职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 7155 次阅读 2010-2-27 17:12 |个人分类:OA开放存取|系统分类:论文交流| 发表, SCI论文, 生物质能, 海藻

Beijing, China

2009年在明尼苏达大学做访问学者期间,参与了合作导师Roger Ruan领导团队的科研工作。其间,有幸与团队里的博士后Wang Liang (汪靓)等合作署名发表论文一篇(Cultivation of Green Algae Chlorella sp. in Different Wastewaters from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Planthttp://www.springerlink.com/content/b46086hr6261610x/。文章内容是海藻生物油制取项目中关于在城市污水处理厂用不同成分污水养殖绿藻的研究成果。论文发表在Springer旗下期刊Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology(应用生物化学与生物技术),属于化学和材料科学类期刊,系SCI收录源刊,目前影响因子1.643。虽然影响因子不高,但文章的价值和影响较大,主要源于该研究系目前世界关注的热点,老板在此领域又处于国际领先地位,而且研究成果的应用前景广阔。海藻被认为是新一代生物质能源新的希望,对优质藻种,其含油量高,生长繁殖速度快,可以在污水中养殖,不与粮争地,不与人争粮,而且其通过藻类的养殖可以有效去除污水中的氮磷等富营养物,既能生产能源,又具有环保生态效益,因而具有良好的前景。


说来惭愧,此文乃有本人署名的第一篇SCI收录文章。个人水平低、不长进,从事编辑出版工作“为人作嫁”是一方面,但主要还是因为学科门类和研究方向不同的缘故。本人从事的专业为农业机械化(本科和硕士研究生专业)和编辑出版学(博士研究生专业)。前者属于农业工程学科领域,该领域的研究成果一般难以发表在SCI收录的期刊,SCI收录农业工程学科领域的期刊也比较少。农业工程学科领域被SCI收录的论文大多是借了与其他学科交叉的势。很多该领域的成果大都发表在被工程索引(Engineering Index, Ei Compendex)收录的期刊。本人此前发表的农业工程方面的文章多被 EI收录。后来转了向,投入较多精力从事编辑出版、开放存取、网络学术传播等方面的研究,发表论文数十篇,但属于人文社科领域,与SCI相去更远了。当然,也因为发表的这些文章大都是中文的,如果将来在国外期刊发些这方面的英文文章,也可能被SSCI收录(《社会科学引文索引》(Social Science Citation Index,简称SSCI ),也算与SCI的亲戚攀上点关系了!


论文第一作者靓妹系出名门,在国内时就读于同济大学和上海交通大学,赴美留学在明尼苏达大学获得博士学位,然后从事博士后研究。她天资聪颖,勤学不辍,发表了不少高水平论文。最近得知她又去亚利桑那州立大学的一个非常有名的Algae实验室Laboratory for Algae Research and Biotechnologyhttp://larb.asu.edu/高就了。靓妹的爱国心令人感动,一心想着在美国多方学习提高,待学成后回国效力。她说:美国虽好,但还是时常想家,相信游子总有回到母亲怀抱的一天的。衷心希望国内各方为海外游子回国创业营造良好环境,以不辜负他们的赤子爱国心!在明尼苏达大学访学期间,在我的怂恿下,靓妹也在科学网开了博客(http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/eversci/)。欢迎大家关注和支持!




汪 靓1,民 敏1,李叶丛1,陈 灵1,陈以峰1,刘玉环1,王应宽1,阮榕生*1,2
1 Center for Biorefining, and Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1390 Eckles Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
2南昌大学生物质转化教育部工程研究中心,生命科学与食品工程学院,南昌 330047
收稿日期: 2009-08-21  接受日期: 2009-11-09 在线发表日期:2009-11-24
摘 要:该研究旨在评价绿藻在当地城市污水处理厂工艺流程中4个不同位置取样的污水中的生长状况,以及绿藻的生长对污水中氮、磷、化学需氧量COD和金属离子的去除效果。4种废水样品为:初级沉淀前的废水#1,初级沉淀后的废水#2,活性污泥槽中的废水#3,污泥离心渗滤液#4(污泥离心渗滤后产生的废水)。在4种废水#1#2#3#4中,绿藻在指数阶段的平均生长速率分别为0.412, 0.429, 0.343,0.948 day−1。绿藻对废水#1#2#4中铵态氮(NH4–N)的去除率分别为82.4%, 74.7%, 78.3%。废水#3中的硝态氮去除较明显,对无机氮主要形态的NO3–N的去除率达62.5%, 是养藻所产生的NO2–N6.3倍。绿藻对废水#1#2#4中磷的去除率分别为83.2%, 90.6%,85.6%,对COD的去除率分别为50.9%, 56.5%, 83.0%。而#3废水中磷的去除率仅为4.7%COD的含量在绿藻生长后反而略有上升,可能是因为绿藻中小的有机分子光合作用产生排泄物所致。试验显示,离心渗滤液中的金属离子,特别是Al, Ca, Fe, MgMn在绿藻养殖后被有效的去除了。研究结果表明,在营养富集的离心渗滤液中养殖海藻,为城市污水处理厂利用海藻养殖工艺循环利用渗滤液去除废水中的营养成分提供了新的途径,达到环保去污和生产有价值的生物燃油原料的双重目的。

Cultivation of Green Algae Chlorella sp. in Different Wastewaters from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

Liang Wang1, Min Min1, Yecong Li1, Paul Chen1, Yifeng Chen1, Yuhuan Liu1, Yingkuan Wang1 and Roger Ruan1, 2 


1 Center for Biorefining, and Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1390 Eckles Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA

2 Nanchang University, Nanchang, China

Received: 21 August 2009  Accepted: 9 November 2009  Published online: 24 November 2009

Abstract:  The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth of green algae Chlorella sp. on wastewaters sampled from four different points of the treatment process flow of a local municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWTP) and how well the algal growth removed nitrogen, phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and metal ions from the wastewaters. The four wastewaters were wastewater before primary settling (#1 wastewater), wastewater after primary settling (#2 wastewater), wastewater after activated sludge tank (#3 wastewater), and centrate (#4 wastewater), which is the wastewater generated in sludge centrifuge. The average specific growth rates in the exponential period were 0.412, 0.429, 0.343, and 0.948 day−1 for wastewaters #1, #2, #3, and #4, respectively. The removal rates of NH4–N were 82.4%, 74.7%, and 78.3% for wastewaters #1, #2, and #4, respectively. For #3 wastewater, 62.5% of NO3–N, the major inorganic nitrogen form, was removed with 6.3-fold of NO2–N generated. From wastewaters #1, #2, and #4, 83.2%, 90.6%, and 85.6% phosphorus and 50.9%, 56.5%, and 83.0% COD were removed, respectively. Only 4.7% was removed in #3 wastewater and the COD in #3 wastewater increased slightly after algal growth, probably due to the excretion of small photosynthetic organic molecules by algae. Metal ions, especially Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, and Mn in centrate, were found to be removed very efficiently. The results of this study suggest that growing algae in nutrient-rich centrate offers a new option of applying algal process in MWTP to manage the nutrient load for the aeration tank to which the centrate is returned, serving the dual roles of nutrient reduction and valuable biofuel feedstock production.

 Keywords :Municipal wastewater,Centrate,Algae,Nutrients removal,Metal,Chlorella

附注:Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology期刊简介
Part A: Enzyme Engineering and Biotechnology
Editor-in-Chief: Ashok Mulchandani
ISSN: 0273-2289 (print version)
ISSN: 1559-0291 (electronic version)
Journal no. 12010
Humana Press
Humana Press Inc.
0273-2289 (Print) 1599-0291 (Online)
SpringerLink Date
This journal is devoted to publishing the highest quality innovative papers in the fields of biochemistry and biotechnology. The typical focus of the journal is to report applications of novel scientific and technological breakthroughs, as well as technological subjects that are still in the proof-of-concept stage. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology provides a forum for case studies and practical concepts of biotechnology, utilization, including controls, statistical data analysis, problem descriptions unique to a particular application, and bioprocess economic analyses. The journal publishes reviews deemed of interest to readers, as well as book reviews, meeting and symposia notices, and news items relating to biotechnology in both the industrial and academic communities. In addition, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology often publishes lists of patents and publications of special interest to readers.
Impact Factor: 1.643
* Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters
Abstracted/Indexed in: abstracted_indexed
Abstracts in Anthropology, Academic OneFile, AGRICOLA, ASFA, Biochemistry and Biophysics Citation Index, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Biotechnology Citation Index, CAB Abstracts, CAB International, CEABA-VtB, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), ChemWeb, Compendex, CSA/Proquest, Current Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS), Current Contents/ Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Current Contents/Life Sciences, DECHEMA, Elsevier Biobase, EMBASE, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Gale, GeoRef, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, IBIDS, INIS Atomindex, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, OCLC, PubMed/Medline, Reaction Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions, TOC Premier
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Cultivation of Green Algae Chlorella sp. in Differ



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