用 Fortran 90 编写,代码如下(force.f90):
! This program extracts the force information in each ionic step, during the VASP structural relaxation
! It can be used to monitor force and energy convergence during the relaxation
! Compilation:
! > ifort force.f90
! > mv a.out force
! Usage:
! In the VASP running path, including OUTCAR
! > force
! Written by Kan-Hao Xue, School of Optical and Electronic Information
! Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
! E-mail: xkh@hust.edu.cn
program force
implicit none
integer :: intAtomCount = 0, intTemp, intStep = 0, istat, i
real, allocatable :: matForceInfo(:,:)
real :: maxForce(6)
character(len=4) index
character(len=70) line;
character(len=18) energy;
read (10,100, IOSTAT=istat) line
if (istat < 0) stop 'Cannot find the number of atoms in OUTCAR!'
if (line(:13) == 'ion position') exit
end do
read (10,'(A4)', IOSTAT=istat) index
if (istat < 0) stop 'Cannot find the number of atoms in OUTCAR!'
if (index ==' LA') exit
read(index,'(I4)') intTemp
if (intTemp > intAtomCount) intAtomCount = intTemp
end do
print '(1X,"Atom count: ", I4)', intAtomCount
allocate(matForceInfo(6, intAtomCount))
print '(/,13X,A,/,13X,A)', 'Max force along each direction', '------------------------------'
print '(1X,A5,3X,3A11,A13,A18)', 'Index', 'A ', 'B ', 'C ', 'Max force', 'Energy'
read (10,100, IOSTAT=istat) line
if (istat < 0) exit
if (line == 'POSITION TOTAL-FORCE (eV/Angst)') then
read (10,100, IOSTAT=istat) line
if (istat < 0) stop 'The OUTCAR file is incomplete!'
read(10,'(6D)') matForceInfo
matForceInfo = abs(matForceInfo)
intStep = intStep + 1
maxForce = maxval(matForceInfo, 2)
do i=1,12
read (10,100, IOSTAT=istat) line
if (istat < 0) stop 'The OUTCAR file is incomplete!'
end do
read (10,200, IOSTAT=istat) energy
if (istat < 0) stop 'The OUTCAR file is incomplete!'
print '(1X,A4,I3,A1,3F11.5,2X,F11.5,A18)', 'Step', intStep, ':', maxForce(4:6), maxval(maxForce(4:6)), energy
end if
end do
100 format (1X,A70)
200 format (64X,A18)