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GAMP - 开源非差非组合多系统GNSS精密单点定位软件

已有 18047 次阅读 2018-1-19 14:08 |个人分类:科研|系统分类:科研笔记| GNSS, GAMP, 非差非组合, 开源软件

Abstract: As the number of GNSS satellites and stations increases, GNSS data processing software should be developed that is easy to operate, efficient to run, and has a robust performance. To meet these requirements, we developed a new GNSS analysis software called GAMP (GNSS Analysis software for Multi-constellation and multi-frequency Precise positioning), which can perform multi-GNSS precise point positioning based on undifferenced and uncombined observations. GAMP is a secondary development based on RTKLIB but with many improvements, such as cycle slip detection, receiver clock jump repair, and handling of GLONASS pseudorange inter-frequency biases. A simple, but unified format of output files, including positioning results, number of satellites, satellite elevation angles, pseudorange and carrier phase residuals, and slant Total Electron Content, is defined for results analysis and plotting. Moreover, a new receiver-independent data exchange format called RCVEX is designed to improve computational efficiency for post-processing.


GAMP with C code, scripts, tools, sample data, and documentation is available at https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/gps-toolbox/GAMP.htm. You can freely download, use, and modified it now. If you find GAMP useful and helpful, please cite our paper like this: Zhou F, Dong D, Li W, Jiang X, Wickert J, Schuh H (2018) GAMP: An open-source software of multi-GNSS precise point positioning using undifferenced and uncombined observations. GPS Solut 22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-018-0699-9. Thank you. 如果您觉得对您的研究学习有帮助,请引用我们的文章!

# GAMP中文译为“甘普”

# GAMP该单词意思是“(卷叠不整齐的)大伞”,类比天空的卫星不均匀分布,就像一个大伞覆盖着地球。

# 软件的中文译为“多系统多频GNSS精密定位数据分析软件”


下一篇:Windows同时兼容Python 2.x和Python 3.x
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1 郭爱智

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