Mitochondrial Communications系列讲座第二场特别邀请Daniel P. Kelly和Zhenji Gan(甘振继)带来精彩报告。
KeAi Talks:
Mitochondrial Communications serial webinar 2
2021年12月3日(周五)21:00-22:30 (北京时间)
9:00pm – 10:00pm,
Topic: Feeding the Failing Heart
Speaker: Daniel P. Kelly, M.D.
10:00pm – 10:30 pm,
Topic: Mitochondrial Plasticity and Skeletal Muscle Fitness
Speaker: Zhenji Gan, PhD
Daniel P. Kelly, M.D.
Director, Cardiovascular Institute, University of Pennsylvania
Willard and Rhoda Ware Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Kelly obtained his medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago in 1982. His research interests stem from an early fascination with rare inborn errors in mitochondrial metabolism in children which cause sudden death and heart failure. The Kelly laboratory has identified molecular "switches" in this regulatory pathway that potentially define distinct forms of heart failure, an important step towards identifying therapeutic targets for phenotype-specific treatment of heart failure. More recently, the Kelly laboratory has applied proteomic and metabolomic approaches to investigating the metabolic origins of heart failure.
Dr. Kelly has made significant contributions to biomedical research beyond his discoveries. He is an Associate Editor for The Journal of Clinical Investigation and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology-Basic to Translational Science. He serves, or has served, on the Editorial Boards of Genes & Development, Nuclear Receptor Signaling, Circulation, and Circulation Research. He has held leadership advisory roles for the American Heart Association (AHA), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Pfizer and Eli Lilly. Dr. Kelly is a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the American Association of Physicians, and is a recipient of the AHA Basic Research Prize.
Zhenji Gan, PhD 甘振继
Professor, Nanjing University
南京大学医学院模式所教授,博士生导师。2008年获得中科院上海生命科学研究院博士学位。随后在美国Sanford-burnham医学研究所Daniel P. Kelly教授实验室进行博士后训练。曾获得美国心脏学会(AHA)Louis and Arnold Katz Basic Science Award基础研究青年学者奖,入选江苏省“双创人才”、“杰出青年”、国家基金委“优青”。长期致力于骨骼肌代谢调控的生理学机制研究。完整地揭示了核受体网络在骨骼肌代谢生理中的作用机制;系统地揭示了线粒体功能与肌纤维结构精准偶联的分子基础;阐明了骨骼肌线粒体质量决定肌肉与整体代谢健康。以通讯作者在J Clin Invest (2篇)、PNAS、EMBO Mol Med、Cell Reports、Cell Research、PLoS Genet.等国际学术期刊发表论文10余篇。
Quan Chen, PhD 陈佺
Editor-in-Chief of journal Mitochondrial Communications
Dean of College of Life Sciences, Nankai University
Mitochondrial Communications主要发表线粒体生物学的基础研究和线粒体疾病的临床方面的文章。
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