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Crib File

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This file contains one-line descriptions of the key variables and parameters used in LAMMPS. The variables are listed by their data type:

Note: this file is somewhat out-of-date for LAMMPS 99.


  • maxown = max # of local owned atoms

  • maxother = max # of local nearby atoms

  • maxtotal = max # of total atoms in simulation

  • maxtype = max # of atom types

  • maxbond = max # of bonds to compute on one processor

  • maxangle = max # of angles to compute on one processor

  • maxdihed = max # of dihedrals to compute on one processor

  • maximpro = max # of impropers to compute on one processor

  • maxbondper = max # of bonds of one atom

  • maxangleper = max # of angles of one atom

  • maxdihedper = max # of dihedrals of one atom

  • maximproper = max # of impropers of one atom

  • maxbondtype = max # of bond types

  • maxangletype = max # of angle types

  • maxdihedtype = max # of dihedral types

  • maximprotype = max # of improper types

  • maxexch = max # of atoms in exchange buffer

  • maxsend = max # of atoms to send to all neighbors in all swaps

  • maxsendone = max # of atoms to send in one swap

  • maxswap = max # of swaps to do at each timestep

  • maxneigh = max # of neighbors per owned atom

  • maxsneigh = max # of special neighbors of one atom

  • maxbin = max # of local neighbor bins

  • maxfix = max # of defined constraints + 1

  • maxdiag = max # of diagnostic routines

  • maxgrid = max size of PPPM grid with ghosts on one processor

  • maxfft = max size of PPPM FFT grid on one processor

  • maxperatom = max # of data items stored/comm/output per atom

  • maxatom = maxown + maxother = total # of own and nearby atoms

  • maxexchtot = maxexch * (maxperatom + maxsneigh + 3*maxbondper + 4*maxangleper + 5*maxdihedper + 5*maximproper) = total data volume for all exchanged atoms

  • maxrestot = maxown * (maxperatom - 3 + 3*maxbondper + 4*maxangleper + 5*maxdihedper + 5*maximproper)+1 = total data volume for all buffered restart atoms

  • maxsendspec = 2 * maxsneigh * maxown total data volume for sending special requests

  • maxrecvspec = maxsneigh + 1 total data volume for receiving a list of specials

Arrays (real):

  • anglecoeff(2,maxangletype) = angle coeffs for each angle type

  • bondcoeff(5,maxbondtype) = bond coeffs for each bond type

  • boundhi(maxswap) = hi slab boundary on atom positions for each swap send

  • boundlo(maxswap) = lo slab boundary on atom positions for each swap send

  • buf1(maxexchtot) = comm buffer for sending exchange atoms

  • buf2(2*maxexchtot) = comm buffer for 2 recv of exchange atoms

  • buf3(3*maxsendone) = comm buffer for sending one set of swap atom positions

  • buf4(8*maxown) = comm buffer for output

  • buf5(maxrestot) = comm buffer for restart atoms

  • buf6(maxsendone) = comm buffer for sending one set of swap charges

  • cutforcesq(maxtype,maxtype) = force cutoff squared for atom pair (LJ/Coul)

  • cutljsq(maxtype,maxtype) = LJ cutoff squared for atom pairs

  • cutljinner(maxtype,maxtype) = inner LJ cutoff for switched LJ

  • cutljinnersq(maxtype,maxtype) = inner LJ cutoff squared for switched LJ

  • cutneighsq(maxtype,maxtype) = neigh cutoff squared for atom pair (LJ/Coul + skin)

  • diagparams(6,maxdiag) = parameters to pass into a diagnostic routine

  • dihedcoeff(3,maxdihedtype) = dihedral coeffs for each dihedral type

  • f(3,maxown) = forces on own atoms

  • fixcoeff(8,maxfix) = constraint coeffs for each constraint

  • fixstore(5*maxfix) = accumulated quantities for each constraint

  • improcoeff(2,maximprotype) = improper coeffs for each improper type

  • lj12345(maxtype,maxtype) = pre-computed LJ coeffs for use in energy and force

  • ljsw01234(maxtype,maxtype) = pre-computed switched LJ coeffs for eng and force

  • mass(maxtype) = mass of each atom type

  • noncoeff1234(maxtype,maxtype) = nonbond coeffs input for atom pairs

  • offset(maxtype,maxtype) = LJ potential offsets at cutoff for energy calc

  • q(maxatom) = charge of own and nearby atoms (electron units)

  • v(3,maxown) = velocity of owned atoms

  • x(3,maxatom) = positions of own and nearby atoms

  • xhold(3,maxown) = positions of own atoms at last reneighboring

Arrays (integer):

  • angleatom123(maxangleper,maxown) = angle atoms for angles of owned atoms

  • anglelist(4,maxangle) = atoms and type of each angle to compute locally

  • angletype(maxangleper,maxown) = angle type for angles of owned atoms

  • bin(maxatom) = linked list pointers from one atom to next in bin

  • binpnt(maxbin) = pointer to 1st atom in each bin

  • bondatom12(maxbondper,maxown) = bond atoms for bonds of owned atoms

  • bondlist(3,maxbond) = atoms and type of each bond to compute locally

  • bondtype(maxbondper,maxown) = bond type for bonds of owned atoms

  • bondtypeflag(maxbondtype) = flag for whether bond coeffs are set

  • diagfileflag(maxdiag) = whether a file has been specified for a diag routine

  • diagfreq(maxdiag) = call a diagnostic routine every this many steps

  • diagnparams(maxdiag) = # of parameters specified for a diagnostic routine

  • diagstyle(maxdiag) = whether a diagnostic has been set 0/1

  • dihedatom1234(maxdihedper,maxown) = dihed atoms for diheds of owned atoms

  • dihedlist(5,maxdihed) = atoms and type of each dihedral to compute locally

  • dihedtype(maxdihedper,maxown) = dihed type for diheds of owned atoms

  • fix(maxown) = constraint assignments for each owned atom

  • fixflag(3,maxfix) = 0/1 flags for various fix styles

  • fixptr(maxfix) = how many values are accumulated for each constraint

  • fixstyle(maxfix) = style of each constraint

  • ibuf1(maxsendone) = comm buffer for sending one set of swap atom tags

  • ibuf2(maxsendone) = comm buffer for sending one set of swap atom types

  • ibuf3(maxspec) = comm buffer for sending special requests

  • ibuf4(maxspec) = comm buffer for receiving special lists

  • improatom1234(maximproper,maxown) = impro atoms for impros of owned atoms

  • improlist(5,maximpro) = atoms and type of each improper to compute locally

  • improtype(maximproper,maxown) = impro type for impros of owned atoms

  • list(maxown) = linked list of local atoms (last one -> maxown+1)

  • localptr(0:maxtotal) = ptr from global atom to local array (0 if don't have)

  • molecule(maxown) = molecule id # each owned atom is in

  • nlist(maxown*maxneigh+maxneigh) = neighbor lists of own atoms

  • nliststart(maxown) = pointer to where neighbor list for this atom starts

  • nliststop(maxown) = pointer to where neighbor list for this atom stops

  • nontypeflag(maxtype,maxtype) = flag for whether nonbond coeffs are set

  • nrlist(maxswap+1) = prt to where received other atoms start for each swap

  • nslist(maxswap+1) = pointer to where swap list starts for each swap

  • numangle(maxown) = # of angles of each owned atom

  • numbond(maxown) = # of 1st neighbors bonded to each owned atom

  • num2bond(maxown) = # of 2nd neighbors for each owned atom

  • num3bond(maxown) = # of 3rd neighbors for each owned atom

  • numdihed(maxown) = # of dihedrals of each owned atom

  • numimpro(maxown) = # of impropers of each owned atom

  • rpart(maxswap) = node # of who to recv from for each swap

  • slist(maxsend) = send list of atoms to send out in all swaps

  • spart(maxswap) = node # of who to send to for each swap

  • specbond(maxsneigh,maxown) = special bond neighbors of each owned atom

  • tag(maxatom) = global id # of own and nearby atoms

  • true(maxown) = which periodic box atom is truly in for all 3 dims

  • type(maxatom) = type # of own and nearby atoms

  • typecheck(maxtype) = consistency check for all existing atom types

  • typechecktmp(maxtype) = summing array for atom type consistency check

  • velflag(maxown) = whether velocity for each atom has been created

Variables (real):

  • binsize[xyz] = size of global neighbor bins in each dimension

  • boltz = Boltzmann factor

  • border(2,3) = lo/hi boundaries of my sub-box in each dimension

  • coulpre = Coulombic force prefactor

  • createregion(6) = bounding box for atoms to create temperature for

  • createvec(3) = initial velocity for create temp atoms

  • cutcoul = input force cutoff for Coulombic interactions

  • cutcoulsq = Coul cutoff squared for all atom pairs

  • cutforce = max force cutoff for all atom pairs (LJ/Coul)

  • cutlj = input global (default) LJ cutoff for all atom pairs

  • cutljinterior = global inner LJ cutoff for switched LJ

  • cutneigh = max neighbor cutoff for all atom pairs (LJ/Coul + skin)

  • dielectric = dielectric constant

  • dt = timestep

  • dtfactor = timestep conversion factor from input to program units

  • dthalf = timestep / 2

  • efactor = energy conversion factor from Coulombic to Kcals

  • e_angle = energy in angles

  • e_bond = energy in bonds

  • e_coul = energy in nonbond Coulombic

  • e_dihedral = energy in dihedrals

  • e_improper = energy in impropers

  • e_total = total energy

  • e_vdwl = energy in nonbond LJ

  • fixregion(6) = bounding box for atoms to assign to a constraint

  • skin = distance between force and neighbor cutoffs

  • special(3) = weight factors for special neighbors

  • triggersq = squared distance to trigger neighbor list rebuild

  • two16 = 2 ^ (1/6) constant for use in FENE bond potentials

  • t_create = requested initialization temp

  • t_current = current temp returned from temp routine

  • t_nph = default temp for constant NPH

  • t_start = target temp at beginning of run

  • t_stop = target temp at end of run

  • t_window = control temp within this window

  • time_angle = angle time

  • time_bond = bond time

  • time_comm = communication time

  • time_current = current time

  • time_dihedral = dihedral time

  • time_exch = exchange time

  • time_improper = improper time

  • time_io = i/o time

  • time_loop = time for integration loop

  • time_neigh1 = neighboring time in nonbond

  • time_neigh2 = neighboring time in bonds

  • time_nonbond = nonbond force time

  • time_other = other miscellaneous time

  • time_total = total run time of entire simulation

  • x[yz]mc = box size minus force cutoff for PBC checks

  • x[yz]ms box size minus neighbor list cutoff for PBC checks

  • x[yz]boundlo = lower global box boundary in each dimension

  • x[yz]boundhi = upper global box boundary in each dimension

  • x[yz]prd = global box size in each dimension

Variables (integer):

  • atompnt = pointer to 1st atom in my list

  • bondstyle = style of bond computation

  • boxflag = flag if box has been remapped (non-PBC)

  • coulstyle = style of Coulomb interaction

  • creategroup = kind of atom group to create temp for

  • createstyle = style of temp creation

  • createtypehi = upper range of atom types to create temp for

  • createtypelo = lower range of atom types to create temp for

  • dumpfileflag = has dump file been opened or not (1/0)

  • dumpflag = dump atoms to file every this many steps (0 = never)

  • dumpforcefileflag = has dump force file been opened or not (1/0)

  • dumpforceflag = dump forces to file every this many steps (0 = never)

  • dumpvelfileflag = has dump velocity file been opened or not (1/0)

  • dumpvelflag = dump vels to file every this many steps (0 = never)

  • fixatom = assign atom/molecule with this tag to a constraint

  • fixgroup = kind of atom group to assign to a constraint

  • fixnum = total # of accumulated values for all constraints

  • fixtype = assign group of atoms of this type to a constraint

  • fixwhich = which constraint a atom group is to be assigned to

  • freepnt = pointer to 1st free space in list (last one -> 0)

  • idimension = dimension of problem (2-d or 3-d)

  • iseed = RNG seed for generating initial velocities

  • itime = current timestep loop counter in integrator

  • iversion = version number of restart files (for backward compat)

  • max_angle = most angles I ever have to compute

  • max_angleper = most angles ever attached to any atom

  • max_bond = most bonds I ever have to compute

  • max_bondper = most bonds ever attached to any atom

  • max_dihed = most diheds I ever have to compute

  • max_dihedper = most diheds ever attached to any atom

  • max_exch = most atoms ever leaving my box (in one dimension)

  • max_impro = most impros I ever have to compute

  • max_improper = most impros ever attached to any atom

  • max_nlocal = most atoms I ever owned

  • max_neigh = most neighbors ever stored in neighbor list

  • max_nother = most nearby atoms I ever stored

  • max_slist = biggest size swap list ever reached

  • max_swap = most atoms ever sent in one swap

  • mbin[xyz] = # of bins in my box with nearby atoms included

  • mbin[xyz]lo = global bin indices (offset) at corner of extended box

  • me(3) = which box I am (0 - pgrid-1) in each dimension

  • mixflag = whether mixing style has been set or not

  • mixstyle = style of mixing for nonbond coeffs (arith,geom,sixth)

  • mpart(2,3)= node # of neighbor processor in each dimension

  • nanglelocal = local # of angless to compute

  • nangles = total # of angles

  • nangletypes = total # of angle types

  • natoms = total # of atoms

  • nbin[xyz] # of global neighbor bins in each dimension

  • nbondlocal = local # of bonds to compute

  • nbonds = total # of bonds

  • nbondtypes = total # of bond types

  • ndanger = # of neighbor rebuilds triggered by 1st check

  • ndiags = # of user-specified diagnostic routines

  • ndihedlocal = local # of dihedrals to compute

  • ndihedrals = total # of diheds

  • ndihedtypes = total # of dihedral types

  • need(3) how many processors I need neighbors from in each dim

  • neighago = how many timesteps ago neighboring was done

  • neighdelay = delay neighbor list build for this many steps

  • neighfreq = build neighbor list every this many steps

  • neighstyle = neighboring by (0) N^2 or (1) binning method

  • neightop = last used position in neighbor list (nlist)

  • neightrigger = always (0) do neighbor list or trigger (1) on atom move

  • newton = flag for kind of Newton's 3rd law used (0,1,2,3)

  • newton_bond = Newton's 3rd is not used (0) or (1) used for bonds

  • newton_nonbond = Newton's 3rd is not used (0) or (1) used for nonbonds

  • nfixes = # of constraints

  • nimprolocal = local # of impropers to compute

  • nimpropers = total # of impros

  • nimprotypes = total # of improper types

  • nlocal = # of atoms I currently own

  • nother = # of nearby atoms I currently store

  • node = my node #

  • nonstyle = style on nonbond computation

  • nprocs = total # of processors

  • nsteps = # of timesteps to simulate

  • nswap = # of swaps at each timestep

  • ntimestep = current global timestep

  • ntypes = total # of atom types

  • numneigh = number of times reneighboring is done

  • offsetflag = whether to include energy offset in LJ energy calc

  • peratom = # of values/atom not including bond info

  • perflagx[yz] = flag for periodic (0) or non-periodic (1) BC

  • pgrid(3) = # of processors in each dimension

  • readflag = whether atom input file has been read or not (1/0)

  • restartfileflag = which restart file to open next (0/1)

  • restartflag = write restart file every this many steps (0=never)

  • t_every = rescale/replace temp every this many steps

  • tempflag = constant temperature style flag

  • thermoflag = print thermo info every this many steps (0 = never)

  • thermostyle = style of thermo output (0 = full, 1 = reduced)

  • trueflag = whether to dump remapped or true atom positions

  • units = flag for real vs reduced LJ units

Variables (character):

  • datafile = file to read atom and connectivity info from

  • diagfile(maxdiag) = files to print user-specified diagnostics to

  • diagname(maxdiag) = name of a user-specified diagnostic routine

  • dumpfile = file to dump atom info to

  • dumpforcefile = file to dump force info to

  • dumpvelfile = file to dump velocity info to

  • restart_in = file to read restart info from

  • restart_out[12] = files to write restart info to


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