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已有 2168 次阅读 2019-7-1 21:37 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载




39th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)
Marvels of Life – Integration and Translation
Beijing, China
August 20-24, 2021



June 06, 2019

Dear Physiologists,

We are pleased to announce that the 39th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, IUPS-2021 will be held in Beijing, China, at the China National Convention Center from August 20 to 24, 2021, hosted by The Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (CAPS).

With the congress theme “Marvels of Life – Integration and Translation”, IUPS-2021 will provide a perfect opportunity for physiologists from around the world to gather and share discoveries of physiological principles and how these are integrated in life and translated into techniques and tools that improve health outcomes. 

At this point we invite you and your colleagues to submit nominations of speakers for the Plenary and Keynote Lectures at the Congress. Plenaries should be ideally of common interest for all physiologists, whereas keynote speakers might be more focused on special sub-disciplines.  Nominations are accepted until July 31, 2019. Please submit nominations to either the Congress Website (www.iups2021.com) or mail your suggestions directly to the chairs of the program committee:upohl@lmu.de or yschan@hku.hk using the attached PDF file.  All nominations will be considered by the International Scientific Program Committee (ISPC, see list of members below). Announcement of the selected Plenary Speakers and Keynotes Speakers will be made in the last quarter of 2019.

For your information, the call for proposals for Symposia and Workshops will be issued in the second half of 2019. 

Sincerely yours,

Ying-Shing Chan  &  Ulrich Pohl
Co-Chair, ISPC of the IUPS-2021 Congress



Include the following information in your proposal for a plenary or keynote speaker


1. Indicate whether your nomination is for:
a Plenary Speaker (  ) or a Keynote Speaker (  ).

2. Your contact details: Name & title, institution, telephone number, e-mail, and full postal address.

3. Tentative title of the plenary/keynote talk.

4. Contact details of the proposed speaker: Name & title, institution, and e-mail.

5. Five citations (including abstracts as appearing in pubmed) of recent publications of the proposed speaker.

6. A short narrative explaining your scientific reasons for choosing the suggested topic and speaker. Please specifically address the following:
(a) timeliness of the topic,
(b) scientific contributions to the field by  the proposed speaker, and
(c) explain why the candidate should be selected.

7. If applicable, state the possibility that the speaker might be sponsored or the speaker’s travel costs might be shared, defrayed from other sources.






Representatives of CAPS
Ying-Shing Chan (Co-Chair - China)
1. Yun Wang
2. Xiao-Min Wang
3. Jia-Wei Zhou
4. Jun-Fa Li
5. Shi-Qiang Wang (Calcium Signaling)
6. Yi Zhu (Cardiovascular System)
7. Wei Kong (Circulation)
8. Ming Fan (Comparative: Adaptation and Environment)
9. Hai-Bin Wang (Endocrine and Reproduction)
10. Wei-Zhen Zhang (Metabolism)
11. Jian-Hong Luo (Molecular and Cellular Physiology)
12. Jian-Jun Wang ( Motor System)
13. Tian-Le Xu (Neurobiology)
14. You-Fei Guan ( Renal System)
15. Zi-Qiang Luo ( Respiratory System)

Representatives of IUPS
Ulrich Pohl (Co-Chair – Germany)
1. Julie Chan
2. Susan Wray
3. Peter Hunter
4. Patricia Molina
5. Heikki Kainulainen (Commission I – Locomotion)
6. Alicia Mattiazzi (Commission II - Circulation and Respiration)
7. Ludmila Filaretova (Commission III - Endocrine, Reproduction and Development)
8. Katsuhiko Mikoshiba (Commission IV – Neurobiology)
9. René Bindels (Commission V - Secretion and Absorption)
10. Yoshihiro Kubo (Commission VI—Molecular and Cellular)
11. Tobias Wang (Commission VII—Comparative: Evolution, Adaptation and Environment)
12. Yang-Sook Chun (Commission VIII—Genomics and Biodiversity)
13. Ashima Anand (Ethics Committee)
14. Robert Carroll (Education Committee)
15. Andrew McCulloch (Physiome Committee)



Dear Physiologists,

On behalf of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) and the Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (CAPS), we cordially invite you to attend the 39thIUPS Congress in Beijing, China from August 20 to 24, 2021.
You will get to know Beijing as a center for high-level international exchanges in education, science and technology, given the highest concentration of top universities and research academies in China. With high numbers of world heritage sites in and around Beijing, you will appreciate how Beijing blends culture with modern infrastructure.  We are pleased to hold the Congress in the China National Convention Center, next to the 2008 Beijing Olympics Green......



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