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International Workshop on Biomembranes

已有 2779 次阅读 2016-6-26 05:43 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记


- Chemical interactions, lateral heterogeneity, and the lipid zoo. Lipidomic studies of membranes reveal a huge diversity of lipid types, the composition of which varies with cell and membrane type. All-atom models have recently been shown to quantitatively capture the chemistry of laterally heterogeneous mixtures, and a coarse-grained representation of the plasma membrane has just been published.

- Quantitative modeling of transport dynamics of lipids, proteins, and probes. Many experiments infer lateral structure from the observed dynamics of fluorescent lipid analogues or labeled proteins, but to what extent are the dynamics of probes good proxies for the unlabeled species? Ultimately, the dynamics of proteins in the membrane governs the stochastic encounters that are necessary for signaling. Direct simulation of the diffusive dynamics of membranes is therefore of keen interest, but requires careful attention to modeling protocols. Particle based models, whether coarse-grained or atomically detailed, must respect the underlying physics, including hydrodynamics.

- Complex transport and subdiffusion. The emerging consensus from both simulation and experiment is that transport in the membrane is not well characterized by simple diffusion. Diffusion, subdiffusion, and compartmentalization are observed on different length and timescales, and depending on the protocol. Looking forward, it is important to unify the disparate experimental results, and modeling is expected to play a key role. Modeling diffusion in complex environments is requires careful consideration, and thus will be a major focus of the workshop.

Registration/application: The registration fee is 200 Euros (with the exception of invited speakers). We are limited to 100 participants and thus early applications are encouraged. Applications/registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.

Use the form here under 'Apply' ( or email your appication to elyman [at] The application should include a short resume (text or pdf), and a note if you want to present a poster or a short talk.

There will be poster sessions and a very limited number of contributed talks. Please indicate if you prefer one or the other. Posters are encouraged.

Current number of participants (June 14): 64 (limited to 100)

Accommodation and travel: For hotels, please see, for example, and other usual ones. Helsinki has a good number of hotels. The closest one is Radisson Blu at Otstranden 2, Espoo. If you prefer downtown, connections by bus are excellent and frequent. The bus ride from downtown (Kamppi station) takes about 15 minutes and the bus stop is right in front of the conference site.

Visas / letters of invitation: If you have been accepted and need a letter for visa or other purposes, please let us know as soon as possible. Finland is a member of the European Union so there is no need for a visa for most countries, but please check your country's Embassy of Finland web sites if in doubt.

Invited speakers and their title:

(detailed program will be available about a month before the meeting, but top help your travel arrangements, we plan to start around 12:30 on aug 16 and finish around 12:30 on Aug 19).

  1. Georg Pabst (University of Graz) "Sub-nanometer structural properties of lipid domains and asymmetric membranes"

  2. Luca Monticelli (INSERM, Lyon)

  3. Christian Eggeling(University of Oxford) "Biophysics of membranes - New insights from super-resolution STED microscopy"

  4. Ralf Metzler (Dept. for Physics, University of Potsdam): "Anomalous diffusion in membranes"

  5. Friederike Schmid (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Institute of Physics): "Monolayer curvature-induced nanoscale structures in lipid membranes"

  6. Matthias Weiss (Experimental Physics I, University of Bayreuth)"From protein clusters to functional membrane domains"

  7. Madan Rao(Bangalore, India): TBA

  8. Siewert-Jan Marrink (University of Groningen)"Lipid-protein interactions in complex membranes"

  9. Carsten Mim (Karolinska Institutet): "Structural Biology at the Membrane Interface: Electron Microscopy to the Rescue"

  10. Chia-Lung Hsieh (Academia Sinica) "High-speed imaging reveals single-molecule nanoscopic diffusion in heterogeneous membrane"

  11. Martin Ulmschneider (Johns Hopkins) "How membrane active peptides partition into bilayers and spontaneously assemble into functional membrane proteins"

  12. Cameron Abrams (Drexel University) "The Roles of Intrinsic Curvature and Lipid Sorting on the Stability of Hemifusions via Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulations"

  13. Frank Brown(UCSB, USA) "Influence of periodic boundary conditions on lateral diffusion in membranes"

  14. Markus Deserno(Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA): "What can we learn about membranes by stressing them out?"

  15. Jerry Feigenson(Cornell University): )"Lipid bilayer structure: What do we know, and what would we like to know?"

  16. Mikko Haataja (Princeton University) "Compositional lipid domain growth, coarsening, and alignment dynamics in planar bilayer membrane systems"

  17. Mary Kraft (University of Illinois) "Cholesterol and Sphingolipid Distributions in the Plasma Membrane: Implications for Control of Plasma Membrane Organization"

  18. Erwin London(Stony Brook University)"Using lipid exchange to explore the principles and functions of lipid domain formation"

  19. Richard Pastor (LCB, NHLBI, National Institutes of Health) "TBD"

  20. Ilya Leventhal (U. Texas Houston Medical Center) "The Biophysics of Living Membranes"

  21. Ben Machta (Princeton University): TBA

  22. Tomek Rog (University of Helsinki): TBA

  23. Himanshu Khandelia (U. Southern Denmark, Centre for Biomembrane Physics): "Measurements of Flexoelectricity and Cholesterol Re-distribution in the Bilayer"

  24. Gerrit Groenhof (University of Jyvaskyla): "Proton Power"

References(1)Simons, K.; Ikonen, E. Nature 1997, 387, 569.
(2)Di Rienzo, C.; Gratton, E.; Beltram, F.; Cardarelli, F. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2013, 110, 12307.
(3)Shelby, Sarah A.; Holowka, D.; Baird, B.; Veatch, Sarah L. Biophysical Journal, 105, 2343.
(4)Andrecka, J.; Spillane, K. M.; Ortega-Arroyo, J.; Kukura, P. ACS Nano 2013, 7, 10662.
(5)Hsieh, C.-L.; Spindler, S.; Ehrig, J.; Sandoghdar, V. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2014, 118, 1545.
(6)Eggeling, C.; Ringemann, C.; Medda, R.; Schwarzmann, G.; Sandhoff, K.; Polyakova, S.; Belov, V. N.; Hein, B.; von Middendorff, C.; Schonle, A.; Hell, S. W. Nature 2009, 457, 1159.
(7)Honigmann, A.; Mueller, V.; Ta, H.; Schoenle, A.; Sezgin, E.; Hell, S. W.; Eggeling, C. Nat Commun 2014, 5.
(8)Heberle, F. A.; Petruzielo, R. S.; Pan, J.; Drazba, P.; Kuèerka, N.; Standaert, R. F.; Feigenson, G. W.; Katsaras, J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 6853.
(9)Kraft, M. L.; Weber, P. K.; Longo, M. L.; Hutcheon, I. D.; Boxer, S. G. Science 2006, 313, 1948.
(10)Gerl, M. J.; Sampaio, J. L.; Urban, S.; Kalvodova, L.; Verbavatz, J.-M.; Binnington, B.; Lindemann, D.; Lingwood, C. A.; Shevchenko, A.; Schroeder, C.; Simons, K. The Journal of Cell Biology 2012, 196, 213.
(11)Sodt, A. J.; Sandar, M. L.; Gawrisch, K.; Pastor, R. W.; Lyman, E. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 725.
(12)Ingólfsson, H. I.; Melo, M. N.; van Eerden, F. J.; Arnarez, C.; Lopez, C. A.; Wassenaar, T. A.; Periole, X.; de Vries, A. H.; Tieleman, D. P.; Marrink, S. J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 14554.
(13)Brown, F. L. H. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 2011, 44, 391.
(14)Javanainen, M.; Hammaren, H.; Monticelli, L.; Jeon, J.-H.; Miettinen, M. S.; Martinez-Seara, H.; Metzler, R.; Vattulainen, I. Faraday Discussions 2013, 161, 397.
(15)Burov, S.; Jeon, J.-H.; Metzler, R.; Barkai, E. Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13, 1800.

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