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已有 5430 次阅读 2010-12-8 12:20 |个人分类:专利|系统分类:观点评述| 反思, 引文分析, 缺陷, 文献计量学

 近日,读到JASIS2010年第一期的第一篇文章)“Problems of Citation Analysis: A Study of Uncited and Seldom-Cited Influences”,对我的启发十分大,开始彻底颠覆我并不牢固的情报学基础认识,因此,我把我及时的感受写出来与大家分享,希望能够得到科学网前辈们的指点。
作者:M.H. MacRoberts and B.R. MacRoberts
全文:Problems of Citation Analysis: A Study of Uncited and Seldom-Cited Influences
Problems of Citation Analysis: A Study of Uncited (论文下载仅作为学术用途) 

一、 读文感受


Cole and Cole (1972) found that highly cited physics papers also cited highly cited papers, and so on. If we did not know that biogeographic papers cited very few of their influences, we might come to the same conclusion as the Coles: that only a small number of individuals contribute to scientific progress. But knowing that the vast majority of influence is not cited and that influence is not to be found in the Thomson Reuters-monitored journals leads to a different conclusion: that many—not a few—contribute to scientific progress.






1. The latitudinal gradient of species-area relationships for vascular plants of North America.” published in 2007 in American Naturalist一文中引证了A total of 1,742 floras of North America north of Mexico1742种植物群),而这些植物群的资料范围覆盖了政府文献、论文、未出版的报告、网页内容、短评以及2000多页的参考资料。这部分内容也被提及,出现在Appendix A,然而该论文仅引用了85篇文献,而这些被引文献仅仅是SCI文献,这些文献主要是用于解释物种的多样性的文章。

2. 作者本人发表了一篇2页的短文“Palhinhaea cernua (L.) Vasconcellos & Franco (Lycopodiaceae) new to Texas”in Phytologia,该期刊不是SCI论文。这篇文章通过SCI EXPANDED GOOGLE SCHOLAR检索均发现没有任何引证,然而,这篇文章确被整合进了德州和北美的植物地理文献中,该信息被广泛的应用;另外,USDA 植物数据库以及自然服务(NATURESERVE)数据库都将该文章的研究纳入进去。换言之,该论文即被印刷版也被电子版的出版物所引用,这篇文章的研究目的已经达到了。



We selected 10 theoretical/analytical biogeographical articles that were published in journals that are monitored by Thomson Reuters and examined their bibliographies. These 10 articles are from the 22 described in this study. We recorded whether the cited item was (a) a article from a journal not monitored by Thomson Reuters, (b) an article from a Thomson Reuters-monitored journal, (c) a book or chapter in a book, (d) an unpublished report, (e) a thesis or dissertation, or (f) an online Web source or CD-ROM. There were 530 citations in these 10 articles. We selected five data articles or sources used for data in the 22 theoretical/analytical articles, such as those listed in McLaughlin (2007). We recorded the same information that we recorded for the other sample. We stopped when we reached 530 items so that the two samples would be equal. Table 1 shows the data for the two groups.     

Statistical comparison of the two groups shows that there is no possibility of them being derived from the same population. Theoretical/analytical biogeographical articles predominantly cite theoretical/analytical articles from Thomson Reuters-monitored journals; data articles do not cite many Thomson Reuters-monitored articles but instead cite work from journals not monitored by Thomson Reuters, unpublished reports, theses/dissertations, and the grey literature.
er  二、反思 
(一)      以引文为基础的方法是不是对于所有学科的评价都有价值,是值得反思的。其实,自然科学中,除了植物地理学以外,很多学科的研究都包含了对于原始数据和基础理论分析的研究,而我们现在评价体系的一个重要指标——引文则是对于数据研究这部分内容的价值忽略了的。
(二)      文献计量学中“Cole的理论:仅有少数的个体对于科学的进步是有贡献的或者还应该包括洛特卡定律这些理论都从分析方法(仅仅考虑第一作者)+分析框架(仅仅展示核心作者)+分析目的(评价作者贡献)是出于一种狭隘、自私的学术观点。但是,如果我们反思真的是只有小部分人对于科学的进步有贡献吗?”“真的是一将功成万骨枯吗?。这是我们图书情报学界急需要考虑的问题。

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