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已有 8932 次阅读 2008-5-3 12:08 |个人分类:书评|系统分类:人物纪事

我在西方学术界最好的朋友和长期合作者、德国著名理论物理学家Harald Fritzsch教授的青春自传《逃离莱比锡》英文版最近由新加坡World Scientific出版社出版发行。为该书作序的是诺贝尔物理学奖得主Gerard 't Hooft,为该书写广告宣传词的包括德国前总理Helmut Kohl,诺贝尔物理学奖得主Sheldon Glashow和诺贝尔物理学奖得主Murray Gell-Mann。在我的建议下,该书的中文版正在World Scientific出版社筹划翻译之中。

"This book is of historical importance. It describes the tensions created by a ruthless regime in a defenseless community, the feelings of helplessness as well as the resourcefulness of those who wanted to make a difference, and then had to escape under life-threatening conditions. No one at the time knew whether the tiny pinpricks of the protesters would help at all to bring about any change in a seemingly perpetual situation and whether the monolithic autocrats could maintain their communist rule forever. Indeed, only few could surmise that less than two decades would be needed to bring the cold war to an end. What happened should not be forgotten. Personal accounts such as the one here are real jewels."
-- Gerard 't Hooft, Nobel laureate


"Fritzsch's book on his life in Leipzig and his escape to the West should be read by everybody, who is interested in the history of Germany in the twentieth century. The book looks like a criminal story, but it is a true story, written down after the fall of the Berlin wall."

Helmut Kohl
ex-chancellor of Germany

"Rarely if ever does a world-famous scientist write a page-turning thriller every word of which is true! ... This wonderful book is both a heartwarming tale and a historical testament."

Sheldon Glashow
Nobel laureate

"This book, written by my collaborator Harald Fritzsch, describes his escape from East Germany in 1968 and the events in Leipzig that forced him to leave. He had organized a protest movement against the destruction of the 700-year-old Pauliner church in Leipzig. ... Fritzsch's story is fascinating, significant, and well told."

Murray Gell-Mann
Nobel laureate



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