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BMC即将截止的特刊征稿十二月辑 | 寻找更匹配您的投稿方向

已有 1943 次阅读 2022-12-30 09:18 |个人分类:期刊精选|系统分类:博客资讯



特刊:Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare

期刊:Bioelectronic Medicine

客座编辑:Theodoros Zanos, Douglas Barnaby, Marc Paradis, Andrew Seely, Shawn Stapleton


Healthcare is experiencing a digital data explosion driven by widespread utilization of electronic medical records, development of innovative monitoring technologies, and increasing adoption of wearable consumer devices. As a result, interest in utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to better understand and leverage these rich datasets to improve healthcare has grown exponentially. This presents a range of unique challenges as well as exciting opportunities specific to healthcare. In this thematic series, we will feature manuscripts that showcase the latest advances in this emerging field within the following broad areas of interest:

  • Dynamic, self-monitoring, and auto-updating clinical risk prediction models.

  • Predictive modeling and the vision of the Learning Health System.

  • Validation frameworks for clinical predictive algorithms.

  • Predictive analytics and models based on continuous streaming data.


特刊:Total Knee Arthroplasty Biomechanics: Innovative Evidence


客座编辑:Pier Francesco Indelli, Bernardo Innocenti


Restoration of the individual’s knee anatomy and ligament tension is the final goal of any total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedure. Recent technology innovations (computer assisted surgery, robotics, virtual reality software, pressure sensors) have been developed to help surgeons to be more precise in reproducing the knee normal kinematics. The human knee has very particular kinematics: the medial and lateral compartments significantly differ in terms of load bearing, tibio-femoral contact points during range of motion and axial rotation; in addition to this, alteration to the patello-femoral joint tracking following TKA has been linked to patient un-satisfaction. The influence of these promising new techniques on the postoperative knee biomechanics has to be fully established. 

The goal of this special issue is to produce current evidence on how these new technologies are helping arthroplasty surgeons to meet their expectations in reproducing a normal knee kinematics after TKA. Optimal knee balance and satisfactory knee alignment following TKA are keys to success: preoperative planning using digital software, intraoperative navigation to balance the soft tissue, robotics to perform accurate the bone cuts and final load checks using pressure sensitive devices are parts of the arthroplasty surgeon armamentarium but the real benefits, from a knee kinematic standpoint, still need to be determined. The guest editors of this special issue are interested in investigating the impact of modern technologies in the post-TKA knee biomechanics. 

We welcome original research articles, review works and commentary related to potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Gait analysis after TKA

• Fluoroscopic evaluation of knee replacement patients

• Dynamic Radiostereometric Analysis (RSA) after TKA

• Finite element analysis of TKA

• Inertial motion capture in arthroplasty

• Wearable sensors in knee joint forces estimation

• Machine learning techniques in TKA kinematics

• Knee kinematics prediction

• 2D/3D registration of knee kinematics


特刊:Cell Intrinsic Mechanisms of Immune Escape

期刊:Cell Communication & Signaling

客座编辑:Ganapathy Sriram & Raymond Birge


Cancer arises in a multi-step process involving acquisition of mutations, activation of oncogenes and the loss of tumor suppressive mechanisms in normal cells. Such intrinsic genetic events lead to cellular transformation and gain of aggressive traits including enhanced proliferation and survival, as well as invasion and metastasis of tumor cells. Recent evidence suggests that tumor cell - intrinsic signaling pathways also lead to suppression of the immune response against tumor cells resulting in failure of cancer cells to be recognized and eliminated. Comprehensive insights into the tumor-intrinsic mechanisms of immune escape will not only expand our understanding of tumor development and progression, but also help formulate new therapeutic strategies in immuno-oncology. Historically, the literature on oncogenes and tumor suppressor mechanisms has primarily focused on signaling pathways leading to tumor cell proliferation, survival, and metastasis. Here, in this special issue of Cell Communication and Signaling, we focus on molecular and mechanistic links between oncogenic signaling and mechanisms of immune escape. Areas include, but are not limited to, (i) how oncogenes can lead to altered expression of antigens and immune checkpoints including CD47, PD-L1, and TIM proteins, (ii) how oncogenic pathways in tumor cells can alter the cytokine/chemokine mileu to promote immune escape (iii) how tumor cell signaling pathways can lead to impaired immune detection and killing and (iv) how oncogenes can alter metabolism to impair host immunity. Through this review series, we hope to highlight the links between tumor cell intrinsic mechanisms including genetic and epigenetic factors and signaling pathways and the immune response to cancer. Furthermore, we also hope to shed light on future avenues of research in this domain that could impact the development of new therapeutic modalities. We welcome the submission of original research and review manuscripts to this series.


特刊:Microbiome interventions for health

期刊:npj Biofilms and Microbiomes

客座编辑:Jotham Suez, Omry Koren


npj Biofilms and Microbiomes will publish a special Collection dedicated to cutting-edge research on microbiome interventions that aim to maintain health and treat or prevent diseases. 

Manuscripts submitted for consideration for the collection will be handled by our Guest Editor Jotham Suez (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; @SuezLab) and our Associate Editor Omry Koren (Bar-Ilan University; @KorenLab).

We are looking for manuscripts discussing, but not limited to, the following topics:

• Faecal microbiota transplantation

• Postbiotics and metabolite-based therapies

• Nutrition-based therapies

• Targeted microbiome editing (supplementation or restriction)

• Interplay between lifestyle, diet and microbiome

• Microbiome based prediction and diagnosis


特刊:Stress, Trauma and Resilience

期刊:Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health


Childhood stress and trauma remains a global problem. The last two years are a clear impetus to continue the study of how early stress and trauma impact development, and to explore innovative strategies for fostering resilience. This has always been true – yet, COVID has made it more apparent, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has only increased the urgency of work in this area. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health is inviting submissions for a special issue on stress, trauma and resilience. We would welcome manuscripts that explore these related constructs using diverse methods – including empirical quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as systematic approaches to reviews. We further welcome diversity in scope and focus, and would consider reports of basic science research, clinical research, and population level research. The goal of the special issue is to further the science of stress, trauma and resilience from a global perspective, and we are especially interested in diversity of population and country of origin in both research focus and authorship. Manuscripts that focus on the related topics of wellness and burnout are not suitable for this issue, and we would discourage submissions that provide only correlational accounts between measures of stress, trauma, resilience and specific mental health or psychosocial outcomes. On the other hand, work describing preventative strategies would be of particular interest. Interested authors are welcome to reach out to the editors-in-chief to propose a manuscript and receive some initial input on suitability for this special issue.


特刊:Psychosocial aspects of musculoskeletal disorders

期刊:BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

客座编辑:Dr Markus Rupp, Dr Anita Amorim, Prof Bart Staal, Dr Derek Clewley, Dr Imran Khan Niazi


Healthcare’s reliance on biomedical and pharmaceutical interventions does not prevent suffering from musculoskeletal ailments. Increasingly, evidence-based medicine shows that a biopsychosocial approach is favored instead of opioids prescriptions and imaging referrals. Patient education, exercise, and cognitive behavioral treatments benefit those seeking care, yet how do healthcare professionals implement such interventions (when their training was based on biomedicine)?

There is a big gap between the translation of evidence in clinical evidence  - a biopsychosocial framework should integrate the biomed and psychosocial to explain and treat phenomena like cross-talk in chronic MSK pain. There is real hope that utilizing a psychosocial framework will benefit patients, so, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders enthusiastically announces this Call for Papers with anticipation.

We welcome Research Articles, front-end matter, and Study Protocols on all investigations into this field, such as bio-psychosocial risk and prognostic factors, patient education, communication, biopsychosocial pain management and/or research into contextual (placebo and nocebo) factors. Studies aiming to increase clinical tool reliability and validity in low-income/ socioeconomic settings are encouraged to submit, as well as mind-body approaches such as meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis, imagery, neurofeedback, yoga or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).



期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:Claudia Folli, Nicholas Pullen & Peter Valentin Tomazic


The last decade has seen a rise in allergic diseases, including asthma, allergic rhinitis, and food allergies in industrialised countries. Factors, such as climate change, pollution and changes in lifestyle and dietary habits are thought to contribute to this notable rise in allergic cases. Allergic diseases represent a collection of disorders that are triggered by a heightened immunological reaction to an innocuous stimulus. The allergic response is broadly characterised by a type 2 immune response involving T helper 2 cells, type 2 innate lymphoid cells, mast cells, eosinophils and M2 macrophages. Allergies are complex disorders and the variability in clinical presentation for the same allergy type, across individuals, which is thought to be driven by complex gene-environmental interactions, remains a challenge in the management of allergies. The phenotypic heterogeneity of allergic diseases makes them particularly suited for precision medicine, and several biomarkers have recently been reported for certain allergies—asthma, allergic rhinitis and food allergies.

This Collection will bring together articles that elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning the allergic response, as well as research that presents new tools and biomarkers to diagnose and manage allergic diseases, and novel targeted treatments.


特刊:Cardio-renal axis

期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:Ilse Daehn, Eisei Noiri & Helmy M. Siragy


Patients with chronic kidney disease are well known to be at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. Risk factors, such as diabetes and hypertension, are associated with both conditions and a spectrum of disorders in which dysfunction in one of these organs leads to dysfunction in the other is termed cardio-renal syndrome. Considering the increasing prevalence of these conditions and the complex nature of their treatment and management, further research exploring the relationship between these organs is crucial.

This Collection will present manuscripts that increase our understanding of the feedback between the heart and the kidney and that explore treatment and management strategies for associated pathologies.




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