“机器翻译”,大概是指由算法从机器可读的源文本* 转换到有用的目标语文本,不用任何人类翻译或后编辑。在这个意义上,一直就没有一般科学文献的机器翻译,可见将来也不会有。
一直没有一般科学文献机器翻译的结论基于以下支持的事实。经过8年的工作,乔治敦大学MT项目试图产生有用的输出在1962年,他们仍不得不求助于后期编辑。后期编辑使得翻译费时稍长,而且比传统的人力翻译更加昂贵。美国空军外国技术部( FTD )的“机械翻译”设施一边输出翻译,一边后期编辑输出。 Gilbert博士航空公司Itek公司告诉王Itek已从计划委员会,建立了“机器翻译”的服务,但它会提供翻译后期编辑。博士J.C.R.的利克莱德IBM和保罗·加尔文博士邦克雷默表示,他们不会向他们的公司建议这样一个服务。
看科学文献未经编辑的机器译文是可以猜懂大部分的,但它有时误导,有时是错误的( 后期编辑的机器译文在一个较小的程度上,也有此弊) ,使阅读缓慢而痛苦。 †(见附录10 。 )
最近的一项研究由美国学院的研究[ DB Orr和VH小, “阅读理解测试, ” 初稿 , AF30号( 602-459 ) , 1965年6月30日] 作为其主要目标与俄语相同的文件时,可以读取他们已经翻译成英文了FTD的机器翻译( MT )系统的精度和速度比较(一对一 ,另一组只是因为它出来的计算机) ,当他们被翻译成英文,由翻译人员在常规的方式。
在物理学中,测试表明,原料MT输出10 %的读者不太准确,慢了21% ,并且有一个理解水平低于29%时,比起用手工翻译。当他用后期编辑的输出 ,他准确度少了3 % ,慢了11% ,并且理解水平低于13%,比起用手工翻译。
在地球科学,当他用原料MT输出,他16%不准确,慢了21% ,并且有一个理解水平低25% 。当他用后编辑输出,他是5%不准确,慢了11% ,并有一个理解水平低于23% ,比起用手工翻译。
主观上,有很多的麻烦似乎趴在非自然结构和不自然的词序,个别字一个字或多个翻译,留给读者的选择,但奇怪的翻译是麻烦的。 (在机器翻译中的常见错误类型的分类见附录11 )。
下文是典型的近期( 1964年11月以来)输出四种不同的机器翻译系统。每个样品给出了第一个和最后(除了翻译4号)从中间的俄罗斯空间生物学的文章段落和段落。
Bunker-Ramo Corporation No. 1
Biological experiments, conducted on various/different cosmic aircraft, astrophysical researches of the cosmic space and flights of Soviet and American astronauts with the sufficient/rather persuasiveness showed/ indicated/pointed, that momentary/transitory/short orbital flights of lower/below than radiation belts/regions/flanges of earth/land/soil in the absence of the raised/increased/ hightened sun/sunny/solar activity with respect to radiation are/appear/arrive/ report safe/not dangerous/secure. Received/obtained by astronauts of the dosage of the radiation at the expense of the primary cosmic emission/radiation and emissions/radiations of the external/outer radiation belt/region/flange are so/ such a small, that can not render/show/give the harmful influence/action/effect on/in/at/to the organism of man.
Mammals (dog, mouse/mice, rat, guinea pigs), fly/flies of the drosophilae, vegetable/vegetational objects/items/objectives. Seeds of higher/superior/ supreme plants/vegetables (wheat, peas, onion/bow, the pine tree, beans, radish, carrot etc), microspore of the tradescantia/spiderwort, the culture of the alga/seeweed chlorella on/in/at/to tissue, cellular, sub-cellular, and molecular levels (Gyurdzhian, 1962A. Antipov et al., 1962) were used in these experiments. In experiments on/in/at/to mammals the special/particular/ peculiar attention/consideration/ was given to the research/analysis/ investigation of the state/condition/position of the system of the blood/ hemogenesis formation, the determination/definition/ decision of intermediate products of the exehange of nucleic acids (desoxycytidine and di)epolo$itel* substances), the study/investigation of the state/ condition/position of the natural immunity, the determination/definition/ decision of the maintenance/ content of serotonin in the blood. Moreover, the control for/during/per/beyond the condition/state pigmentation of hair for/ at/by/from black mice (the line/ strain CSUB57 BL) was conducted. Physiological shifts/improvements were studied also/as well on/in/at/to seeds of higher/superior/supreme plants, vegetables microorganisms, cells of various different tissues/cloth in the culture etc.
Thus, the consideration/investigation certain/some from/of principal/ basic radiobiological problems shows/indicates/points/displays, that in the given region/area still/yet/more/back/some more very many/very much unsolved questions. This is clear/plain, since cosmic radiobiology is very the young section/division of young science--the cosmic biology. However there is/there are/is/eat basis to hope, that by common/general/total efforts of scientific various/different professions of different/various countries of the world/peace radiobiological researches in the cosmic space will be sucessfully continued/ carried on and were expanded/broadened.
Computer Concepts, Inc. No. 2
The biological experiments that were carried out on different cosmic flying apparatus, ASTROFIZICESKIE the research of cosmic PROSTRANSTVA and the flights of Soviet and American KOSMONAVTOV with sufficient UBEDITEL6NOST6H showed, that the short-time orbital flights below of the radiational belts of earth in the absence that was raised by the SOLNECNO1 one of activity in a radiational attitude are BEZOPASNYMI. Dose of radiati on at the expense of primary cosmic radiation and the radiation of an exterior radiational belt the obtained by KOSMONAVTAMI are so little, that aren't able to render a harmful influence to the organism of a man.
Mammals (dogs, meeth, rats, sea SVINKI) were utilized in these experiments. The flies of drosophila, vegetable objects, semena of higher plants (wheat, GOROX, LUK, a pine tree, BOBY, REDIS, a carrot and others), MIKROSPORY of TRADESKANQII the culture of an alga chlorella in different nourishing mediums, the numerous biological and QITOLOGICESKIE ones objects on the TKANEVOM, cellular, subcellular and molecular levels (Ghrdjian, 1962 and Antipov from Soavt 1962) and in experiences to mammals particular attention was being allotted to the research of the condition of the system of KROVOTVORENI4, to the definition of the intermediate products of the exchange of nucleic acids DEZOKSIQITIDINA and DIWEPOLOJITEL6NYX substances), to the study of the condition of natural IMMUNITETA, to the definition of the content of SEROTONINA in KROVI. Besides, control after the condition of PIGMENTAQII of VOLOS at CERNYX meeth (the line of C(57) of Y) was being carried out. Physiological SDVIGI were being studied also on SEMENAX of higher plants, microorganisms, the cells of different tissues in culture and T. of D.
Thus, the examination of some from fundamental RADIOBIOLOGICESKIX problems shows, that in this a field still very much NEREWENNYX questions. This is clear, since cosmic RADIOBIOLOGI4 is very young RAZDELOM young science efforts of the scientific different specialties of the different countries of the world successful PRODOLJENY will be expanded there are.
Biological experiments, conducted on different space aircraft/vehicles, astrophysical space research and flights of Soviet and American astronauts with/ from sufficient convincingness showed that short-term orbital flights lower than radiation belts of earth in the absence of heightened solar activity in radiation ratio are safe. Obtained by astronauts of dose of radiation at the expense of primary cosmic radiation and radiation of external radiation belt are so small that cannot render harmful influence on organism of person.
In these ESKPERIMENTAKH were used mamals (dog, mice, rat, guinea pig), fly of Drosophilae, vegetable objects, seeds of highest plants (wheat, pea, onion/bow, pine, beans, radish, carrot and others), microspore of tradescantia, culture of alga chlorella on different nutrient media, numerous biological and TSITOLOGICHCHESKIE objects on tissue, cellular, sub-cellular and molecular levels (Gyurozhian 1962A, Anti-Pov with/from Soavt, 1962). In experiments on mammals special attention was allotted investigation of state of system of sanguification, determination of intermediate products of exchange of nucleic acids (deoxycytidine and Dischepositive substances), study of state of natural immunity, determination of contents gray-fineness in blood. Furthermore, was conducted counterol for/after state of pigmentation of hairs for black mice (line bl). Physiologic shifts were studied also on seeds of highest plants, microorganisms, cages of different fabrics in culture etc.
Thus, consideration of certain from basic radiobiological problems shows that in given region still very many unsolved questions. This and intelligibly, since space radiobiology is very young division of young science--space biology. However is base to trust that jointly scientists of different specialties of various countries of world/peace radiobiological investigations in outer space will be successfully continued and expanded.
EURATOM, Ispra, Italy No. 4
Biological experiments, which were conducted on different cosmic LETATEL6NYX APPARATI, the astrophysical investigations of cosmic space and the flights of Soviet and also American KOSMONAVTOV with the sufficient convincingness showed, that the short-term orbital flights of below radiation belts of ground upon the absence of the increased solar activity in radiation relation are safe. Obtained by KOSMONAVTAMI of dose of radiation at the expense of initial cosmic radiation and the radiations of external radiation belt are so small, that cannot have harmful action on the organism of man.
In these experiments there were used mammals (dogs, mice, KRYSY, the maritime piglets), MUXI DROZOFILY, vegetable objects. The seeds of higher plants (wheat, the pea, LUK, pine, beans, REDIS, MORKOV6 etc.) MIKROSPORY TRADESKANQII, the culture of alga of chlorella on the different feed environments, numerous biological and QITOLOGICESKIE objects on TKANEVOM, cellular, SUBKLETOCNOM and molecular levels (Ghrdjian, 1962 and Antipov with Soavt 1962). In experiments on mammals special attention was devoted to the investigation of state of system of KROVOTVORENI4, the determination of intermediate products the exchange of nucleinic acids (DEZOKSIQITIDINA and DIWEPOLOJITEL6NYX substances), the study of the state of natural IMMUNITETA The determination of content of SEROTONINA in blood. Besides this, there was conducted the check for the state or PIGMENTAQII the hair at black mice (the line C(57) Y) the Physiological) shifts were studied also on the seeds of higher plants, microorganisms, the cells of the different tissues in culture and T D.
The quality of crude oil is determined by calory content. The quality of saltpeter is determined by chemical methods. TNT is produced from coal.
They obtain dynamite from nitroglycerine. Ammonite is obtained from saltpeter.
Gasoline is prepared by chemical methods from crude oil. They prepare ammonite.
Gasoline is produced by chemical methods from crude oil. The price of crude oil is determined by the market.
Calory content determines the quality of crude oil. TNT is prepared from coal.
H. YNGVE麻省理工学院电子研究实验室,在回答委员会主席约翰·皮尔斯的请求,表达了他的意见如下:
在他的论文“机械翻译研究的启示” [ PROC PM 哲学学会 108, 275 (1964) ] , YNGVE博士指出:
机械翻译工作已经拿出了反对语义屏障。 。 。我们已经走过了面对面的实现,我们将有足够的机械翻译机器时可以“理解”什么是翻译,这将是一个非常困难的任务确实。 。 。 “理解”正是我的意思。 。 。我们中的一些推进面露难色。
The Present State of Machine Translation
“Machine Translation” presumably means going by algorithm from machine-readable source text* to useful target text, without recourse to human translation or editing. In this context, there has been no machine translation of general scientific text, and none is in immediate prospect.
The contention that there has been no machine translation of general scientific text is supported by the fact that when, after 8 years of work, the Georgetown University MT project tried to produce useful output in 1962, they had to resort to postediting. The postedited translation took slightly longer to do and was more expensive than conventional human translation. The “mechanical translation” facility of the USAF Foreign Technology Division (FTD) postedits the machine output when it produces translations. Dr. Gilbert King of Itek Corporation told the Committee that Itek plans to establish a “machine translation” service, but that it will provide postedited translations. Dr. J.C.R. Licklider of IBM and Dr. Paul Garvin of Bunker-Ramo said they would not advise their companies to establish such a service.
Unedited machine output from scientific text is decipherable for the most part, but it is sometimes misleading and sometimes wrong (as is postedited output to a lesser extent), and it makes slow and painful reading.† (See Appendix 10.)
A recent study by the American Institutes for Research [D.B. Orr and V.H. Small, “A Reading Comprehension Test,” Prelim. Rept., Contr. No. AF30 (602-459), June 30, 1965] had as its principal objective comparison of the accuracy and speed with which the same Russian documents can be read when they have been translated into English by the FTD machine translation (MT) system (one set postedited, the other set just as it came out of the computer) and when they had been translated into English by a human translator in the conventional manner.
In physics, tests showed that the reader of raw MT output was 10 percent less accurate, 21 percent slower, and had a comprehension level 29 percent lower than when he used human translation. When he used postedited output, he was 3 percent less accurate, 11 percent slower, and had a comprehension level 13 percent lower than when he used human translation.
In the earth sciences, when he used raw MT output, he was 16 percent less accurate, 21 percent slower, and had a 25 percent lower comprehension level than when he used human translations. When he used postedited output, he was 5 percent less accurate, 11 percent slower, and had a comprehension level 23 percent lower than when he read human translations.
Subjectively, a lot of the trouble seems to lie in unnatural constructions and unnatural word order, though strange translations of individual words or multiple translations of one word, with the choice left to the reader, are bothersome. (For a classification of the types of errors common in machine translation see Appendix 11.)
The paragraphs below are typical of the recent (since November 1964) output of four different MT systems. Each sample gives the first and last (except for translation No. 4) paragraphs and a paragraph from the middle of a Russian article on space biology.
*Machine-readable text is simply text that can be used as an input to a computer. It includes punched cards, punched paper tape, and magnetic tape, and is ordinarily prepared from printed text by a keyboard operator.
†Excellent machine output of simple or selected text has been attained in several experiments; this is of no practical and limited theoretical significance.
Bunker-Ramo Corporation No. 1
Biological experiments, conducted on various/different cosmic aircraft, astrophysical researches of the cosmic space and flights of Soviet and American astronauts with the sufficient/rather persuasiveness showed/ indicated/pointed, that momentary/transitory/short orbital flights of lower/below than radiation belts/regions/flanges of earth/land/soil in the absence of the raised/increased/ hightened sun/sunny/solar activity with respect to radiation are/appear/arrive/ report safe/not dangerous/secure. Received/obtained by astronauts of the dosage of the radiation at the expense of the primary cosmic emission/radiation and emissions/radiations of the external/outer radiation belt/region/flange are so/ such a small, that can not render/show/give the harmful influence/action/effect on/in/at/to the organism of man.
Mammals (dog, mouse/mice, rat, guinea pigs), fly/flies of the drosophilae, vegetable/vegetational objects/items/objectives. Seeds of higher/superior/ supreme plants/vegetables (wheat, peas, onion/bow, the pine tree, beans, radish, carrot etc), microspore of the tradescantia/spiderwort, the culture of the alga/seeweed chlorella on/in/at/to tissue, cellular, sub-cellular, and molecular levels (Gyurdzhian, 1962A. Antipov et al., 1962) were used in these experiments. In experiments on/in/at/to mammals the special/particular/ peculiar attention/consideration/ was given to the research/analysis/ investigation of the state/condition/position of the system of the blood/ hemogenesis formation, the determination/definition/ decision of intermediate products of the exehange of nucleic acids (desoxycytidine and di)epolo$itel* substances), the study/investigation of the state/ condition/position of the natural immunity, the determination/definition/ decision of the maintenance/ content of serotonin in the blood. Moreover, the control for/during/per/beyond the condition/state pigmentation of hair for/ at/by/from black mice (the line/ strain CSUB57 BL) was conducted. Physiological shifts/improvements were studied also/as well on/in/at/to seeds of higher/superior/supreme plants, vegetables microorganisms, cells of various different tissues/cloth in the culture etc.
Thus, the consideration/investigation certain/some from/of principal/ basic radiobiological problems shows/indicates/points/displays, that in the given region/area still/yet/more/back/some more very many/very much unsolved questions. This is clear/plain, since cosmic radiobiology is very the young section/division of young science--the cosmic biology. However there is/there are/is/eat basis to hope, that by common/general/total efforts of scientific various/different professions of different/various countries of the world/peace radiobiological researches in the cosmic space will be sucessfully continued/ carried on and were expanded/broadened.
Computer Concepts, Inc. No. 2
The biological experiments that were carried out on different cosmic flying apparatus, ASTROFIZICESKIE the research of cosmic PROSTRANSTVA and the flights of Soviet and American KOSMONAVTOV with sufficient UBEDITEL6NOST6H showed, that the short-time orbital flights below of the radiational belts of earth in the absence that was raised by the SOLNECNO1 one of activity in a radiational attitude are BEZOPASNYMI. Dose of radiati on at the expense of primary cosmic radiation and the radiation of an exterior radiational belt the obtained by KOSMONAVTAMI are so little, that aren't able to render a harmful influence to the organism of a man.
Mammals (dogs, meeth, rats, sea SVINKI) were utilized in these experiments. The flies of drosophila, vegetable objects, semena of higher plants (wheat, GOROX, LUK, a pine tree, BOBY, REDIS, a carrot and others), MIKROSPORY of TRADESKANQII the culture of an alga chlorella in different nourishing mediums, the numerous biological and QITOLOGICESKIE ones objects on the TKANEVOM, cellular, subcellular and molecular levels (Ghrdjian, 1962 and Antipov from Soavt 1962) and in experiences to mammals particular attention was being allotted to the research of the condition of the system of KROVOTVORENI4, to the definition of the intermediate products of the exchange of nucleic acids DEZOKSIQITIDINA and DIWEPOLOJITEL6NYX substances), to the study of the condition of natural IMMUNITETA, to the definition of the content of SEROTONINA in KROVI. Besides, control after the condition of PIGMENTAQII of VOLOS at CERNYX meeth (the line of C(57) of Y) was being carried out. Physiological SDVIGI were being studied also on SEMENAX of higher plants, microorganisms, the cells of different tissues in culture and T. of D.
Thus, the examination of some from fundamental RADIOBIOLOGICESKIX problems shows, that in this a field still very much NEREWENNYX questions. This is clear, since cosmic RADIOBIOLOGI4 is very young RAZDELOM young science efforts of the scientific different specialties of the different countries of the world successful PRODOLJENY will be expanded there are.
Biological experiments, conducted on different space aircraft/vehicles, astrophysical space research and flights of Soviet and American astronauts with/ from sufficient convincingness showed that short-term orbital flights lower than radiation belts of earth in the absence of heightened solar activity in radiation ratio are safe. Obtained by astronauts of dose of radiation at the expense of primary cosmic radiation and radiation of external radiation belt are so small that cannot render harmful influence on organism of person.
In these ESKPERIMENTAKH were used mamals (dog, mice, rat, guinea pig), fly of Drosophilae, vegetable objects, seeds of highest plants (wheat, pea, onion/bow, pine, beans, radish, carrot and others), microspore of tradescantia, culture of alga chlorella on different nutrient media, numerous biological and TSITOLOGICHCHESKIE objects on tissue, cellular, sub-cellular and molecular levels (Gyurozhian 1962A, Anti-Pov with/from Soavt, 1962). In experiments on mammals special attention was allotted investigation of state of system of sanguification, determination of intermediate products of exchange of nucleic acids (deoxycytidine and Dischepositive substances), study of state of natural immunity, determination of contents gray-fineness in blood. Furthermore, was conducted counterol for/after state of pigmentation of hairs for black mice (line bl). Physiologic shifts were studied also on seeds of highest plants, microorganisms, cages of different fabrics in culture etc.
Thus, consideration of certain from basic radiobiological problems shows that in given region still very many unsolved questions. This and intelligibly, since space radiobiology is very young division of young science--space biology. However is base to trust that jointly scientists of different specialties of various countries of world/peace radiobiological investigations in outer space will be successfully continued and expanded.
EURATOM, Ispra, Italy No. 4
Biological experiments, which were conducted on different cosmic LETATEL6NYX APPARATI, the astrophysical investigations of cosmic space and the flights of Soviet and also American KOSMONAVTOV with the sufficient convincingness showed, that the short-term orbital flights of below radiation belts of ground upon the absence of the increased solar activity in radiation relation are safe. Obtained by KOSMONAVTAMI of dose of radiation at the expense of initial cosmic radiation and the radiations of external radiation belt are so small, that cannot have harmful action on the organism of man.
In these experiments there were used mammals (dogs, mice, KRYSY, the maritime piglets), MUXI DROZOFILY, vegetable objects. The seeds of higher plants (wheat, the pea, LUK, pine, beans, REDIS, MORKOV6 etc.) MIKROSPORY TRADESKANQII, the culture of alga of chlorella on the different feed environments, numerous biological and QITOLOGICESKIE objects on TKANEVOM, cellular, SUBKLETOCNOM and molecular levels (Ghrdjian, 1962 and Antipov with Soavt 1962). In experiments on mammals special attention was devoted to the investigation of state of system of KROVOTVORENI4, the determination of intermediate products the exchange of nucleinic acids (DEZOKSIQITIDINA and DIWEPOLOJITEL6NYX substances), the study of the state of natural IMMUNITETA The determination of content of SEROTONINA in blood. Besides this, there was conducted the check for the state or PIGMENTAQII the hair at black mice (the line C(57) Y) the Physiological) shifts were studied also on the seeds of higher plants, microorganisms, the cells of the different tissues in culture and T D.
The reader will find it instructive to compare the samples above with the results obtained on simple, or selected, text 10 years earlier (the Georgetown IBM Experiment, January 7, 1954) in that the earlier samples are more readable than the later ones.
The quality of crude oil is determined by calory content. The quality of saltpeter is determined by chemical methods. TNT is produced from coal.
They obtain dynamite from nitroglycerine. Ammonite is obtained from saltpeter.
Gasoline is prepared by chemical methods from crude oil. They prepare ammonite.
Gasoline is produced by chemical methods from crude oil. The price of crude oil is determined by the market.
Calory content determines the quality of crude oil. TNT is prepared from coal.
The development of the electronic digital computer quickly suggested that machine translation might be possible. The idea captured the imagination of scholars and administrators. The practical goal was simple: to go from machine-readable foreign technical text to useful English text, accurate, readable, and ultimately indistinguishable from text written by an American scientist. Early machine translations of simple or selected text, such as those given above, were as deceptively encouraging as “machine translations” of general scientific text have been uniformly discouraging. However, work toward machine translation has produced much valuable linguistic knowledge and insight that we would not otherwise have attained.
No one can guarantee, of course, that we will not suddenly or at least quickly attain machine translation, but we feel that this is very unlikely. Victor
H. Yngve of the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, in answer to a request from Committee Chairman John R. Pierce, expressed his views as follows:
I concur with your view of machine translation, that at present it serves no useful purpose without postediting, and that with postediting the over-all process is slow and probably uneconomical.
As to the possibility of fully automatic translation, I am convinced that we will some day reach the point where this will be feasible and economical. However, there is considerable basic knowledge required that we simply don't have at the moment, and it is anybody's guess how soon this knowledge can be obtained. However, I am dedicated to trying to obtain some of this knowledge. The question as to whether fully automatic translation will ever be economical must wait until we see whether it is possible at all. I feel that if it is possible, then it will be economical in the future because of the rapid advances in computer technology.
In his paper, “Implications of Mechanical Translation Research” [Proc.
Am. Philosophical Soc. 108, 275 (1964)], Dr. Yngve notes:
Work in mechanical translation has come up against a semantic barrier. . . We have come face to face with the realization that we will only have adequate mechanical translation when the machine can “understand” what it is translating and this will be a very difficult task indeed . . . “understand” is just what I mean . . . some of us are pressing forward undaunted.
The Committee indeed believes that it is wise to press forward undaunted, in the name of science, but that the motive for doing so cannot sensibly be any foreseeable improvement in practical translation. Perhaps our attitude might be different if there were some pressing need for machine translation, but we find none.
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