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Changes in Cognitive, Semantic, and Conceptual Spaces(初学者版)

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State Changes in an Infant's Cognitive, Semantic, and Conceptual Spaces Using DIKWP Semantic Mathematics

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


This document provides an exhaustive simulation of an infant's cognitive development during language acquisition, emphasizing the state changes in the cognitive space, semantic space, and conceptual space within the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) Semantic Mathematics framework proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan. By detailing each incremental change in the infant's mind as they interact with their environment and parents, we illustrate how cognitive structures evolve. This step-by-step account offers a comprehensive understanding of how semantics and concepts co-construct, leading to the emergence of language and cognition.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    • 1.1 Overview

    • 1.2 Objectives

  2. Foundational Concepts

    • 2.1.1 Cognitive Space

    • 2.1.2 Semantic Space

    • 2.1.3 Conceptual Space

    • 2.1 Cognitive Spaces in DIKWP Semantic Mathematics

    • 2.2 Mathematical Representation of Spaces

  3. Simulated Scenario

    • 3.1 Setting and Characters

    • 3.2 Overview of Developmental Timeline

  4. Detailed State Changes in Cognitive Development

    • 4.5.1 Cognitive State Complexity

    • 4.5.2 State Changes per Interaction

    • 4.4.1 Cognitive State Refinement

    • 4.4.2 State Changes per Interaction

    • 4.3.1 Cognitive State Expansion

    • 4.3.2 State Changes per Interaction

    • 4.2.1 Cognitive State Evolution

    • 4.2.2 State Changes per Interaction

    • 4.1.1 Initial Cognitive State

    • 4.1.2 State Changes per Interaction

    • 4.1 Stage 1: Newborn (0-3 Months)

    • 4.2 Stage 2: Early Interaction (4-6 Months)

    • 4.3 Stage 3: Babbling and Imitation (7-9 Months)

    • 4.4 Stage 4: First Words (10-12 Months)

    • 4.5 Stage 5: Vocabulary Expansion (13-18 Months)

  5. Mathematical Modeling of State Changes

    • 5.1 Semantic Space Transformations

    • 5.2 Conceptual Space Transformations

    • 5.3 Cognitive Space Integration

  6. Visualization of State Changes

    • 6.1 Diagrams of Cognitive Spaces

    • 6.2 Graphical Representation of Transformations

  7. Discussion

    • 7.1 Insights from Detailed State Changes

    • 7.2 Implications for AI and Cognitive Science

    • 7.3 Limitations and Future Directions

  8. Conclusion

  9. References

1. Introduction1.1 Overview

Cognitive development in infants, particularly in language acquisition, involves continuous and intricate changes in the mind's structure. This document simulates these changes by focusing on the state transitions within the infant's cognitive space, semantic space, and conceptual space, as modeled by the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework.

1.2 Objectives

  • Detail every state change in the infant's cognitive, semantic, and conceptual spaces during interactions.

  • Provide mathematical representations of these changes.

  • Illustrate the evolution of cognitive structures in a realistic scenario.

  • Enhance understanding of cognitive development for applications in AI and cognitive science.

2. Foundational Concepts2.1 Cognitive Spaces in DIKWP Semantic Mathematics2.1.1 Cognitive Space (C\mathcal{C}C)

  • Definition: The overall mental space encompassing all cognitive processes, including perception, memory, attention, and reasoning.

  • Components: Includes both the semantic and conceptual spaces and their interactions.

2.1.2 Semantic Space (SSS)

  • Definition: A multidimensional space representing the meanings associated with sensory inputs and experiences.

  • State Changes: Occur when new semantic units are formed or existing ones are modified.

2.1.3 Conceptual Space (CCC)

  • Definition: A structured space where concepts are formed by organizing semantic units.

  • State Changes: Happen when new concepts are created, or existing concepts are updated or reorganized.

2.2 Mathematical Representation of Spaces

  • Semantic Units (sis_isi): Represented as vectors in SSS.

  • Concepts (ckc_kck): Formed by functions mapping sets of semantic units in SSS to vectors in CCC.

  • State (σ\sigmaσ): At any time ttt, the state of each space can be denoted as σS(t)\sigma_S^{(t)}σS(t) and σC(t)\sigma_C^{(t)}σC(t).

3. Simulated Scenario3.1 Setting and Characters

  • Infant: Emma, female, from birth to 18 months.

  • Parents: Mother (Alice) and Father (Bob).

  • Environment: A typical household with various stimuli (sounds, objects, interactions).

3.2 Overview of Developmental Timeline

  • Stage 1 (0-3 Months): Initial sensory experiences; formation of basic semantic units.

  • Stage 2 (4-6 Months): Recognition of caregivers; expansion of semantic units; initial concept formation.

  • Stage 3 (7-9 Months): Babbling; imitation; refinement of semantic and conceptual spaces.

  • Stage 4 (10-12 Months): First words; significant changes in concepts and language understanding.

  • Stage 5 (13-18 Months): Vocabulary growth; complex concept development.

4. Detailed State Changes in Cognitive Development4.1 Stage 1: Newborn (0-3 Months)4.1.1 Initial Cognitive State

  • Time t0t_0t0:

    • Cognitive Space (C(t0)\mathcal{C}^{(t_0)}C(t0)): Minimal structure; high potential for development.

    • Semantic Space (σS(t0)\sigma_S^{(t_0)}σS(t0)): Empty or near-empty; no semantic units.

    • Conceptual Space (σC(t0)\sigma_C^{(t_0)}σC(t0)): Unstructured; no concepts formed.

4.1.2 State Changes per Interaction

Interaction 1: First Feeding

  • Sensory Input: Taste of milk (dmilkd_{\text{milk}}dmilk), warmth of mother (dwarmthd_{\text{warmth}}dwarmth), sound of heartbeat (dheartbeatd_{\text{heartbeat}}dheartbeat).

  • State Change in Semantic Space (ΔσS(t1)\Delta \sigma_S^{(t_1)}ΔσS(t1)):

    • s1s_1s1: Pleasant taste.

    • s2s_2s2: Feeling of fullness.

    • s3s_3s3: Warmth.

    • Formation of semantic units:

  • Mathematical Representation:

    • σS(t1)=σS(t0)∪{s1,s2,s3}\sigma_S^{(t_1)} = \sigma_S^{(t_0)} \cup \{ s_1, s_2, s_3 \}σS(t1)=σS(t0){s1,s2,s3}.

Interaction 2: Mother's Voice

  • Sensory Input: Auditory stimulus (dvoiced_{\text{voice}}dvoice).

  • State Change in Semantic Space (ΔσS(t2)\Delta \sigma_S^{(t_2)}ΔσS(t2)):

    • s4s_4s4: Soothing sound.

    • Formation of semantic unit:

  • Update:

    • σS(t2)=σS(t1)∪{s4}\sigma_S^{(t_2)} = \sigma_S^{(t_1)} \cup \{ s_4 \}σS(t2)=σS(t1){s4}.

Interaction 3: Father's Touch

  • Sensory Input: Different tactile sensation (dfather_touchd_{\text{father\_touch}}dfather_touch).

  • State Change in Semantic Space (ΔσS(t3)\Delta \sigma_S^{(t_3)}ΔσS(t3)):

    • s5s_5s5: New touch sensation.

    • Formation of semantic unit:

  • Update:

    • σS(t3)=σS(t2)∪{s5}\sigma_S^{(t_3)} = \sigma_S^{(t_2)} \cup \{ s_5 \}σS(t3)=σS(t2){s5}.

Conceptual Space Changes:

  • At this stage, no significant concepts are formed. The conceptual space remains unstructured (σC(t3)=σC(t0)\sigma_C^{(t_3)} = \sigma_C^{(t_0)}σC(t3)=σC(t0)).

Cognitive Space Integration:

  • The cognitive space now includes the new semantic units but lacks conceptual structures.

4.2 Stage 2: Early Interaction (4-6 Months)4.2.1 Cognitive State Evolution

  • Accumulated Semantic Units:

    • s6s_6s6: Visual of mother's face.

    • s7s_7s7: Visual of father's face.

    • s8s_8s8: Sound of laughter.

  • State of Semantic Space (σS(t4)\sigma_S^{(t_4)}σS(t4)):

    • σS(t4)=σS(t3)∪{s6,s7,s8}\sigma_S^{(t_4)} = \sigma_S^{(t_3)} \cup \{ s_6, s_7, s_8 \}σS(t4)=σS(t3){s6,s7,s8}.

4.2.2 State Changes per Interaction

Interaction 4: Recognizing Mother's Face

  • Sensory Input: Repeated exposure to mother's face (dmother_faced_{\text{mother\_face}}dmother_face).

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • Strengthening of s6s_6s6.

  • Mathematical Update:

    • s6(t5)=s6(t4)+Δss_6^{(t_5)} = s_6^{(t_4)} + \Delta ss6(t5)=s6(t4)+Δs, where Δs\Delta sΔs represents reinforcement.

Formation of First Concept:

  • Concept Formation:

    • c1=fC({s3,s4,s6})c_1 = f_C(\{ s_3, s_4, s_6 \})c1=fC({s3,s4,s6}).

    • c1c_1c1: Concept of "Mother."

    • Function:

  • State Change in Conceptual Space (ΔσC(t5)\Delta \sigma_C^{(t_5)}ΔσC(t5)):

    • σC(t5)=σC(t4)∪{c1}\sigma_C^{(t_5)} = \sigma_C^{(t_4)} \cup \{ c_1 \}σC(t5)=σC(t4){c1}.

Interaction 5: Recognizing Father's Face

  • Sensory Input: Father's face (dfather_faced_{\text{father\_face}}dfather_face) and voice (dfather_voiced_{\text{father\_voice}}dfather_voice).

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • Addition of s9s_9s9: Father's voice.

  • Concept Formation:

    • c2=fC({s5,s7,s9})c_2 = f_C(\{ s_5, s_7, s_9 \})c2=fC({s5,s7,s9}) representing "Father."

  • Update:

    • σS(t6)=σS(t5)∪{s9}\sigma_S^{(t_6)} = \sigma_S^{(t_5)} \cup \{ s_9 \}σS(t6)=σS(t5){s9}.

    • σC(t6)=σC(t5)∪{c2}\sigma_C^{(t_6)} = \sigma_C^{(t_5)} \cup \{ c_2 \}σC(t6)=σC(t5){c2}.

Cognitive Space Integration:

  • The cognitive space now includes basic concepts of "Mother" and "Father," with strengthened semantic associations.

4.3 Stage 3: Babbling and Imitation (7-9 Months)4.3.1 Cognitive State Expansion

  • New Semantic Units:

    • s10s_{10}s10: Sound "ma-ma."

    • s11s_{11}s11: Sound "da-da."

  • State of Semantic Space (σS(t7)\sigma_S^{(t_7)}σS(t7)):

    • σS(t7)=σS(t6)∪{s10,s11}\sigma_S^{(t_7)} = \sigma_S^{(t_6)} \cup \{ s_{10}, s_{11} \}σS(t7)=σS(t6){s10,s11}.

4.3.2 State Changes per Interaction

Interaction 6: Babbling "Ma-Ma"

  • Action: Emma vocalizes "ma-ma."

  • Feedback: Mother responds positively.

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • Strengthening of s10s_{10}s10.

  • Conceptual Space Update:

    • c1(t8)=c1(t7)+γ(s10−c1(t7))c_1^{(t_8)} = c_1^{(t_7)} + \gamma (s_{10} - c_1^{(t_7)})c1(t8)=c1(t7)+γ(s10c1(t7)), where γ\gammaγ is the learning rate.

    • Association of s10s_{10}s10 with concept c1c_1c1 ("Mother").

    • Update function:

Interaction 7: Babbling "Da-Da"

  • Action: Emma vocalizes "da-da."

  • Feedback: Father responds positively.

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • Strengthening of s11s_{11}s11.

  • Conceptual Space Update:

    • c2(t9)=c2(t8)+γ(s11−c2(t8))c_2^{(t_9)} = c_2^{(t_8)} + \gamma (s_{11} - c_2^{(t_8)})c2(t9)=c2(t8)+γ(s11c2(t8)).

    • Association of s11s_{11}s11 with c2c_2c2 ("Father").

    • Update:

Cognitive Space Integration:

  • Concepts of "Mother" and "Father" now include vocalizations, strengthening the bidirectional link between semantics and concepts.

4.4 Stage 4: First Words (10-12 Months)4.4.1 Cognitive State Refinement

  • New Semantic Units:

    • s12s_{12}s12: Word "Milk."

    • s13s_{13}s13: Gesture of reaching out.

  • State of Semantic Space (σS(t10)\sigma_S^{(t_{10})}σS(t10)):

    • σS(t10)=σS(t9)∪{s12,s13}\sigma_S^{(t_{10})} = \sigma_S^{(t_9)} \cup \{ s_{12}, s_{13} \}σS(t10)=σS(t9){s12,s13}.

4.4.2 State Changes per Interaction

Interaction 8: Requesting Milk

  • Action: Emma says "Milk" while reaching out.

  • Feedback: Parents give her milk.

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • Reinforcement of s12s_{12}s12 and s13s_{13}s13.

  • Concept Formation:

    • c3=fC({s1,s12,s13})c_3 = f_C(\{ s_{1}, s_{12}, s_{13} \})c3=fC({s1,s12,s13}) representing the concept of "Milk."

  • Conceptual Space Update:

    • σC(t11)=σC(t10)∪{c3}\sigma_C^{(t_{11})} = \sigma_C^{(t_{10})} \cup \{ c_3 \}σC(t11)=σC(t10){c3}.

Interaction 9: Understanding "No"

  • Sensory Input: Parents say "No" when Emma reaches for a forbidden object.

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • s14s_{14}s14: Word "No."

    • s15s_{15}s15: Negative facial expression.

  • Concept Formation:

    • c4=fC({s14,s15})c_4 = f_C(\{ s_{14}, s_{15} \})c4=fC({s14,s15}) representing "Prohibition."

  • Update:

    • σS(t12)=σS(t11)∪{s14,s15}\sigma_S^{(t_{12})} = \sigma_S^{(t_{11})} \cup \{ s_{14}, s_{15} \}σS(t12)=σS(t11){s14,s15}.

    • σC(t12)=σC(t11)∪{c4}\sigma_C^{(t_{12})} = \sigma_C^{(t_{11})} \cup \{ c_4 \}σC(t12)=σC(t11){c4}.

Cognitive Space Integration:

  • Emma's cognitive space now includes concepts associated with words and their meanings, enabling purposeful communication.

4.5 Stage 5: Vocabulary Expansion (13-18 Months)4.5.1 Cognitive State Complexity

  • New Semantic Units and Concepts:

    • Words like "Ball" (s16s_{16}s16), "Dog" (s17s_{17}s17), "Eat" (s18s_{18}s18).

  • State of Semantic Space (σS(t13)\sigma_S^{(t_{13})}σS(t13)):

    • σS(t13)=σS(t12)∪{s16,s17,s18}\sigma_S^{(t_{13})} = \sigma_S^{(t_{12})} \cup \{ s_{16}, s_{17}, s_{18} \}σS(t13)=σS(t12){s16,s17,s18}.

4.5.2 State Changes per Interaction

Interaction 10: Playing with a Ball

  • Action: Emma says "Ball" when she wants to play.

  • Feedback: Parents play with her.

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • Reinforcement of s16s_{16}s16.

  • Concept Formation:

    • c5=fC({s16,s19})c_5 = f_C(\{ s_{16}, s_{19} \})c5=fC({s16,s19}), where s19s_{19}s19 is the tactile sensation of the ball.

  • Conceptual Space Update:

    • σC(t14)=σC(t13)∪{c5}\sigma_C^{(t_{14})} = \sigma_C^{(t_{13})} \cup \{ c_5 \}σC(t14)=σC(t13){c5}.

Interaction 11: Seeing a Dog

  • Action: Emma says "Dog" upon seeing a neighbor's dog.

  • State Change in Semantic Space:

    • Addition and reinforcement of s17s_{17}s17.

  • Concept Formation:

    • c6=fC({s17,s20})c_6 = f_C(\{ s_{17}, s_{20} \})c6=fC({s17,s20}), where s20s_{20}s20 is the sound of barking.

  • Update:

    • σS(t15)=σS(t14)∪{s20}\sigma_S^{(t_{15})} = \sigma_S^{(t_{14})} \cup \{ s_{20} \}σS(t15)=σS(t14){s20}.

    • σC(t15)=σC(t14)∪{c6}\sigma_C^{(t_{15})} = \sigma_C^{(t_{14})} \cup \{ c_6 \}σC(t15)=σC(t14){c6}.

Cognitive Space Integration:

  • The cognitive space now includes a network of interconnected concepts and semantic units, reflecting a more complex understanding of the world.

5. Mathematical Modeling of State Changes5.1 Semantic Space Transformations

  • Addition of Semantic Units:

    • σS(t+1)=σS(t)∪{snew}\sigma_S^{(t+1)} = \sigma_S^{(t)} \cup \{ s_{\text{new}} \}σS(t+1)=σS(t){snew}.

  • Strengthening of Units:

    • si(t+1)=si(t)+Δss_i^{(t+1)} = s_i^{(t)} + \Delta ssi(t+1)=si(t)+Δs, where Δs\Delta sΔs is proportional to the reinforcement received.

5.2 Conceptual Space Transformations

  • Formation of New Concepts:

    • ck=fC({si1,si2,...,sin})c_k = f_C(\{ s_{i_1}, s_{i_2}, ..., s_{i_n} \})ck=fC({si1,si2,...,sin}).

  • Updating Existing Concepts:

    • ck(t+1)=ck(t)+γ∑(si−ck(t))c_k^{(t+1)} = c_k^{(t)} + \gamma \sum (s_i - c_k^{(t)})ck(t+1)=ck(t)+γ(sick(t)).

  • Conceptual Relations:

    • cdog↔cbarkc_{\text{dog}} \leftrightarrow c_{\text{bark}}cdogcbark.

    • canimal→cdogc_{\text{animal}} \rightarrow c_{\text{dog}}canimalcdog.

    • Hierarchical links:

    • Associative links:

5.3 Cognitive Space Integration

  • Integration Function:

    • C(t+1)=C(t)+ΔσS(t+1)+ΔσC(t+1)\mathcal{C}^{(t+1)} = \mathcal{C}^{(t)} + \Delta \sigma_S^{(t+1)} + \Delta \sigma_C^{(t+1)}C(t+1)=C(t)+ΔσS(t+1)+ΔσC(t+1).

  • State Changes:

    • Reflect the cumulative changes in both semantic and conceptual spaces.

6. Visualization of State Changes6.1 Diagrams of Cognitive Spaces

  • Semantic Space Maps:

    • Nodes represent semantic units.

    • Edges represent relationships and co-occurrences.

    • Thickness of edges indicates the strength of associations.

  • Conceptual Space Maps:

    • Concepts depicted as clusters of semantic units.

    • Hierarchical structures show parent-child relationships between concepts.

6.2 Graphical Representation of Transformations

  • Time-Lapse Graphs:

    • Show the evolution of the spaces over time.

    • Highlight the addition of new units and concepts.

  • State Transition Diagrams:

    • Depict the transitions from one state to another.

    • Include annotations of interactions that caused changes.

7. Discussion7.1 Insights from Detailed State Changes

  • Incremental Learning:

    • Cognitive development is a gradual process with each interaction contributing to state changes.

  • Importance of Reinforcement:

    • Positive feedback strengthens semantic units and concepts.

  • Bidirectional Influence:

    • Concepts influence perception (top-down), and new experiences modify concepts (bottom-up).

7.2 Implications for AI and Cognitive Science

  • Modeling Learning Processes:

    • AI systems can emulate this incremental and interactive learning.

  • Adaptive Systems:

    • Incorporating feedback mechanisms to adjust internal states.

  • Semantic and Conceptual Networks:

    • Useful for natural language processing and understanding.

7.3 Limitations and Future Directions

  • Complexity:

    • Real cognitive development involves more variables (emotions, social context).

  • Scalability:

    • Modeling large-scale cognitive spaces requires efficient algorithms.

  • Integration of Other Modalities:

    • Including emotional and social cognitive spaces for a more comprehensive model.

8. Conclusion

By focusing on the detailed state changes in the infant's cognitive, semantic, and conceptual spaces, we gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying cognitive development and language acquisition. The DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework provides a robust mathematical foundation for modeling these processes. This detailed simulation not only advances our knowledge of human cognition but also has significant implications for developing AI systems that can learn and adapt in human-like ways.

9. References

  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".

  3. Piaget, J. (1952). The Origins of Intelligence in Children. International Universities Press.

  4. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Harvard University Press.

  5. Gärdenfors, P. (2000). Conceptual Spaces: The Geometry of Thought. MIT Press.

  6. Fodor, J. A. (1983). The Modularity of Mind. MIT Press.

  7. Smith, L. B., & Thelen, E. (2003). Dynamic Systems Theories. In R. M. Lerner (Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology.

  8. Rumelhart, D. E., & McClelland, J. L. (1986). Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition. MIT Press.

  9. Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2021). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th ed.). Pearson.

Keywords: DIKWP Semantic Mathematics, Cognitive State Changes, Semantic Space, Conceptual Space, Infant Cognitive Development, Language Acquisition, Prof. Yucong Duan, Cognitive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Integration, Concept Formation, Cognitive Space Integration.


上一篇:Language Learning: Semantic and Cognitive Interactions(初学者版)
下一篇:Music in Cognitive, Semantic, and Conceptual Spaces(初学者版)
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