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已有 1175 次阅读 2022-8-23 14:58 |系统分类:科研笔记

Crystal Structures of Membrane Transporter MmpL3, anAnti-TB Drug Target.

Rimonabant purchased from MCE.

尽管为了发现根除肺结核病的高效治疗方法已经进行了大量努力,但肺结核仍然是全球人类健康的一重大威胁。因此,针对新靶点的新结核病药物备受期待。分歧杆菌膜蛋白是近年来出现的最重要的治疗药物靶点之一,它在脂质、高分子、免疫调节剂转运中占有至关重要的作用。本文报道了单独的分枝杆菌 MmpL3 晶体结构,以及与 4 种结核病候选药物 (包括 SQ109 (处于 2b - 3 期临床试验)的复合物。MmpL3 由质周孔结构域和 12 螺旋跨膜结构域组成。位于该区域中心的两个 Asp-Tyr 对似乎是质子易位的关键促进因子。SQ109、AU1235、ICA38 和利莫那班在跨膜区域内结合并破坏这些 Asp-Tyr 配对体。这些结构数据将极大地促进 MmpL3 抑制剂作为新型结核病药物的开发工作。

MmpLs(Mycobacterial membrane proteins Large), which play crucial roles intransporting lipids, polymers and immunomodulators. MmpL3 consists of a periplasmic pore domain and a twelve-helix transmembranedomain. Two Asp-Tyr pairs centrally located in this domain appear to be key facilitators of proton-translocation. SQ109, AU1235, ICA38, and rimonabant bind inside the transmembrane region and disrupt these Asp-Tyr pairs. Thisstructural data will greatly advance the development of MmpL3 inhibitors as newTB drugs.

UBQLN4 Represses Homologous Recombination and Is Overexpressed in Aggressive Tumors.

Olaparib purchased from MCE.

基因组不稳定性是人类基因疾病和癌症的一个特点。研究人员在常染色体隐性遗传综合征家族中发现了一种有害的 UBQLN4 突变,该综合征让人想起基因组不稳定疾病。 UBQLN4 的缺乏会使得基因毒性应激的敏感性增加,延迟 DNA 双链断裂的修复。蛋白酶体穿梭因子 UBQLN4 被 ATM 磷酸化,并与泛素化 MRE11 相互作用,介导同源重组介导的 DSB 修复(HRR)的早期步骤。UBQLN4 的缺失导致了 MRE11 在染色质中的滞留,促进了非生理性的 HRR 过程在体外和体内的活性。相反,UBQLN4 过表达抑制 HRR,有利于非同源端连接。此外,我们发现 UBQLN4 在侵袭性肿瘤中过表达。与这些 HRR 缺陷的肿瘤一直的是,UBQLN4 过表达与 PARP1 抑制剂敏感性有关。因此,UBQLN4 通过从受损染色质中去除 MRE11 来抑制 HRR 活性,从而为 PARP1 抑制剂治疗 UBQLN4 过表达肿瘤提供了一个治疗窗口。

UBQLN4 is phosphorylated by ATM and interacts with ubiquitylated MRE11 to mediate early steps of homologous recombination-mediated DSB repair (HRR). Loss of UBQLN4 leads to chromatin retention of MRE11, promoting non-physiological HRR activityin vitro and in vivo. Conversely, UBQLN4 overexpression represses HRR and favors non-homologous end joining. Moreover, we find UBQLN4 overexpressed in aggressive tumors. UBQLN4 therefore curtails HRR activity through removal of MRE11 from damaged chromatin and thus offers a therapeutic window for PARP1 inhibitor treatment in UBQLN4-overexpressing tumors.

Acetylation Blocks cGAS Activity and InhibitsSelf-DNA-Induced Autoimmunity.

Entinostat purchased from MCE.

细胞质中 DNA 的存在通常是微生物感染的标志,通过循环 GMP-AMP 合成酶(cGAS)可以快速检测到 DNA 的存在,从而引发抗感染免疫反应。然而, cGAS 通过自身 DNA 的慢性活化导致严重的自身免疫性疾病,目前尚无有效的治疗方法。在此,我们报道乙酰化抑制 cGAS 的激活,阿司匹林对 cGAS 的乙酰化有力地抑制了自身 DNA 所诱导的自身免疫。研究人员发现,无论是 Lys384、Lys394 还是 Lys414 上的 cGAS 乙酰化都使得 cGAS 呈一种非活性的状态。cGAS 在 DNA 受损时会被去乙酰化。重要的是,我们发现阿司匹林能够直接乙酰化 cGAS 而且可以有效的抑制 cGAS 介导的免疫应答。最终,我们发现阿司匹林能够在 AGS 患者细胞和AGS 小鼠模型中有效抑制 DNA-诱导的自身免疫。因此,我们的研究表明乙酰化有助于 cGAS 活性的调节,为治疗 DNA 介导的自身免疫性疾病提供了一种潜在的治疗方法。

Researchers report that acetylation inhibits cGAS activation and that the enforced acetylation of cGAS by aspirin robustly suppresses self-DNA-induced autoimmunity. Importantly, we show that aspirin can directly acetylate cGAS and efficiently inhibitcGAS-mediated immune responses. Finally, we demonstrate that aspirin can effectively suppress self-DNA-induced autoimmunity in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome(AGS) patient cells and in an AGS mouse model. Thus, our study reveals that acetylation contributes to cGAS activity regulation.

Listeria hijackshost mitophagy through a novel mitophagy receptor to evade killing.

BAPTA-AM purchased from MCE.

细胞利用线粒体自噬清除受损或不需要的线粒体来维持体内平衡。在此,研究人员发现胞内的细菌病原体单核增生李斯特菌利用宿主的线粒体自噬逃避杀伤。发现 L.单核细胞基因通过毒性因子 LLO 诱导巨噬细胞的线粒体自噬。发现 NLRX1 是唯一具有线粒体靶向序列的类节点受体(NLR)家族成员,它包含一个 LC3 相互作用区域(LIR),并通过 LIR 与 LC3 直接相关。NLRX1 及其 LIR 基序对 L.单核细胞产生的线粒体自噬是必不可少的。单核细胞诱导产生线粒体自噬。NLRX1 的缺乏和一种线粒体自噬抑制剂的使用都增加了活性氧种类的线粒体产量,从而抑制了单核细胞基因 L.的存活。从机制地层面上讲,L.单核细胞基因和 LLO 诱导 NLRX1 寡聚化,促进其LIR 基序与 LC3 结合,诱导线粒体自噬。我们的研究发现 NLRX1 是一种新的线粒体自噬受体,并发现了一种以前未被重视的策略,即病原体利用该策略劫持宿主细胞的稳态系统以维持其生存。

Researchers report that the intracellular bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes exploits hostmitophagy to evade killing. We found that L. monocytogenes induced mitophagy in macrophages through the virulence factor listeriolysin O (LLO). We discovered that NLRX1, the only Nod-like receptor (NLR) family member with a mitochondrialtargeting sequence, contains an LC3-interacting region (LIR) and directly associated with LC3 through the LIR. NLRX1 and its LIR motif were essential for L. monocytogenes-induced mitophagy. Mechanistically, L. monocytogenes and LLO induced oligomerization of NLRX1 to promote binding of its LIR motif to LC3 forinduction of mitophagy. Our study identifies NLRX1 as a novel mitophagy receptor and discovers a previously unappreciated strategy used by pathogens to hijack a host cell homeostasis system for their survival.

上一篇:MMPL3 蛋白的晶体结构,MMPL3 抑制剂有望治疗结核病 | MedChemExpress
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