understand the world. If there is no OS/1 (human body), there will be no OS/3 (human brain). However, if there is no OS/2 (symbiotic microbiota), the OS/1 (human body) will do not know why and when to eat food to support existence of the body.

It is thus clear that our current new model provided a new viewpoint for better and reasonable understanding of the nature and ourselves (Fig. 3)



Fig. 3


The materials were controlled by the mind but the purpose and motivation were for the spirit, i.e., the mind and the spirit showed their existences by controlling the combination and running of the materials.

Every day we must and have to eat food, drink water and wish to have a good dream for spiritual pillar. Every day the sun will rise up from the east and drop down to the west. From the hundreds and millions of years, the solar system seemed to run repeatedly day after day and night after night. Is there any motivation for these phenomenons for the ins and outs of the matter? When we open our eyes to see the dark sky in the bright night from the earth, when we think about the older but also newer questions “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?”, we human beings have to face the fact of the normal life in the earth. Yes, we have our own fathers and mothers, and we are composed of materials based on countless biochemical reactions in our body. Similarly, the microbiota also has their own parents and will also have their babies, and they are also composed of materials such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, potassium, etc. and also based on countless biochemical reactions. This is the fact we can see and we should understand, and this is the earth we lived from generation to generation (Fig. 3). Theoretically, repeating doing the same things means nothing. Therefore, there should and must have some new ideas to be happened. Based on our analysis, we might provide the different and hierarchical increasing three-layer structure for better understanding these phenomenons.

The first layer should be the materials itself, which including all of the chemical elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, potassium, etc. The periodic table of elements was reported in 1869 and formed the bases of the materials world or the materials earth as well as other planets24. The materials were connected by the power of hydrogen bond and Van der Waals force which is the most important field. The celestial bodies were well organized or controlled by the power of universal gravitation. Anyway, the universe has been existed for several billions of years, however, until the life beginning. This layer could also be named as the materials domain.

The second layer should be the life layer, especially the life in materials form or as the materials-based life. From the studies of life science, it is now not difficult to understand the origination and evolution of life from 3.6 billion years ago in the earth. The findings of Darwin's theory of evolution, Mendelian heredity, Morgan's law of inheritance and Watson and Crick’s DNA double helix model have drawn a relative roadmap in recent several hundreds of years. Both the macrobiology and the microbiology contribute a lot on the development of the life science. Based on the rapid progresses of genetics and physiology and biochemistry and under discoveries of the human genome project (HGP) and the genome project of other species, the life science studies have achieved an unprecedented progress, until now we encountered and had to face and suffer from the too many chronic diseases, crimes and wars in the world which will be discussed soon later. This layer could also be named as life domain based on the materials domain.

Accordingly and clearly, the third layer should be the life in higher level that based on the materials but should be in advanced form, which could be probably named as the spirit-based-life. Of course, this special kind of life is most likely in the human world and was constructed and portrayed in human brain. During the whole life of our human beings from uterus to coffin and from cradle to grave, our brains mainly (>99%) used the glucose with the oxygen to burn as its own food to provide energy for the brain to work. If we take the human brain as a big enzyme, the language and any information as substrates, then, the “thinking process” can be recognized as an “enzymatic catalytic reaction” in the brain, the products should be the “thinking results”. Therefore, the human brain catalyzes the symbols and concepts of the world and create the image of the world, which in turn make the world full of imaginary that is the spirit-based-life, or namely the spirit life or imagining-based-life. This layer could also be named as spirit domain based on the life domain.

Thus, based on above discussions, we human beings really need food and the materials to build our body, however the food-needing signals were driven and guided by the BacBrain (OS/2). The human brain (OS/3) and the nervous system received and recognized the hungry signals and then controlling the human body (OS/1) to have the breakfast, lunch and dinner to meet the human’s need for food in order to structure and shape our body as a mankind. However, the rigid food-needing as well as the material needs seem to be only the low level needing by OS/2 BUT NOT the high level of pursuing by OS/3. Based on our current studies, although the materials-dependent mind needs the materials in the world, however the materials-independent mind and especially the spirit is the typical and most important “food” for the human brain driven by the spirit processing system (SPS, OS/3). Accordingly, now we can know that the human need food but which was driven by the gut flora (BacBrain, OS/2), however the most important “food” is the knowledge created and accumulated by the human culture which was guided by the human brain of the OS/3 system in human society with long human history. To read a book, to learn a lesson, to study the nature, etc., these are the REAL needs of the human brain and expressed as human thinking and thoughts in the history of the human society. In such a new viewpoint, we can easily know that the principle of conservation of energy and matter, the repetitive ways of the chemical elements and the different organization of the materials seemed to be a kind of game playing by the nature, however, only the human brain can read, understand, process and create the human culture from the endless of the materials repetitiveness of the nature day after day, year after year. In recent 5-10 years, the virtual reality (VR) and advanced reality (AR) technologies have made great achievements, because these kinds of technologies are actually targeting and advancing the human brain system (OS/3).


A further but more important question we have to ask, what is the purpose and motivation of the nature?

In our TBM theory, we “assumed” that all of the materials “should” have the same “right” and the possibility to become the chemical elements of any life or pre-life (before birth) or post-life (after death). Normally our human body was designed by the nature to be vivi-life for about 100 years from birth to death. Before being the chemical elements into our body, these chemical elements are “pre-life” elements. When our body died, the gut flora and many other microbiota will digest our body and using the chemical elements to re-create new life of themselves following the OS/2 controlling system. During that time, our body entered the “post-life” stage. However, if there are valuable thoughts were formed and developed during the vivi-life period of the person, then even his body was recalled by the nature, his valuable thoughts (fruitful and valuable OS/3 products) will be existed and inherited by later generations, such as the ancient Chinese sages including Confucius, Laozi, Mencius and Zhuangzi and the famous peoples in Western countries such as Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Copernicus, Newton, Kant, etc. In other words, the nature seemed to work tirelessly to use the materials (chemical elements) and energy (provided by the sun in solar system) to repeatedly produce the life and the human beings, until the human brain can use the “spirit processing system” (human brain, OS/3) to develop the human culture in order to comprehensively understand the evolution of the nature. In this viewpoint, it should be true that the purpose of each of us designed and created by the nature was to understand the nature and ourselves. In other words, it seemed to be true that the nature always try to understand itself by creating our human beings and we should use the intelligence of the human brain to understand the nature.

Yes, we human beings lived in the earth every day. We have our babies from generation to generation. As a standalone person, we normally have our own purpose and motivation to do everything, however, is it the similar matter for the nature? If there is no special purpose and motivation of the nature, it will probably be meaningless in nature because wasting the time. Therefore, we suggest and speculate that the purpose of the truth is that, the nature wish to know itself! However, here comes to another question: does the nature have the mind and the spirit? If yes, why yes? If no, why no? Anyway, the same question should be asked to the nature: where does the nature come from? Where does the nature go? Who is the nature? What is the nature? What is the essence of the nature? What is the law of the nature? To address these questions, we probably need to develop a new subject to answer this question, for example the “gut flora-centric theory” and the related subjects in order to explore the begin and the end of the nature if existed. Of course, using the microbiota-centric theory to see the world and the nature is close to the philosophy and should be a new subject and branch of the philosophy.


To have a unique look and universal understanding on the nature by using the TBM theory.

Either look at the nature from the macroscopic view of celestial bodies, or from the microscopic view of life bodies, it seemed that the nature have similar structure. For example, the earth and the mars run around the sun, the electrons revolve around the nucleus. Similarly, the organelle (such as mitochondria and chloroplast) distributed around the cell nucleus. Even in our human bodies and animals, we can now know that the symbiotic microbiota lived around our bodies as well as the animal bodies, some (most) in gastrointestinal tract, some in respiratory tract, some in urogenital tract, and some in skin surface25-27. When we take the earth as the planet for the sun, we can similarly take the BacBrain (OS/2) as the “planet or satellite” for the human bodies (OS/1). Such kind of viewpoint may provide us an easier understanding for the nature. In addition, let we have a higher level look at this matter. As above mentioned, because the materials were manipulated and controlled by the mind and the spirit, then we can take the “materials world” as the “planet or satellite” of the “mind world” or the “spirit world”. Therefore, we can now easily draw a picture of the nature based on the TBM theory, the first brain is the BacBrain (OS/2) for the material needs, the second brain is the human brain (OS/3) for the mind and spiritual needs, while the human body (OS/1) provides a platform for the existence and survival of these two important brains (Fig. 1). We can then see the trinity structure of the body-mind-spirit similar to nature.

Someone may argue that it is probably too far-fetched to closely link the symbiotic microbiota to the mind. This is a very interesting question. To address this issue, we might divide the mind in two parts or two sides, one is the materials-dependent mind (M1), the other is the materials-independent mind (M2). The M1-mind is close to the typical material needs mind such as the food eating behavior and addictive drugs which depending on the biochemical reactions, while the M2-mind is more close to the translation of the human mind from physical stimulations such as internet addictions to spirit layer and most like based on the transformation of the electromagnetic signals in the nervous system and will be discussed elsewhere.


What is the next step of the nature and the human beings

Obviously, to see and to do is for understanding and for better life in the future. If the TBM theory is correct, then we should use this new model to reasonably predict the next step of the nature and the human beings. As we have a large number of clinical evidences to support our TBM theory that “the BacBrain (OS/2) coding the hunger gene (hungerin) for the host (OS/1)” and when we controlled the hunger sensation signals originating from the BacBrain (OS/2) using the flexible fasting (FF) technology, we can easily get away from the puzzle and disturbance of the food needing signals and eating behavior. Our body can then be totally under the normal and physiological control of the OS/1 system to live by using the internal glycogen and fat to provide energy for the body. Most importantly, the body can then easily recover from the illness obesity and related diseases22, 28-32. Based on these facts and clinical observations, the first contribution of the TBM theory is actually that we human beings did not need to worry about the hunger sensation and the daily needed eating behavior because the hunger sensation could be easily controlled by the FF technology. In other words, we human beings now can easily control our eating behavior by updating our life style from the “eating in time” to “eating on demand”, where the key issue is to control the hunger sensation signals originated from the gut flora by using the FF or some other similar technologies. By using these new life styles, we will be easily far away from the obesity itself and obesity-related chronic diseases.

For the second application of the TBM theory, our human beings will have more time to think and to understand the purpose and the motivation of the nature because we did not need to spend or waste too many unnecessary times like animals to eat food every day. We can spend more time to learn and enjoy the mathematics, physics, chemistry, sports, aesthetics, art, philosophy, etc. These kinds of life styles are actually needed by our human beings to enjoy every day and will of course make us happiness and joyfulness. In short, based on the TBM theory, we can know the new relation among the trinity structure of body-mind-spirit and understand the fact that “we need to eat but we live for thinking and enjoying the world”, which is the critical difference between our human beings and the animals. From the viewpoint of the TBM theory, we may speculate that this might be the truth of the nature and the reason that the nature created our human beings in order to understand the nature itself. Taken the nature as an author, we may ask the author what should be a beautiful world under the author of the nature? Regarding the facts that we human beings are created by the nature, we human beings are come from the nature, we human beings will return back to nature, and of course we human beings should work for the nature. After all, nature is the mother of mankind. If we can make the nature to be better for better life on the trinity structure of the body-mind-spirit health, there should not be any other excuses to doubt the nature punishing our human beings to suffer from the chronic diseases, crimes and endless wars. Therefore, the purpose and motivation of the nature is trying to entrust the confidence to us with consciousness in order to enjoy the nature itself by creating our human beings and made us health, happiness, beauty and peace to enjoy and appreciate the nature of the nature.


Next, let’s take a new look of the facts with abnormal understanding of the TBM theory.


It is widely accepted that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Similar in medical science, the evidence-based studies are also critical for application to demonstrate any medical hypothesis.

As for the human beings living and recognizing the nature as well as the human themselves, there are a huge large number of painful events such as chronic diseases, merciless crimes and endless wars. Why there are so many chronic diseases? Why there are so many merciless crimes? Why there are cruel and inhuman wars? Is it normal that these kinds of negative social events happened every day and continued from generation to generation and from countries to countries? No, in our opinions, these kinds of endless negative events should not be happened and continued because everyone in the world are coming for peace and health other than for chronic diseases, crimes and wars. As we have discussed about the TBM theory, if we can really understand the motivation of the nature and guiding our thoughts and behaviors, we should have a happy life and wellness every day. However, if we did not obey the rules and correctly follow the law of the nature, we will suffer from the endless and painful misery in life. As a result, we will show some examples to further exploring the importance of the TBM theory.


The pain and misery were a kind of punishment by the nature when we human beings did not obey the law of the nature

As first let’s take a look by discussing the origination of the chronic diseases because it is the most urgent negative events currently and largely destroying the human health and human life.

As above mentioned, because the function of BacBrain (OS/2) is defined as for the material needs by memorizing the metabolism actions in the genomic DNA system (OS/2), then any destroys on the BacBrain for example by the antibiotics is the chief criminal causing the chronic diseases to our human beings. The BacBrain is actually the most important materials memory brain of the earth and could be understood as the “materials processing system”, so we can imagine that if the memorizing structure of the earth was destroyed, the consequence is extremely serious. The disordered BacBrain will lose the correct and normal materials re-circle instruction set to make new life. If the destroy on the microbiota still did not stop, then we will continuously lose the ability of the BacBrain which in turn resulting our human beings’ chronic diseases. Luckily, in the book by Martin J. Blaser MD, “Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues”, we are now having a friend and lovely eyes on the microbiota in the earth33.

According to these discussions, we can see that the features of the OS/2 were naturally defined as the memory on the food and recycling of material recombination. Different BacBrains “remembered” different kinds of food and materials to complete the electron transport chain (ETC) to express the life. It is rather a kind of direct memory on food addiction as well as drug addiction. Here the concept “gain of function” and “loss of function”, which were widely used in genetics could be easily and similarly transferred using in the BacBrain (OS/2), for example, if the hosts allow and have the gut flora (OS/2) living for meat needs such as tigers, lions and wolves, then the animals will receive the signals for meals guided by the gut flora (OS/2) on meats. On the contrary, if the gut flora memorized the food such as radish, cabbage and grass, then the hosts will receive the signals from vegetables such as rabbits, goats and sika deers. In the paper of “gut flora-centric theory of evolution”, we have discussed the matter how the gut flora manipulates the evolution of the animals13. Any destroys on the BacBrain on a mankind and more widely on the earth will significantly destroy the memorizing system of the earth. Obviously, whenever the natural ecological cycle was destroyed, then the disasters will come to our human beings. Therefore, the widely used antibiotics are obviously the biggest enemy that destroys the material memorizing brain (OS/2) of the earth.

In the 1960's, the “Thalidomide Tragedy” resulted in a large number of deformed thalidomide babies: his poor distorted limbs; an ill-shapen vase; a limp caused by a malformed foot; misshapen old fingers, indicating the out of control of normal human body (OS/1). This is a big lesson to our human beings. What we don't want to see is, if the BacBrain (OS/2) were destroyed by the antibiotics, then it maybe the second “Thalidomide Tragedy” event in this century. Therefore we must know that we should not only protect our own body (OS/1) to be health, we must also protect our symbiotic BacBrain (OS/2) because the BacBrain is actually the must-need brain for us to memorize the food-eating signals. The correct understanding and reasonable disposal on these two important points are then reflecting our correct knowledge on the human mind and spirit system (OS/3). Based on these analyses, the health of a man should have the health on all of the trinity structure of body-mind-spirit, e.g., the health of the three-in-one structure of OS/1, OS/2 and OS/3. This should be the law of the nature (Fig. 3).


The human brain was the mind and spirit brain of the earth as well as the nature.

The function of the human brain is to learn, to imagine, to abstract information and the memory and to create the image of the world based on the terms (symbols, letters, words, sentences, either in Chinese or in English and other languages). Any decision made by our brain is actually representing our understanding of the materials world and the imagining world. If our body were destroyed by abnormal life style and irregular eating behavior, then our human brain will also be burdened and then decrease and even lose correct judgment of the world and the nature. This is normally the reason of crimes and unjust wars because the human brain (OS/3) was abnormally controlled by the excessive material pursuit signals (needing-more-materials) of the BacBrain (OS/2). As a scientific model, the TBM theory should be used to explain and predict a number of things. Based on our TBM theory, not only the food eating behavior but also even the drug addiction were both  memorized in the human brain as reported in many literatures and by the BacBrain (OS/2) lived in gut flora. We are now working hard to find the drug addiction memory-related microbiota following this important clue and will be reported recently.

It is very important that the TBM theory pointed out a fact that why we human beings need to learn the knowledge from birth to death. Because the human body (OS/1) itself is only a framework and structure to support the living of BacBrain (OS/2) and the human brain (OS/3), the normal food taking behavior could meet the material needs for OS/1 and OS/2, while the human brain (OS/3) needs its “special food” such as reading, writing, talking, imagining, laughing, crying, etc. These kinds of “special foods” for the human brain (OS/3) could be recognized as “spirit needs” or “spirit foods” and should be input to human brain by learning and learning from the earth, the world and the human history. Therefore, in our TBM theory, the function of the BacBrain (OS/2) is to send the hungry sensation to the human body (OS/1), the human brain (OS/3) receives the eating signals and then controls the human body (OS/1) to finish the eating behavior. After completing the eating behavior, the human brain (OS/3) will run in its own mode for thinking and imagining to enter and live in the spirit world with the glucose and oxygen providing the energy for the human brain. When the OS/2 and OS/1 were destroyed by abnormal food eating behaviors and irregular life style such as failure to sleep on time, then the OS/3 will also be affected and evenly destroyed because wrong materials entered the human brain such as from the destroyed blood-brain barrier (BBB), however the most destroy factor on the OS/3 is the wrong thoughts and wrong knowledge in human thinking level. In order to keep the health of body-mind-spirit, we should and must keep the OS/2 and OS/3 run well, otherwise we will be punished by the nature with chronic diseases, crimes and wars. Therefore, the TBM theory provided a possible explanation and a valuable choice for us on how to follow the law of the nature for our human beings to live with health, happiness and peace, which is also the key point of the medical science version 3.0 (Med 3.0).



In this paper we introduced the TBM theory to show our understanding of the nature and the world as well as the application in medical science especially in prevention and control of chronic diseases. The reason to develop the TBM theory is that we wish to find a reasonable way for our human beings to avoid the higher occurrence frequency of chronic diseases and out control of the cruel crimes and inhuman wars. Based on the TBM theory, we recognized that the mission of our human being is defined to find the meaning as well as the beauty of the nature because the way for pursuing health, peace, beauty is the inward and eternal goal of the human society. In this paper we defined that there are three powers (capacities) in the nature including the “universal gravitation”, “universal reproducing power of the microbiota” and “universal thinking power and intelligence of the human brain”. We human beings are created by the nature, our body comes from the nature and will return back to the nature after death, therefore our human being’s intelligence should also pay for the nature. Otherwise it is difficult for us to explain and to understand why there is the mankind was created in the world by the nature.

Based on the TBM theory, the difference between the animals and the human beings are different thinking capacities and the intelligence but not the hunger sensation and the coming eating behavior. From this viewpoint, the nature was created and designed with unbelievable and amazing beauty manner that all of the life in nature should have same rights to exist. All of the rights belong to the materials itself and the mind (including the materials-dependent mind and the materials-independent mind) and spirit level in a perfect order. If there are only the materials but not the mind and the spirit in the world, then the nature will be lonely existed because if there is no materials, the mind and spirit will have no materials to express their existences. In the book of “The World as Will and Idea” by Schopenhauer34 and “Being and Nothingness An Essay” by Jean-Paul Sartre35, the authors actually talked about the relationships between materials (body) and mind (M1 and M2) and spirit. Inspired by the above studies, in the TBM theory, we provide an increasing and iteration understanding on this important topic that the human body (OS/1) needs materials but the material needs signals were controlled by the BacBrain (OS/2) lived in our gut. Unexpectedly in our TBM theory, the human brain (OS/3) only memorizes the symbols and images and the logical reasoning of the materials but not the materials themselves. Therefore, the trinity structure of body-mind-spirit seemed to have extensive values for us to understand the nature as well as ourselves.

In order to judge whether a new model is correct or not, we of course and absolutely should need a large number of evidences to support our hypothesis. Currently the TBM theory has been supported with a large number of clinical evidences because we have demonstrated when controlling the OS/2 by the flexible fasting or similar technologies, then the human body (OS/1) can enter the autonomous operation mode by using the internal glycogen and fat as energy, while the human brain (OS/3) can also enter the autonomous thinking mode. This kind of special life style of flexible fasting can directly bring benefit to our body health especially to the people suffered from obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases and can give us more time (by saving the time for reasonable eating) to think the old and new question of “why we can normally live for 1-2 weeks without hungry sensation and without eating food but only the special food for gut flora and water” and then “who we are?”. In fact, only after we have demonstrated the successful clinical applications and let more patients benefit from the flexible fasting technologies, can we have the possibility and ability to develop and improve the TBM theory. Based on careful logical analysis, it seemed that the TBM theory might be right and of course needing further more and more evidences to support the systemic hypothesis in the era of Med 3.0. In the future, we wish to use the new TBM theory especially the human brain (OS/3) responding for human spirit and human intelligence to re-understanding the human society. On the contrary, according to our TBM theory, if there are a large number of serious errors caused by the people such as the increasing number of chronic diseases, then, it is probably an important time for us to self-examine and correct our wrong knowledge for better life, where the TBM theory is an alternative breakthrough point for this matter.



To have a correct understanding on the nature as well as on our human beings is the essential event for everybody lived in the earth. In the TBM theory, the trinity structure of body-mind-spirit was clearly illustrated with new viewpoints, where OS/1 coding for the human body, OS/2 (BacBrain) coding the hungry sensation (hunger genes) for our human beings and expressed as material needs and the mind for food, while the OS/3 coding for spirit and intelligence of our human beings. The OS/2 responses for the materials memory in nature, while the OS/3 responses for non-materials memory and the mind and spirit in nature. Pursuing health, peace, beautiful is the essential and eternal goal of the human society. As long as we correctly recognize and treat the OS/2 with love other than doubt and even destroy the OS/2 deeply in our heart, then our body (OS/1) and our brain (OS/3) will have health and peace and beauty forever. This world is and should be a lovely world. Peace and health are forever goals for each of us. To have a correct understanding on the world, we human beings will have a new stage and new era in the future. This might be the purpose and the motivation that we human beings are created by the nature because the nature itself comes from beauty, health, happiness and peace, so does everybody in nature. Either the studies to exploring the reasons and motivations for human existence from eastern culture and western culture or eastern civilizations and western civilizations, the nature should be the best. In short, east or west, nature is best.



This work was supported by the National Basic Research Project (973 program, 2012CB518200); General Program (81371232, 81573251) of the Natural Science Foundation of China; Special Key Programs for Drug R&D of China (2012ZX09102301-016, 2014ZX09J14107-05B); Foundation of Joint Research Center for Translational Medicine between Beijing Proteome Research Center and Tianjin Baodi Hospital (TMRC201301).



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Figure Legends


Fig. 1. The Two-Brain model (TBM) and the trinity structure of body-mind-spirit in human beings.


Fig. 2. Development stages of the human beings from birth to death on the viewpoint of the trinity structure of body-mind-spirit.


Fig. 3. Diagram showing the trinity structure of Body-Mind-Spirit in human beings as well as in nature.


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